Manchurian walnut is the closest relative of walnut. This plant blooms in May-June and bears fruit in September. It is especially appreciated for its unsurpassed antifungal, anticancer, wound healing, analgesic and anthelmintic qualities. In addition, its leaves clean the air very well. The greatest amount of nutrients is found in unripe fruits, as well as in the pericarp of the Manchurian walnut. Its kernels are a source of valuable nut butter. From the fruits of this plant, even jam is cooked, which is known for its excellent taste.
It grows in the Amur Region and in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, as well as on the Korean Peninsula and in the north-eastern part of China. Wood is resistant to frost and loves light.
The chemical composition of the plant includes tannins, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and essential oil.
Manchurian walnut. Disease treatment
Various decoctions of the bark and shell, as well as leaf extracts of this plant are widely used in folk medicine to get rid of such ailments as inflammation of the oral cavity and indigestion. Taking baths with the bark of young shoots, you can forget about rheumatism and skin diseases (eating nut oil will also help to cope with such a problem). Bast is used to relieve pain and heal wounds.
When depleted, they use the nuclei of the plant. Manchurian walnut is not inferior in its taste to walnut. Its only drawback is the shell is too thick, it is more than eighty percent of the total weight. The kernels are consumed raw and are also used to make halva. One tree brings about forty kilograms of fruit per crop year.
Manchurian nut has been found to be a potent natural antibiotic. He successfully fights inflammatory processes without harming the intestinal microflora. That is why it is used in the treatment of various kinds of diseases in children.
Manchurian walnut. Tincture
The fruits of this plant, infused with vodka, have the following properties: antispasmodic, vasodilator, analgesic, anthelmintic, antimicrobial, sedative, diuretic, enveloping, hemostatic and tonic. In addition, this tool eliminates parasitic diseases of the skin , warts, improves the motor function of the stomach, reduces blood sugar, and also cures diseases of the thyroid gland.
To enhance the effect, this product is used in combination with ointment from flax grass. Such a tool perfectly resolves the nodes. Manchurian walnut is also successfully used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, nervous disorders, inflammatory processes and cancer.
An excellent wound healing agent is tincture prepared in the following way: pour one tablespoon of pre-chopped leaves with a glass of freshly boiled water, insist for at least half an hour. The resulting mass must be filtered and taken in a spoon (tablespoon) three times a day.
You can also prepare an oil infusion. To do this, pour 50-60 grams of fresh leaves with 300 grams of olive or sunflower oil and insist for several weeks. With this tool, you can lubricate the affected areas of the disease or apply a compress soaked in such a product.
Tincture of Manchurian walnut effectively fights against anemia, hyper- and hypotension, thrombophlebitis, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, rickets, scabies, furunculosis, psoriasis, infertility, liver diseases, eczema, acne and many other ailments.