"Isoptin SR": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

The drug "Isoptin SR" is available in tablet form. The active ingredient in the drug is verapamil. The agent belongs to the class of inhibiting calcium channels. Appointed only after appropriate examination. The drug is dispensed by prescription. Unauthorized use can cause unwanted effects. Consider the main features of the impact of a pharmaceutical product on the human body.

Technical information

The drug "Isoptin SR" is a tablet of long-term effect on the human body. Each copy is covered with a special film painted in a light greenish tint. This coating allows you to ensure the stability of the drug during the passage of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Tablets are made in oblong form. On both sides of the risk, allowing to divide the tool across. One of the surfaces has an engraving, which simplifies the identification of the medicine if it falls out of the package.

One tablet of Isoptin SR contains 240 mg of the active ingredient in the form of hydrochloride. In addition to verapamil, the drug contains additional compounds. The manufacturer used cellulose, povidone, sodium and magnesium molecules, and specially treated distilled water. The film on which the capsule is coated is made using melose, macrogol, aluminum varnish, wax, coloring components, titanium compounds.


"Isoptin SR" belongs to the category of medicines that inhibit the conductivity of calcium channels. The substance has a selective effect of influence on the body - the effect is only on the first class of channels. The active ingredient belongs to the category made in the process of transformation of diphenylalkylamine. Verapamil has an antianginal effect. This compound fights arrhythmias and helps stabilize hypertension.

About the impact: all in order

The antianginal effect on the human body is explained by the ability to directly affect the heart muscle. Verapamil contained in Isoptin SR has a positive effect on peripheral blood flow, lowers arterial tone and overall peripheral vascular resistance. Inhibiting the penetration of calcium ions into cellular structures, thereby the drug reduces the activity of the conversion of ATP energy into mechanical work. The ability of the heart muscle to contract somewhat decreases, while the tissues do not consume oxygen as actively, they need slightly fewer molecules of this compound. As observations have shown, the drug composition has a vasodilating effect and negatively affects ionotropically, chronotropically. The frequency of relaxation of the diastole of the ventricle of the heart on the left side increases, the wall tone of the heart muscle decreases.

As indicated in the instructions for Isoptin SR, a decrease in OPSS probably explains to some extent the ability of the drug to fight hypertension. The active ingredient of the drug reduces muscle conductivity and increases the duration of the refractory period. Sinus nodal automatism is inhibited. An antiarrhythmic effect is recorded if a supraventricular form of pathology is detected.

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"Isoptin SR 240 mg", as specified in the instructions, ensures the intake of verapamil. With the oral use of this compound, about 90% is absorbed during the passage of the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption efficiency may be higher. The level of entry into strong bonds with whey proteins is estimated at 90%. The substance is transformed during the primary hepatic passage. The main reaction product is norverapamil. This compound also has a hypotensive effect, although less pronounced than the original substance.

When used once, the half-life of the drug is estimated at 2.8-7.4 hours. In case of repeated administration it can reach 12 hours. This change is due to saturation of the enzymatic liver systems and an increase in the content of the active ingredient in the serum of the circulatory system.

Elimination is carried out by the kidneys. Up to 16% is excreted through the intestinal tract.

When will it help?

Instructions for use "Isoptin SR 240" is recommended in case of ischemic heart disease. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of pathology and, if necessary, drug prevention of the problem. The drug is prescribed if angina pectoris in the form of a chronic is stable, unstable, if it is installed in a vasospastic format. It is allowed to use a pharmaceutical product for Prinzmetal angina.

The drug is indicated for the correction and prevention of heart rhythm disturbance. It is effective in tachycardia with paroxysms of the supraventricular type, with atrial flutter, flicker, if such disorders have formed as a chronicle. Allowed the use of funds for extrasystole supraventricular type.

The description of Isoptin CP 240 mg refers to the effectiveness of the drug in hypertensive crisis. The drug is prescribed for high blood pressure and in the case of cardiomyopathy, accompanied by hypertrophy of organ tissues.

isoptin cp instructions for use

About doses

The classic dosage of the drug is 240 mg. Isoptin SR retard 240 tablets are prescribed based on the characteristics of the case, so the doctor chooses the optimal dose, taking into account the patient’s condition, additional diseases and contraindications. Long-term observations in the clinical setting have shown that on average a patient needs 240-360 mg of the drug per day. long-term drug program can not be consumed per day more than 480 mg.If necessary, this threshold can be exceeded for a short time.

Tablets are used internally without absorbing. Do not chew the medicine. Each instance is washed down with clean water without additives. One tablet requires one glass of liquid. It is strictly forbidden to use grapefruit juice. It is advisable to use the drug after a meal or during meals. Allowed to share the pill. If necessary, use a half dose. Tests have shown the lack of correction of pharmacokinetic properties with this use of the drug.

Diagnoses and treatment

Most often, a dosage of 240 mg is prescribed. Isoptin CP 240 tablets can improve the patient’s condition with cardiac ischemia. With this diagnosis, it is recommended that the patient be prescribed 240 mg to twice as much daily. The daily norm is divided into two portions. One piece or half of the tablet is taken in the morning, after 12 hours, the dose is repeated. "Isoptin SR" is indicated if a low dosage of verapamil does not show a reliable correction of the patient's condition.

With increased pressure in the arteries, the medication is prescribed for a day with a volume of 240-480 mg. The daily rate is divided into two servings. If the result is not sufficiently pronounced, the volumes increase. An additional dose is taken simultaneously with the standard evening dose.

For tachycardia, atrial flutter, or flickering, the recommended dosage is Isoptin CP 240, 240-480 mg. This volume is also divided into two portions. In the morning, use a half or a whole tablet. The pharmaceutical product is recommended if other drugs to combat tachycardia do not give the desired result, and low doses of verapamil are ineffective.

isoptin sr analogues

Pathologies and limitations

Instructions for use "Isoptin SR" stipulates the need for the most careful use of the drug in case of kidney failure and impaired functionality of this organ. A drug course is permissible only if the doctor has the ability to regularly monitor the patient's condition.

In case of hepatic impairment, it is necessary to first assess the severity level of the failures. It determines how much verapamil activity will be. Hepatic disorders lead to a more prolonged effect of the drug on the human body, as the transformation of the main ingredient slows down. If malfunctions of hepatic functionality are detected, a therapeutic course should be started with a minimum dosage, regularly checking the body's performance. Experts recommend first giving the patient twice or thrice daily 40 mg of the drug, then gradually increase the portion if tolerance is good.

Application rules

The instruction, which contains all the characteristics of the Isoptin SR 240 model, prohibits the use of the drug in a supine position. You cannot prescribe this pharmaceutical product to people who have suffered a heart attack less than seven days ago.

In the case of prolonged treatment, they refuse the medication, gradually reducing the volumes taken by the patient. The duration of the therapeutic program is determined by the attending doctor. The doctor must assess the condition of the patient, analyze the development of the case.

There is currently no official information on the use of the drug by minors.

isoptin cf

Is it worth using?

Doctors' reviews about Isoptin SR 240 are mostly positive. This drug is produced using an active substance that has been used in medical practice for a long time. It has proven to be a reliable and pronounced effect. The drug can provoke side effects, but the reception is always associated with reliable stabilization of the patient's condition. , the significance of which is higher.The medication helps in quite severe cases, it is used for serious heart diseases, helping to save the lives of patients.

Reviews of doctors and patients about Isoptin CP 240 allow us to conclude: the drug is prescribed relatively often, used by many, therefore there is great clinical experience. The drug is really reliable. The people who used it under the supervision of a doctor, who complied with all the restrictions mentioned in the accompanying documentation by the manufacturer, remained the pressure stabilizes, the heart begins to work adequately, the person does not suffer from tachycardia or arrhythmia, but people who have prescribed this medicine for themselves are often one hundred Kiva with the side effects of varying severity Their impressions of the most negative self-important to remember:.. The manufacturer prohibits vehicle without doctor supervision because of its marked effect on the vital systems of the body.

The nuances of therapy

“Isoptin SR” contains verapamil, which provides a pronounced effect on the human body. Sometimes it is prescribed to people who have had a heart attack. If the condition was acute, the medication in question is used extremely carefully. Particular care requires the condition of a patient suffering from bradycardia or severe reduced arterial pressure. The doctor should carefully prescribe a course if the patient's left ventricle does not work.

The active ingredient of the drug corrects the performance of the heart nodes and changes the duration of conduction. It is necessary to carefully prescribe the composition, since there is a likelihood of the formation of an atrioventricular block in the second or third flow scenario. Such conditions are contraindications for the purpose. If blockage of the Gypsum leg of one, two or three bundles is established, it is required to cancel the pharmaceutical product and choose a more adequate therapeutic course.

The tool affects the nodes and provokes the second or third degree of atrioventricular block, but this is observed only in a limited number of patients. There is a risk of bradycardia. An exceptionally small percentage of people taking the pill experienced asystole. It is assumed that the risk of such phenomena is higher with a weakened sinus node, and this is more typical of people of advanced age.

isoptin cp 240 description

Some combinations

If the patient is prescribed arrhythmia-preventing medicinal formulations or beta-blockers, the use of the drug in question leads to the mutual activation of the cardiovascular effect. The level of atrioventricular blockade increases, the frequency of acts of contraction of the heart muscle decreases, the symptoms of organ failure are possible. There is a possibility of a sharp drop in blood pressure in the arteries. Individuals who received simultaneous ophthalmic preparations with timolol and verapamil sometimes experienced bradycardia without symptoms against the background of a meandering driver of atrial contractions. The combination with drugs in which digoxin is included requires a reduction in the dosage of this compound.

Before starting a therapeutic program, it is important to compensate for heart failure if cardiac output exceeds 35%. It is important to regularly check indicators and adjust the patient's condition, if necessary. In the case of diseases in which the conductivity of the nerve tissues or in the muscles is disturbed, Isoptin SR is prescribed with extreme caution. This requires disease Lambert-Eaton, Duchenne.

During pregnancy

There were no specialized practical studies on the use of Isoptin SR by women bearing a child. Animal experiments were organized. These did not show a direct, indirect effect or toxic effect on reproductive activity. Information obtained through such tests is not always extrapolated to the human community. It is believed that the pharmaceutical product in question can be prescribed to women during the period of bearing a child only if it is absolutely necessary and there is no safer alternative treatment. It is necessary to inform the woman about the possible dangers. The active ingredient of the agent in question is able to penetrate the placenta. Clinical trials have identified it in the blood of the umbilical cord.

pregnant woman

Verapamil and its transformation products in the body leak into breast milk. Limited information is available suggesting that the dose entering the infant's body does not exceed one percent of the amount received by the mother. It is believed that a pharmaceutical product can be used during lactation, but possible dangers to the baby cannot be ruled out. The baby can form severe side effects. Isoptin SR is prescribed to nursing women only in case of emergency, if it is impossible to choose a safer option.

Sometimes you can’t

"Isoptin SR" is forbidden to use in case of increased susceptibility of the active component. Do not use the product with high sensitivity to other ingredients used by the manufacturer. It is strictly forbidden to use with cardiogenic shock and atrioventricular blockade of the second or third level, a weakened sinus node. An exception is for persons using an artificial pacemaker.

The drug is not intended for people with heart failure, if it is accompanied by a weakening of the ejection fraction by a third. Similar limitations are associated with jamming pressure of the artery that feeds the respiratory system, 20 units above normal.

The drug in question is not prescribed for atrial fibrillation or flutter, if there are auxiliary pathways. Patients with this diagnosis face an increased risk of tachyarrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation.

You can not prescribe the drug in question if people need drugs containing ivabradine, or beta-blockers. An exceptional case is people who are constantly monitored in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

Is there an alternative?

The main analogue of the drug Isoptin SR is presented on pharmacy shelves under the name Verapamil. Alternatively, you can consider the drug Finoptin. The medicines “Lekoptin” and “Veratard” have a good reputation.

verapamil tablets

All of these drugs are different manufacturer, additional ingredients used in the manufacture, and, of course, prices. The analogue of Isoptin SR 240 Verapamil is the cheapest. For the medication in question, the average cost in pharmacies varies between 400-600 rubles, while the domestic alternative costs only 40-100 rubles.

Can a pharmaceutical product prescribed by a doctor be replaced with a cheaper one? This must be checked with your doctor.The doctor will explain why he chose Isoptin SR, and also tell you which of the products presented in the pharmacy can serve as reliable and safe alternatives. Unauthorized replacement is associated with a risk of treatment failure and a high likelihood of adverse reactions.

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