Everyone knows the feeling of exhaustion or extreme fatigue after hard work or great physical exertion. But having a rest, we again felt good. Another thing is the constant drowsiness and fatigue, which is felt by an increasing number of people. What is the reason for this condition? What can be done to alleviate this ailment or is this a constant problem?
Drowsiness and fatigue haunt some people day after day and this is a very painful feeling. Except for banal lack of sleep, then here are some causes of this disorder:
- The lack of vitamins in the body. Vitamins such as B12 and D are responsible for the state of vivacity of our body, that is, for energy production. Vitamin B12 is found in the following foods: fish, milk, eggs, meat. Vitamin D is produced by the body itself, if you remember to be in the sun. Although lately, the sun's rays are dangerous to health, but if you sunbathe moderately, you can improve your condition, so that constant drowsiness and fatigue will leave you.
- Acceptance of drugs. You may have been taking any medications recently whose side effect is fatigue, apathy, or drowsiness. For example, antihistamines. In this case, consult your doctor to replace them with other similar medicines.
- In some cases, constant drowsiness and fatigue is a consequence of disorders in the thyroid gland. The optimal treatment will be prescribed by the endocrinologist, perhaps it will be hormone replacement therapy. But an accurate diagnosis can be made only on the basis of the results of tests for the amount of thyroid hormones in the blood . If, against the background of fatigue, problems with weight, chills, irregularities in the menstrual cycle in women and dry skin are also observed, then most likely the problem is really in the thyroid gland.
- Depression is often accompanied by apathy and fatigue. If it has not yet acquired a chronic character in you, when treatment is required by a specialist psychiatrist and taking antidepressants, then try to do physical education. It has long been established that physical activity is a natural antidepressant.
- Heart disease is sometimes explained by constant weakness and drowsiness. Often, women who have had a heart attack have experienced severe weakness before the attack. If you have heart problems, consult a cardiologist immediately.
- Diabetes is accompanied by fatigue and lack of strength. High sugar levels cause thirst and urination more often, especially at night. This leads to lack of sleep and a feeling of feeling overwhelmed during the day. It is worth checking the blood for sugar and in case of an increased indicator, you must adhere to a strict diet.
- Narcolepsy This is a sleep disorder. People suffering from narcolepsy are subject to sleep attacks at the most inopportune daytime. At the same time, sleepiness does not leave them during the day, no matter how and how much they sleep at night. This condition of a sick person has an extremely negative impact on the quality of his life: he cannot work fully, his family is constantly in contention, his life is in real danger, because he can suddenly fall asleep anywhere and cause injury to himself. Driving a car becomes extremely dangerous for him and others. So far, medicine has not found an effective remedy for narcolepsy, but there are a number of drugs that can alleviate the condition of the patient.
In any case, if your life is accompanied by constant fatigue, this is an occasion to seriously analyze your lifestyle and take up your health closely.