How to dilute 70% vinegar to 9% correctly

Not everyone knows how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9%. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this very difficult topic.

how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9

general information

Before telling you how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9%, you should tell what this ingredient is all about.

Vinegar is a very popular culinary seasoning. Without it, it is impossible to prepare vegetables for the winter, pickle delicious pork kebabs, and also make pastries using table soda.

It should be noted that in the preparation of all of the above dishes, the correct observance of proportions during acid dilution plays an important role. That is why each of you should definitely know how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9%. After all, too high a concentration of this seasoning can not only noticeably spoil the taste of the dinner you are preparing, but also cause very severe food poisoning.

So, let's figure out together how to properly dilute vinegar at home.

Product Types

To correctly answer the question of how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9%, you should know that the presented product is divided into two types. In other words, it is synthetic and natural. The last seasoning is obtained as a result of the long fermentation of various liquids that contain alcohols. So, there are apple, wine, berry vinegar, as well as infused with herbs and leaves of fruit bushes.

how to dilute vinegar 9

As for synthetic vinegar, acid acts as the main ingredient in it. As a rule, it is obtained by chemical processes. They are often based on natural gas, wood distillation products, as well as some by-products obtained in industry.

Of course, ideally, only natural vinegar should be eaten. But synthetic can be safely used for domestic needs (for example, removing various stains, disinfection, etc.).

What acid to use for breeding?

The most economical option in cooking is the use of 70% vinegar essence. But before using such a substance for the preparation of certain dishes, it must be diluted to the desired concentration. This is done quite easily and simply.

Breeding process

So how do you dilute 70 percent vinegar? To do this, adhere to strict proportions. If you need to use a small amount of this seasoning, then a regular tablespoon can be used as a measured container. The volume of this kitchen appliance should be considered in one piece.

So, to dilute 70 vinegar to 6%, exactly one eleven parts of plain water should be added to one large spoon of essence. In other words, pouring 10 ml of acid into the bowl, it is necessary to dilute it with 110 ml of drinking liquid.

dilute 70 vinegar to 6

The same principle must be adhered to if a more or less concentrated product is to be obtained. Consider how to properly dilute 70% vinegar in more detail.

Maintaining proportions to obtain a concentrated product

So, if you need to get highly concentrated table vinegar, then the essence should be diluted as follows:

  • to obtain 30% table vinegar - 1.5 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 10% table vinegar - 6 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 9% table vinegar - 7 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • for 8% table vinegar - 8 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 7% table vinegar - 9 parts of ordinary drinking water.

Observance of proportions for obtaining a low-concentrated product

If you need to make a low-concentrated table vinegar, then a 70 percent essence must be diluted in the following proportions:

  • to obtain 6% table vinegar - 11 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 5% table vinegar - 13 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 4% table vinegar - 17 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 3% table vinegar - 22.5 parts of ordinary drinking water.
    how to dilute vinegar

The most used concentrations of vinegar in cooking

Now you know how to dilute vinegar. It can be made 9% by adding 7 parts of ordinary drinking water to one part of a 70% essence. It should be noted that such a concentration of the product is most often used in cooking. Using this product, they make various homemade marinades in the form of pickles, tomatoes, as well as lecho and other winter salads. Due to this concentration of seasoning, you can store your preparations for a long time without changing their taste. Also, 9% table vinegar is able to give your dishes a special piquancy and unique taste.

Among other things, in culinary very often use and 6% table vinegar. As we found out above, it can be obtained by diluting one part of a 70 percent essence with 11 parts of drinking water. Typically, this seasoning is used to marinate a meat product before it is directly baked or roasted on a fire. It should also be noted that low-concentrated vinegar (6 percent) is very often used during the baking of any flour home-made products. In this case, it is used in small quantities to extinguish baking soda. This is necessary so that the finished baking rises well and does not have a pronounced aroma and taste of the above ingredient.

I would also like to say that in cooking they use less concentrated table vinegar. As a rule, they are seasoned with various salads, and they also pickle onions in it.

In addition to preparing various dishes, low concentrated table vinegar (4 and 3%) is sometimes used for treatment. So, some patients rub their body with it during an elevated temperature.

how to dilute 70 percent vinegar

By the way, some women often use this product for cosmetic purposes.

Why use highly concentrated vinegar?

We talked about which seasoning is most often used during the preparation of various dishes. However, it should be noted that often vinegar essence should be diluted slightly. As a rule, this is done for domestic purposes. For example, you can use this substance to remove rust from any objects, remove stains from linen, clean appliances and so on.


When breeding 70% vinegar essence, certain rules must be followed. Firstly, you need to wear rubber gloves that protect your skin from possible burns. Secondly, for the implementation of this process, it is necessary to use only ceramic or glassware. Moreover, these containers are undesirable in the future to be used for food storage.

After diluting the vinegar essence, it is recommended to place it only in a glass container, which is tightly corked with a cork. Pour this aggressive liquid into another container with extreme care, without splashing. In this case, one important rule must be observed: vinegar essence must be poured into water, and not vice versa.

how to dilute vinegar 70

It should also be noted that during the transfusion of this fluid, in no case should one lean strongly toward a container with highly concentrated vinegar. This is to prevent inhalation of harmful fumes.

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