What are female hormones in tablets for?

female hormones in pills

Sex hormones for women in their bodies play a very important role. But recently, hormonal disorders, which can be associated with poor ecology, constant stress and other negative factors, have become quite common. To bring the content of these elements back to normal, special preparations have been developed - female hormones in tablets. They not only help a woman to be healthy and beautiful, but also protect her from an unwanted pregnancy.

The main sex hormones

The most significant hormones in women are progesterone and estrogen. In the ovaries, estrogen is produced, which affects the health status and puberty of the fair sex. In addition, this hormone affects the shaping and gentleness of the lady's character. If the body suffers from a lack of estrogen, then it begins to age quickly, but too much of it can lead to various disorders and diseases, such as being overweight or, worse, benign tumors. Progesterone is also important for women's health, because the distribution of adipose tissue, the formation of mammary glands, genitals, and the development of the embryo depend on it. The production of this hormone occurs by the corpus luteum of the ovaries and the placenta.

hormones in women
The use of hormonal drugs

To eliminate hormonal disruptions in the body of a girl, female hormones in tablets are used. This is necessary, since an unstable hormonal background can provoke serious consequences, such as sudden changes in blood pressure, malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, chronic fatigue, digestive system disorders, headaches. All this will certainly affect the appearance: the appearance of acne, acne, hair becomes oily, the skin begins to peel. Also, hormonal drugs are often used as contraceptives, which helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Due to this, female hormones in tablets have been widely used.

Types of hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs produced in the form of tablets can be divided into two types:

  1. hormones for women

    Combined drugs. They include analogues of the most important female hormones - progesterone and estrogen. These funds act in such a way that the process of ovulation is suppressed, the epithelial uterine tissue changes. This leads to the fact that the fertilized egg cannot attach to the uterine wall. Thus, these medications interfere with the conception of a child. In addition, they are used when a woman has painful menstruation. The following medicines can be attributed to this type: Mercilon, Rigevidon, Novinet, etc.
  2. Progestin drugs. They contain synthetic progesterone analogues . The mechanism of their effect on the female body is almost the same as the first type of drug. In addition to contraceptive properties, female progestin hormones in tablets are recommended for older women. This is due to the fact that at the age of 50 years in mature women, the work of the ovaries stops, that is, female sex hormones are no longer secreted. In this regard, a calcium deficiency may appear , which will lead to brittle bones, dry skin, wrinkles and the development of vascular atherosclerosis.

It should be noted that taking drugs of this kind is necessary only if they are prescribed by an endocrinologist or gynecologist. After all, improper use of hormonal drugs can cause serious harm to a woman's body.

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