Appetizing meatballs. Recipe in the oven.

When I asked my mother how I conquered my father when I was a child, she answered me absolutely seriously: “Love and meatballs!” It seemed to me that she was joking until one day dad at the table said: “If it weren’t for my mother’s cutlets, then you would not be in the world ...”. Since then, it was impossible to drive me out of the kitchen. I learned to cook in order to arrange my future female destiny. I began to learn how to make meatballs in the oven - the very ones for which my father agreed to chain himself in Hymen. As it turned out, it is this type of cooking that preserves the maximum of useful substances, is suitable for any, even the most rigorous diet, and gives dishes an incomparable aroma. Unlike “frying” patties fried in oil, baked patties have a very delicate, mild taste. The minced meat takes on a unique pinkish hue, and the meat juice remaining at the bottom of the form after they are cooked is perfect for any side dish as gravy - it is not greasy, does not have an oily flavor, does not contain small pieces of burnt meat that can cause stomach exacerbations diseases in those who have tasted them. So, here they are, cutlets, a recipe in the oven:

For 4 people you get 400, and preferably 500 grams of minced meat. Minced meat is best mixed - chicken and pork. Drive one egg into this stuffing, mix. Then cut the onions as finely as possible and mix with the minced meat. After that, take two pieces of black bread, separate the crust. And soak the soft part in milk for 10 minutes. When the bread is soaked to a homogeneous mass, mix it with minced meat, minced meat to taste, salt and pepper. Now you can turn on the oven, it should be slightly warmed up. While it is warming up, prepare a wide baking dish, pour half a glass of milk on the bottom and lay out the patties formed from minced meat. No butter! It will only spoil the taste of meat, and when frozen, it will cause you to gag. Well, that’s probably all. Put the meatballs in the oven for half an hour, five to seven minutes before the end of the baking time, quickly grease the meatballs on top with tomato ketchup (not spicy!) And sprinkle grated cheese on top. As soon as you see that the cheese has become slightly brownish, take out your meatballs - they are ready. Well, if you are not too lazy to decorate them with a herringbone from a parsley leaf and lay them on wide lettuce leaves - I guarantee that for half an hour you will become the dream woman of even a cannibal-cyclop ... Fragrant cutlets (a recipe in the oven) will make you remember the most severe husband that he I haven’t bought you flowers for a long time.

By the way, this is not the only example of how to cook meatballs in the oven. For lovers of fatty and spicy cutlets, Vesuvius is an ideal option. So, for those who are hotter, cutlets are a recipe in the oven: Minced meat - lamb plus pork, onions are mixed with grated red chili peppers. Do not add bread to the forcemeat, if you have very tight meat, boil much long-grain friable rice, and mix with the forcemeat. Sticking sharp rice will give your patty a perky look. Well, then roll the balls, put them on a greased baking sheet and bake for half an hour. Serve this miracle with coarsely chopped vegetables and basil decoration. And do not forget to provide your gourmets with cool juice, and preferably red wine, if age permits - believe me, soon they will really want to drink! Remember, these cutlets (recipe in the oven) should be done only if the stomach, pancreas and liver of the person who will eat them are absolutely healthy. Otherwise, such a dinner may end with a joint visit to the emergency department of the nearest hospital. If you are not sure of the good health of the fellow cookers, prepare those first version of cutlets, it is a win-win. Everyone who loves the natural taste of meat will appreciate your meatballs. Good appetite!

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