Complex exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and its duration

Today, many are interested in how exercise therapy is performed for rheumatoid arthritis. To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about the disease itself.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory pathology of the musculoskeletal system of autoimmune origin. Most often, the disease affects the hands, ankles, elbows and knees. In the absence of timely therapy, the disease passes to the structure of the internal organs, therefore, when this problem occurs, it is very important not only the use of medications, but physiotherapy exercises. It is considered one of the most successful ways to slow down the destructive processes in the connective tissue, reduce pain, restore the motor functions of the limbs and prevent the spread of the pathological process to other tissues.

What is the use of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis?

exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

The role of physical therapy

Muscles and joints are designed for movement, that is, for moving and changing the position of the body in space. Hypodynamia provokes stagnation, atrophy of these structures of the body, and, as a result - deterioration of motor abilities. Therefore, both sick and healthy joints need training. The only difference is that longer and more intensive exercises are suitable for healthy people. Thanks to regular complexes of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, the ability of body tissues to transport and absorb oxygen increases. The more oxygen that tissue receives (including articular), the better they function, the slower their destruction and aging.

Physical activity enhances metabolism, which means that decay products are excreted faster from damaged tissues. At the same time, the adaptive and protective properties of the body also increase. Joint structures are gradually “developed”: they gain lost mobility. Exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis helps strengthen and tone the muscle corset. Strong muscles relieve part of the load from the joints and prevent the occurrence of motor reflexes. Using the methods of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, it is possible to achieve not only an increase in tone, but also muscle relaxation. In this condition, they hurt less and recover faster. Gymnastics is also useful for such reasons:

  1. Due to the normalization of blood circulation processes, puffiness is eliminated, stiffness and numbness disappear.
  2. Systematic and proper execution of exercises helps to eliminate excess weight, reducing the load on the joints.

The complex of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis strengthens the ligamentous apparatus, increases the elasticity of muscle fibers, which reduces the risk of various injuries.

periods of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Until recently, it was believed that physical activity with rheumatoid arthritis (and other joint damage) only aggravate the course of the disease. However, it has now been proven that regular performance of simple exercises helps to partially (and sometimes completely) restore limb mobility, significantly improve the quality of life. Despite the fact that exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis is not the main method of treating this pathology, it is often more effective than drug therapy, dietary measures and a variety of physiotherapy.

Exercise therapy is carried out under the supervision of a specialist who prescribes a set of exercises, determines the number of approaches and the duration of the training process, based on the needs, capabilities and condition of the patient. Having mastered the technique of movements, the patient can subsequently engage on his own, and regularity is the main success factor in the fight against the disease. As the endurance and strengthening of the muscles appears, it is necessary to increase the intensity and number of approaches, but in no case should fatigue be allowed.

exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

The results of regular exercise exercises for rheumatoid arthritis are:

  • normalization of mobility in the joints and muscle tone;
  • pain relief;
  • the appearance of a feeling of vigor, a surge of energy.

When is such exercise scheduled?

Such treatment is indicated at any stage of rheumatoid arthritis, with the exception of periods of exacerbation. With severe pain, exercises can not be performed. In this case, they are replaced by breathing exercises.

Gymnastics is most effective in combination with a massage course, as well as swimming. Exercise therapy is recommended after taking painkillers and muscle relaxants, which quickly eliminate the feeling of soreness, relax muscles and reduce stiffness.

In what periods of rheumatoid arthritis is exercise therapy allowed?

exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis of the knee

Class duration

The course of therapeutic exercises, as a rule, is quite long, since this is, most often, a chronic pathology. In addition, the duration of classes for each patient is different, and the duration of the preparatory period of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis is determined by the doctor in each case.

Most often, the course of exercise therapy for this disease lasts from two months to a year. Then, the improvement of well-being and other factors are taken into account, thanks to which the specialist can cancel gymnastics classes, extend them or take a break in their implementation.

Exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis of the knee

All complex movements must be repeated with each foot 4-8 times, simple - 10-15 times. It is extremely important to load both limbs, and not just the one in which the pain is more pronounced. All exercises are performed symmetrically. Among them, the most effective are the following:

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body, bend your knees and alternately pull under the buttocks, and then gradually straighten, sliding on the floor with your heels. From this position, it is further necessary to pull the knees to the chest and slowly straighten the legs. Then you should bend them again at the knees and shake them on the sides, after which they should be diluted as wide as possible and reconnected.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees, raise one leg by 20-30 degrees and hold in this position for a while, then slowly lower it. The same movement is performed by the second leg.
  3. Raise a straight leg up to an angle of 90 °, pull the foot towards you, heel - to the ceiling.
  4. Roll over on the stomach and spread straight legs on the sides, then slowly reduce.
  5. Do this exercise with your legs bent at the knees, arching your back.
  6. Performing circular movements alternately with straightened legs lying on your back.
  7. Lying on its side, swings are made with a straight leg back and forth. The same thing is done with the other foot on the other side.

This set of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis is quite simple, so you can even do it yourself.

the duration of the preparatory period of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Complex for the joints of the foot

To improve the condition of the joints of the foot, the following exercises are performed:

  1. You need to sit on a chair, slightly extend your knees and tighten your fingers, and then - alternately unbend and bend the feet. Being in the same position, transfer the body weight first to the inside of the feet, then to the outside.
  2. Sitting on a chair, flatten your socks and spread your heels. First raise one heel, then another. Flatten your feet and roll from heel to toe. This exercise can also be done while standing.
  3. Throw a piece of thin fabric on the floor, put one leg on it and try to put it together with your fingers in a lump. Repeat this exercise several times and change your leg. Instead of fabric, you can use a newspaper.
  4. Sit on a chair, put your feet together. The fingers of one foot must slide along the other - then to the knee from the ankle, then vice versa.
  5. Walk on a gymnastic stick, stepping on it with the central portion of the sole.

Therapeutic gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

The complex, which was developed by Professor Bubnovsky, is slightly, but differs from the classical forms of exercise therapy. Such exercises do not require physical training, they can be performed in a prone position. The technique of performing the movements is quite simple, but the patient should master it perfectly. This complex has virtually no restrictions and can be prescribed for any type of disease of the musculoskeletal system. Therapeutic gymnastics according to Bubnovsky helps to improve the functional state of the body as a whole. It is the main technique for restoring the motor activity of the joints and, in certain cases, allows you to abandon medications and prevent surgery. Exercises are performed regularly and at a moderate pace. The load increases gradually, breathing exercises are of great importance. Long-term systematic exercises are suggested. The patient does not need outside help when performing the exercises.

main period of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Some of the exercises of the Bubnovsky complex:

  1. Standing on all fours, move the body as far forward as possible. You can not bend your back. This exercise strengthens the ligaments of the knees, elbows and shoulder girdle.
  2. On a deep breath, bend your elbows, rise on your toes, and exhale, go down and relax your hands.
  3. Lie on your back, relax your hands. On the exhale, raise the pelvis above the floor, try to make a "bridge". Return to starting position.
  4. Standing, tilt your head as far as possible so that the chin touches the chest of the body. Exhale and return to starting position. The exercise is repeated up to 15 times.

Exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis of the hands

Gymnastics for hands with rheumatoid arthritis involves several effective exercises with which blood circulation is activated, swelling and pain are reduced, range of motion is increased, grasping reflexes are restored, and dexterity is increased. Some of these exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis of the hands are carried out as follows:

LFK complex for rheumatoid arthritis
  1. Clutch your hand into a fist for 40-60 seconds. This should be done carefully, without sudden movements. In this case, the thumb should be on top of the rest. After that, fingers should be spread out as much as possible. The exercise is repeated 4-5 times.
  2. Stretching brushes. Put the brush on a flat surface and press it firmly against it. In this position, the hand should remain 40-60 seconds. The number of approaches is at least 4-5 times.
  3. Stretching the phalanges of the fingers. Turn your hand with the palm surface up and bend your fingers so that each of them can reach the tubercle of its base. Hold the brush in this position for 40-60 seconds and repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  4. Reinforce with additional items. Take a soft ball in your hand and squeeze it for a few seconds as much as possible. It is important that there is no pain during such an exercise. Do not use excessive force during execution. This movement is repeated 10-15 times with each brush.

Exercise therapy for brushes cannot be carried out daily, because the muscle needs rest and a recovery period before each exercise. Allowed to perform the above exercises 2-3 times a week.

Exercise therapy for elbow joints

There is a certain complex of exercise therapy for the elbow with arthritis. It includes such exercises:

  1. Get up, legs spread shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms forward, spread your elbows to the sides. Then this movement is performed several times, relaxing hands. The amplitude of movements is determined by the patient independently - the main thing is that pain does not appear when breeding the elbows.
  2. The exercise resembles skiing. In this case, you should simulate the movements, which are an alternate institution of one hand back and putting the other forward.
  3. Kneeling, select palms on outstretched arms as the fulcrum. Further forward inclinations are carried out, touching shoulders to the floor.
  4. This exercise can be performed in bed. Lean against the surface of the floor or bed with the toes and elbows of the hands that encircle the head. Then the body moves forward. In this position you need to linger for a couple of seconds. Then the movement is made in the opposite direction, touching the calves with the hips.
  5. Take a stick and do any exercises to extend and bend the elbow.

Exercise therapy in water

Gymnastics is quite effective for rheumatoid arthritis in the pool. Such classes can not be carried out with allergies, open wounds, sexually transmitted diseases and chronic pathologies.

Training in water includes the following exercises:

  • smooth squats;
  • intensive walking with legs straight or bent at the knees and hips;
  • circular movements of the shoulders and hands;
  • facilitated swimming using flippers and inflatable objects;
  • slow turns to the sides, with raising the limbs.

To restore the knee joints, it is necessary to do circular alternate rotations of the ankle.

There are some contraindications for exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis in the main period.


Despite the fact that the correct implementation of exercise therapy exercises practically does not cause discomfort and does not violate the functions of the motor apparatus, there are still some contraindications to such exercises during the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Among them, general and specific are distinguished. Among the specific ones, one can distinguish the following:

exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis exercise complex
  • 3 degree rheumatoid arthritis with the formation of exudate in the joints;
  • inflammatory pathologies of blood vessels and internal organs (pleurisy, pneumonia, carditis, vasculitis, nephritis).

As general contraindications for exercise therapy for arthritis of the joints are:

  • various pathologies of an infectious nature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • 2 and 3 degrees of heart failure;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • feverish conditions;
  • blood diseases.

Gymnastics is performed only after the recommendation of a doctor and under his control, especially in the initial period.

Knowing the basic complex of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, you can perform similar exercises at home.

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