Medicine "Viferon" (gel)

The drug โ€œViferonโ€ is made on the basis of recombinant human interferon . It is used in the treatment of herpes, localized on the epithelium and mucous membranes, as well as a number of viral pathologies of an infectious nature. Means "Viferon" (ointment) is used for papillomas and other skin lesions. The drug is prescribed in the treatment of inflammation in children in the first months of life. The medicine "Viferon" (gel) is allowed for use in weakened babies. The drug can be recommended for pathologies that are sexually transmitted.

viferon gel Price
Means "Viferon" (gel) is prescribed after receiving the results of a test for allergic reactions. The drug is allowed to be used in conjunction with other medicines.

The medicine "Viferon" (gel) is applied to the problem area with a thin layer. The frequency of application depends on the type and location of the infection. So, in the treatment of herpes, the drug is used in the first three days several times a day. The duration of the course, as a rule, is up to a week. In the treatment of viral respiratory diseases, the drug is applied to the inner surface of the nasal passages twice a day. Use the drug until the symptoms disappear completely. For prevention, it is recommended to use the Viferon medication (gel) every day for two weeks, then every other day for a month.

viferon ointment
It should be noted that the medicine has a number of contraindications for use. Among them, it is necessary to name cardiovascular pathologies, liver and renal failure, thyroid gland pathologies, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus (decompensated). In the presence of hypersensitivity to its components, the drug is also not prescribed.

When using the medicine, side effects may occur. Most often, a skin rash or itching is noted in practice. It should be noted that all allergic reactions are reversible and disappear after seventy-two hours.

In practice, no cases of overdose have been recorded.

The drug "Viferon" is allowed for use from the fourteenth week of pregnancy. There are no restrictions on the use of lactation.

viferon gel
The medicine "Viferon" (gel) can be used as an alternative to candles. This is due not only to the simplicity and comfort of its use, but also to the wider application possibilities. So, the drug is prescribed for gynecological pathologies, for example, with herpetic cervicitis. In this case, the gel is applied to the cervix.

The drug โ€œViferonโ€ is often prescribed for the prevention of respiratory diseases in preschool children. As practice shows, these patients tolerate the use of the drug quite well. According to studies, when using Viferon, the incidence of children is significantly reduced.

However, it should be noted that over time, the effectiveness of the drug decreases. In this regard, experts recommend additional preventive measures at regular intervals.

Despite the fact that the price of Viferon (gel) is relatively affordable, you need to see a doctor before use.

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