Candles "Depantol": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Medicines in the form of suppositories are actively used not only in proctology, but also in gynecological practice. Such drugs are considered one of the best in terms of local exposure. Unlike oral agents, as well as sprays, ointments and gels, metered-dose suppositories, which remain solid at room temperature and melt when bodily, contribute to the complete envelopment of the mucosa and its quick recovery.

general information

Candles "Depantol", the instructions of which must be studied before their use, are often used in gynecology. Such a drug is intended for vaginal administration, and therefore has a special shape and composition. About what diseases this local medicine is used for, whether it has contraindications and what its dosage is, you will learn further.

Description of the drug, its composition

According to the instructions for use, the candles "Depantol" have a torpedo shape with a funnel-shaped depression, as well as a white, grayish or yellowish color (sometimes marbling is present) without the presence of any pronounced smell.

depantol candles instructions analogues

Vaginal suppositories go on sale in two cell packs of five pieces, which are placed in a cardboard box along with detailed instructions.

Candles "Depantol" contain two active components:

  • dexapanthenol;
  • chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Also, the composition of the local medicine includes excipients in the form of a base for the preparation of suppositories and macrogol.

Pharmacological characteristics

What are depantol candles? The instructions attached to this drug contain information that such suppositories are a universal remedy that is often recommended to women for the prevention and treatment of various gynecological diseases.

The active components that make up the medication have a pronounced regenerative and antimicrobial effect. In addition, they are able to relieve inflammation and inhibit the activity of pathogenic microflora.

In the process of absorption of active substances in the mucous membranes of the genital tract, the renewal of their epithelial layer is improved and local metabolism is restored.

depantol suppository instructions for use

Active Component Action

In the instructions for candles “Depantol” (10 pcs.) It is said that a substance such as chlorhexidine is able to exhibit pronounced therapeutic activity against gram-negative and gram-positive flora, including chlamydia, pale treponema, ureaplasma, gardrenella, Escherichia, dermatophytes, staphylococci yeast-like mushrooms, Trichomonas.

As for dexapanthenol, thanks to this component, the suppositories in question accelerate the process of renewal of the epithelial layer of the mucous membrane and increase the strength of collagen fibers. Also mentioned active substance contributes to the speedy healing of wounds and damage to the genital tract.

It should be noted that the candles "Depantol", the instruction of which contains a lot of useful information for patients, does not adversely affect the growth of beneficial flora. The therapeutic effect after using the suppository persists even in the presence of blood and pus.

depanthol candles instruction how much

Prescription of a local medicine

What is the purpose of using candles "Depantol" in gynecology? The instruction for use reports that the following diseases are the main indications for the appointment of such vaginal suppositories:

  • endocervicitis;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, proceeding in a chronic or acute form;
  • colpitis;
  • polyps of the vagina or cervix (as part of a comprehensive treatment);
  • cervical erosion;
  • recurrent thrush;
  • rehabilitation of the birth canal before the upcoming birth.

Other indications for the use of the drug

Instructions for candles “Depantol” (drug analogues should be used only after consultation with a gynecologist!) Reports that such suppositories can be prescribed to women as a preventive medicine before upcoming or undergoing gynecological procedures, including after installing / removing an intrauterine device, surgical abortion, previous operations, before electrocoagulation of the cervix, etc.

depantol suppository instructions for use

Sometimes the drug in question is used as part of complex therapy for some diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Contraindications to the use of suppositories

Before using Depantol suppositories, you should definitely consult a gynecologist, and if necessary, take tests. It is undesirable to use suppositories without consulting a specialist, as they have contraindications such as:

  • virginity;
  • malignant cell growth in the cervix or vagina, including accompanied by severe metastasis;
  • individual intolerance of the active substances of a local medicine.

Instructions for candles "Depanthol"

How many days should the drug in question be used, and at what dosage should it be used? The number and frequency of use of such suppositories is determined by the doctor individually. It should be recalled that “Depantol” is prescribed intravaginally for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases only for women over 18 years of age.

depanthol 10 candles instruction

To correctly insert a candle into the vagina, you must take a position lying on your back. The suppository should be administered deep into the vagina. To achieve a better effect after the procedure, it is recommended to remain in the adopted position for another 40 minutes.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, this drug is prescribed 1 unit 2 times a day (preferably in the morning and evening). Before administration of the suppository and after the procedure, you should wash your hands well.

The duration of the course of therapy with such a medication is 7-10 days. If necessary, then, as prescribed by the doctor, it can be extended for a similar period.

If the expected therapeutic effect is absent, or the patient's condition worsens, you should immediately contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and additional examination.

Side effects, cases of overdose

According to experts, the drug in the form of vaginal suppositories “Depantol” is well tolerated by women. In the presence of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug, in some cases, the development of local side effects is possible, such as:

depanthol 10 candles instruction
  • discomfort, itching of the vagina;
  • burning in the vagina;
  • foreign body sensation inside the genital tract.

Typically, such manifestations are not dangerous and pass on their own after 20 minutes. If they occur, discontinuation of therapy is not required.

As for cases of overdose, those are not described in the instructions. But to prevent the development of side effects, it is extremely undesirable to exceed the dose of the drug, as well as independently increase the duration of the acceptable course of therapy.

Analogs of candles

What can replace the drug in question? What analogs does it have? Instructions for the use of candles "Depantol" does not give answers to these questions. To find a similar medication for the treatment of gynecological diseases, you should consult a specialist.

Typically, such a drug is replaced by the following means: Miramistin, Hexicon, Livarol, Chlorhexidine. The forms of such drugs may differ from the one under consideration, however, they all have similar properties and therapeutic effect.

Patient Reviews

There are many reports of women about candles "Depantol". And this is not surprising, because such a drug is often used in gynecological practice.

Most reviews of such suppositories are positive. Patients like not only its convenient form, adjusted dosage and affordable price, but also its effectiveness. Many women say that after several days of using this drug, they have disappeared unpleasant symptoms of gynecological diseases. At the same time, experts remind that interruption of treatment should not be in such cases. For a lasting effect, it is necessary to undergo all the prescribed therapy.

depantol suppository instructions for use

We can not say that some patients were dissatisfied with the results of treatment. In addition, in some cases, women had a problem with the use of candles in the morning, as suppositories quickly melted and flowed out.

Patients also rarely experienced side effects in the form of itching and burning in the vagina, however, after a short period of time, such symptoms disappeared on their own.

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