This article will be interesting to those who like to make preparations for the winter from cabbage. Solyanka in banks will help you out more than once in a difficult situation and help you prepare a great dinner in a very short time.
Solyanka for the winter from cabbage
The appetizer prepared according to this recipe is universal. You can serve it to the table as an independent dish or as an addition to the side dish. In addition, soups and main dishes can be cooked from it. How to prepare hodgepodge from fresh cabbage for the winter? Vegetable blanks can be made very simple:
- Take a head of cabbage weighing three kilograms, remove the top leaves, and then chop it into small strips.
- Peel two kilograms of carrots, wash and grate on a fine grater.
- Free two kilograms of onion from the husk and cut into half rings.
- Ripe tomatoes (two kilograms) pour boiling water, remove the skin, and cut into small slices.
- Put all the vegetables in a pan, add to them two tablespoons of salt, a spoonful of sugar and 500 ml of sunflower oil.
- Mix the ingredients thoroughly, then put the pan on the fire and cook the vegetables for two hours.
- At the very end of cooking, add four bay leaves, several peas of allspice and a tablespoon of vinegar to the products.
Arrange the hot hodgepodge over sterilized jars and cover them with clean lids.
Preparations for the winter from white cabbage
Solyanka is a favorite soup of many people, and thanks to our recipe you can cook it very quickly. You can also serve a ready-made snack as a complement to any second meat and poultry dish. The snack recipe is very simple:
- Chop three kilograms of white cabbage into strips using a special grater or knife.
- Peel and grate two kilograms of carrots.
- Kilogram of sweet pepper free from seeds, remove the partitions and cut into thin strips.
- Cut two kilograms of peeled onions and a half kilogram of fresh cucumbers into cubes.
- Scalp three kilograms of fresh tomatoes with hot water, peel and chop them. To speed up the process, you can cut the washed tomatoes in half and grate them.
- Sauté the onions and carrots until golden brown.
- Put the rest of the food in an enameled pan, add two cups of sugar, four tablespoons of salt, a glass of vegetable oil, peas to your taste, bay leaf (one for each jar), and also fried vegetables.
- Cook the future hodgepodge for one hour.
- When the appetizer is ready, put it in the processed jars and close with sterilized lids.
We hope you enjoy fresh cabbage hodgepodge for the winter. Turn the blanks upside down, cover them with a fur coat and wait until they cool completely. Store the hodgepodge in the refrigerator or cellar, opening cans as needed.
Winter blanks
Mushroom solyanka with cabbage - this is a very tasty dish, cooking which is better in the fall. Fresh vegetables and mushrooms are asked in jars in order to delight you with wonderful tastes in winter. How to roll up preparations for the winter from cabbage? Mushroom solyanka in jars is prepared as follows:
- Sort, peel and cut into large pieces three kilograms of forest mushrooms. After that, boil them in salted water, fold in a colander and let the excess liquid drain.
- Finely chop three kilograms of cabbage with a special knife.
- Peel and chop arbitrarily one kilogram of white onion.
- Stew the prepared vegetables in a frying pan in vegetable oil.
- Process a kilogram of carrots, then grate on a fine grater and simmer until tender.
- Put in a large cauldron all products a glass of sugar, two tablespoons of salt, 500 ml of vegetable oil, bay leaf and peppercorns to taste.
- Stew mushrooms with vegetables for half an hour, not forgetting to stir them periodically. At the end of cooking, add two and a half tablespoons of vinegar essence to them and mix everything thoroughly again.
Arrange the half-liter jars of blanks for the winter of cabbage. The solyanka turns out to be very tasty and beautiful in appearance.
Solyanka with oils in tomato sauce
Here is another description of how you can make preparations for the winter from cabbage. Solyanka with oils is cooked quickly and it turns out incredibly tasty. You can read the recipe for the original snack below:
- Thoroughly clean the mushrooms, wash and boil in salted water with the addition of a quarter teaspoon of lemon. After half an hour, the mushrooms can be transferred to an enameled pan, after draining the excess water through a colander.
- Peel one kilogram of onion, and then cut it into thin rings. To speed up the process, you can do this with a food processor.
- Heat the pan, add vegetable oil to it and fry the prepared onion on it until golden.
- Peel a kilogram of carrots, wash, grate, and then fry in a separate pan until cooked.
- Wash and chop four kilograms of cabbage as thin as possible.
- Transfer the prepared vegetables to a pan to the oils, season them with 500 ml of tomato sauce and one liter of vegetable oil. Mix foods thoroughly and leave them alone for a while.
- When the vegetable juice comes out, put the pan on low heat and cook the hodgepodge one and a half hours from the moment of boiling. It is very important to constantly mix the ingredients.
Arrange the hot appetizer in half-liter jars, add a spoonful of vinegar to each and close each with a clean lid.
Useful Tips
- To prepare cans for sterilization, rinse them with baking soda.
- If you want to cook the dishes in the oven, put them on a cold baking sheet. After that, turn on the fire for 15 minutes, setting the temperature to 100 degrees.
- The willingness of cabbage is determined by taste and softness. It can be laid out on the banks when it acquires a dark shade, a specific bitterness and tenderness.
We will be glad if you enjoy canned cabbage (harvesting for the winter). The hodgepodge recipes described by us are quite simple and you can easily cope with them.