Banana Mousse: delicious, healthy, easy to cook

Bananas are very healthy fruits. They are full of nutrients that are necessary for the health of the body. The simplest way to include them in your diet is to regularly feast on the yellowish “boomerangs”. In addition to being consumed in kind, you can add bananas to your dessert.

banana mousse

Ideal for large and small

No doubt you will love the idea of ​​making bananas the main ingredient in a delicate mousse. You will get a nutritious and healthy dessert that is ideal for adults and children. They will eat more fruits without parental coercion.

By the way, there are recipes in which sweet pumpkin is added to bananas, after making an egg-pumpkin mixture from it. There will be a desire - experiment, take risks! Sometimes even incompatible, at first glance, products give a stunning result.

In the meantime, put the experiments aside and pay attention to the banana mousse, the recipe of which is easy to execute, but has a high taste. Let's get started!

banana mousse recipe

Eggless Banana Mousse


  • Bananas - 500 grams (3-4 pieces).
  • Cream - 300 ml.
  • White sugar - 75 grams.
  • Lemon juice.

1. When preparing a treat such as banana mousse, first remove the peel from the banana. Cut the peeled fruit into thin slices. To avoid darkening of the fruit, pour them with lemon juice.

2. Put the slices in a blender and mix until thick mashed. Save the mass to use it a little later.

3. Whip the cream. To do this, pour the cream into a bowl with a hand or electric whisk (with the latter faster) and begin to whisk slowly. When the mixture thickens, gradually add sugar, keeping to the initial speed of whipping, to prevent the mixture from falling off. You will know that the cream is ready if, by tipping the bowl, you notice that they do not pour out.

4. Mix cooked whipped cream with banana puree. It is important that you mix the ingredients without stopping until a uniform consistency is achieved. If you want, add some vanilla to the banana mousse. This will give the dessert a special flavor.

5. Distribute the mass into molds, cups or glasses and place in the refrigerator for a period of at least two hours. During this time, a wonderful foam will acquire the correct texture and consistency, and will also cool nicely. You can decorate banana mousse to taste by adding chocolate chips, some syrup or small pieces of fruit.

banana cake mousse

You can’t spoil the cake with mousse

Many housewives love spending time in the kitchen, baking a variety of pastries and cakes. Craftswomen believe that these dishes have a calming therapeutic effect. And if you add banana mousse for the cake to them, the whole family will be delighted!

And although the fetus with Malaysian roots has many “rivals” (raspberries, currants, strawberries, cocoa and other gifts of nature), our vitamin hero is unrivaled. It can be added to any cake (for example, vanilla). As they say, you can’t spoil the cake with mousse.

There is only one condition: you need to cook without distraction, with the soul, carefully observing the proportions. Only then it will turn out magnificent as a cloud, sweet as a kiss, as gentle as a touch of mousse. Correctly select the dishes: it should be deep enough so that a foam fits for it, for which everything is started.

Among the many recipes for lush delicacies from your favorite bananas, you can always find the one that you like.

banana mousse recipe

Sweet foam for cakes and pastries

Banana cake mousse is used to decorate the top and fill between the layers (cake layers) of the cake.


  • Bananas - 3 pieces.
  • Cream - 300 ml (dry or regular, fat content of at least 20%).
  • Gelatin - 2 tsp. gelatin powder.
  • Water - 150 ml.

Gelatin must be diluted in water: let it stand for 20 minutes, until swelling.

Cut fruit, place in a blender, chop to a puree state. Whip the cream. Mix mashed potatoes and cream in a deep bowl.

Add 70 g of sugar to the swollen gelatin, heat until the grains dissolve (do not bring to a boil!). Then you need to carefully combine the gelatin mixture with a mixture of cream and mashed potatoes and beat with a mixer.

Put the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Hooray, you can help yourself!

Curd + banana

Not inferior to bananas in value and the famous fermented milk product - cottage cheese. It contains easily digestible calcium, which strengthens bones (doubly useful for children!). In combination with overseas fruit, an unusual, delicate taste of curd-banana mousse is obtained , from which it is impossible to tear yourself away!

curd banana mousse

Mousse "Striped Flight"

Let's call it that.


  • A pack of cottage cheese weighing 200 grams.
  • There are two medium sized bananas.
  • Milk - three quarters of a glass.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Vanilla (to your taste).
  • Prepare the layers, which are alternately whipped in a blender.
  1. Chocolate: half a pack of cottage cheese + cocoa + banana.
  2. Vanilla: half a pack of cottage cheese + banana + vanilla.

We lay the white layer more generously than the dark one. So, carefully lay the white layer with a spoon in the serving cup, then alternate the colors until the container is full. Cover the dessert with a snowy sweet cover. Chocolate chips will decorate your foamy “snowdrift”, add taste. Enjoy your meal!

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