Why are you needing cabbage salad recipes

White cabbage growing in our gardens, like other ancient cultures, came from its wild namesake. Wild cabbage is still found on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. In Russia, cabbage was also grown from ancient times and was considered a very valuable and useful plant.

It is safe to say that using the recipes of cabbage salads in your daily menu, you get a great opportunity not only to deliciously feed your loved ones, but also to heal them and also prevent the development of many diseases. It is no secret that cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C, which does not accumulate in reserve in the body. Therefore, regular consumption of cabbage is a great way to provide yourself with this vitamin. It should be noted that cabbage contains vitamin C in its most stable form, which is called asorbigen. Also in white cabbage there are vitamins P, E, K and rare vitamin U, which is used in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines (in particular, the duodenum).

Typically, recipes for cabbage salads involve the use of this vegetable in its raw form, which significantly increases the content of nutrients and vitamins. Raw cabbage is rich in volatile, inhibiting the growth of tubercle bacilli, in addition, it is often used in the treatment of people who have been exposed to radiation. Salad of raw cabbage, carrots and black radish, seasoned with vegetable oil, normalizes intestinal activity, helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Students who are nervous before taking exams should definitely prepare a delicious coleslaw. It not only helps to calm down, but also activates mental activity, relieves headaches caused by stress and strain.

When making vegetable salads, it is very important to choose products so that they enhance each other's beneficial effects. For example, fresh white cabbage, cucumber and bell pepper combine well. Or white cabbage, sour apple (for example, Antonovka), carrots and pomegranate seeds or cranberries.

The following are detailed recipes for cabbage salads.

Salad in green colors.

Required: ½ medium-sized heads of fresh cabbage; 2 large cucumbers; green bell peppers; sour cream; green onions; parsley; dill; salt.

Chop the cabbage and grate gently with salt. Remove seeds from sweet pepper, cut cucumbers and peppers into thin strips. Mix everything, add a large amount of chopped green onions and half as much parsley and dill. Season the salad with sour cream, put into a salad bowl and decorate with a sprig of parsley.

But here's how to make a Maiden's Beauty cabbage salad.

Required: ½ medium-sized heads of fresh cabbage; small onion; large sour apple: 1 carrot; ¼ pomegranate or ¼ cup cranberries; any fresh greens; juice of half a lemon; vegetable oil; salt; sugar.

Process cabbage in the same way as in the previous recipe. Peel the apple and cut into small cubes or cubes. Pour boiling water over the onion and finely chop it, then put it in a deep plate, pour in lemon juice, add sugar, a pinch of salt and leave to marinate for 20 minutes. Grate carrots on a coarse grater, pomegranate (if it is used in the recipe) disassemble into grains. Mix all the ingredients, salt and season the salad with vegetable oil (preferably olive). Instead of pomegranate, you can put cranberry berries in a salad, then it is better to take sunflower oil. Garnish the salad with herbs.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that no matter what cabbage salad recipes you choose for your table, it is very important to prepare dishes with love and a desire to benefit those who eat them. And then your culinary recipes will become truly recipes for health.

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