How to cook buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker: recipes

"Cabbage soup and porridge - our food!" Many people have heard this old Russian proverb. Its meaning lies in the fact that in ancient times in Russia, among ordinary people, the main dishes were soup and porridge. They were cooked in an oven. The food was hearty and very tasty. Today, not all people have the opportunity to cook soup or porridge in the oven. How to be It’s good that modern technology comes to the rescue. Today we will reveal all the secrets of cooking buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker.

Buckwheat porridge

Minerals and Vitamins

In childhood, many of us did not like to eat porridge. How many times have adults told us that it is tasty and healthy, but there was little sense in it. The desire to eat non-healthy foods was stronger. Is buckwheat porridge really so useful, as they say? After all, it is about her that we are talking today. What is its usefulness?

Our ancestors also knew that buckwheat is a source of energy. She was even called heroic. Buckwheat porridge is able to restore strength after heavy physical exertion. It contains vitamins, proteins, as well as fiber, phosphorus, carbohydrates and a large number of other useful substances.

If you eat buckwheat several times a week, you can even lose weight by several kilograms. In addition, your hair and nails will always be in excellent condition. We hope that we have convinced you of the need to cook buckwheat porridge. In a slow cooker, it turns out to be especially tasty - such as in a Russian stove. Next, we will introduce you to some simple cooking recipes.

Buckwheat with vegetables

Essential Products

Unfortunately, not every housewife knows how to cook buckwheat porridge correctly. It's all about the right technology. It is no coincidence that our distant ancestors cooked buckwheat (as well as others) porridge in a Russian oven. In the slow cooker, you can set a special temperature, due to which the dish will turn out to be especially aromatic. We will need the following ingredients:

  • Butter - one or two tablespoons.
  • Salt - to taste (not more than one teaspoon).
  • Sugar - one or two tablespoons. If you do not want sweet porridge, then this ingredient can not be added.
  • Water or milk - two glasses. You can take half of the one and the other liquid.
  • Buckwheat - one glass. Remember that cereals for cooking should be half as much as liquids.
    Buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker

    Buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker: recipes

We proceed to cooking. How to cook buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker on water? Read about it later. There is nothing complicated in cooking this dish. It is only necessary to fill in the correct ratio of products in the slow cooker and set a certain mode.

The sequence of your actions will look as follows:

  • Buckwheat must be properly prepared for the cooking process. What does it mean? Croup must be sorted out, removing garbage (if it gets caught). Then rinse with cold water.
  • Take a pan and pour in sunflower oil.
  • Pour buckwheat and fry it.
  • A multi-cooker bowl must be greased with butter.
  • Pour buckwheat.
  • Pour the cereal with water.
  • Salt and add sugar if necessary.
  • Close the slow cooker and select the mode. In different brands it may vary. Most often it is Buckwheat or Milk Porridge.
  • Cooking time - 35-40 minutes.
  • Add a slice of butter to the finished porridge. Serve with any dairy drinks: milk, kefir, acidolact, snow.
  • Enjoy your meal!

Our readers will certainly be interested in learning how to cook buckwheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Read more about this.

Buckwheat in a slow cooker

Execution sequence

You already learned how to cook buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker. Now we will learn how to make dairy, which will be useful especially for young children. Such porridge is ideal for a family breakfast.

We proceed to the cooking process:

  • Buckwheat rinse and fry in a pan.
  • Spread the cereal in a slow cooker and pour milk, adding salt and sugar to taste. Some housewives love buckwheat porridge with raisins or prunes.
  • Dried fruits must also be thoroughly washed before cooking. After that, it is best to pour boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Next, you need to drain the water. Rinse well again.
  • Cut the prunes into small pieces, and the raisins can be left unchanged.
  • Add prepared ingredients to the slow cooker.
  • We set the "Buckwheat" or "Porridge" mode. Next smart technology will do everything on its own. You can relax a bit or do other things.
  • Buckwheat milk porridge in a slow cooker is tasty and aromatic. Serve it hot or slightly chilled to the table.
  • In porridge, you can add apple slices, nuts or honey. A more piquant and unusual taste, as well as a unique aroma, will give the finished dish a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
    Buckwheat with mushrooms

    With mushrooms

If you want to make something special from buckwheat, then pay attention to the following recipe. Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms is a great option for lunch or dinner.

The following set of products will be required:

  • Buckwheat groats - one glass.
  • Water - two glasses (a little more can be).
  • Sunflower oil - one or two tablespoons.
  • Mushrooms - 300-350 grams. You can take champignons (fresh or canned), as well as wild mushrooms.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Bay leaf, pepper.
  • Vegetables - carrots, onions.

We proceed to cooking:

  1. First, let's handle the mushrooms. They must be washed thoroughly. If we take mushrooms, then chop them finely and fry. Forest mushrooms need to be boiled. The approximate time after boiling water is thirty minutes. After this, drain and cool the water. Then cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the carrots and onions, and then cut into small pieces.
  3. Pour the sunflower oil into the pan and fry the vegetables. Be sure to stir the carrots with onions. When the vegetables become softer, you can turn off the stove and remove the pan from the heat.
  4. You can do this in a slow cooker by setting the "Frying" mode.
  5. Mushrooms should also be fried for a while.
  6. Put buckwheat in the bowl. Add mushrooms, carrots and onions.
  7. Salt, pepper, put a bay leaf.
  8. All mix well.
  9. Fill with water and turn on a special program. It can be Buckwheat or Pilaf.
  10. Cooking time approximately 40 minutes.

Having tried porridge, loved ones will surely appreciate your efforts and ask for supplements.

Buckwheat porridge in the Redmond slow cooker

In this or any other dish is extremely easy to prepare. Modes may vary, but we already mentioned this. In order to take the required amount of buckwheat and liquid, you can use a special measuring cup. The main thing to remember: if you take one cup of buckwheat, then you will need to take twice as much water or milk. A slow cooker of any brand significantly reduces cooking time and turns this process into an easy and enjoyable task.

Buckwheat porridge in water and milk

Some cooking tricks

To make the porridge especially tasty, use the proven tips:

  • After you have washed the buckwheat groats, we recommend pouring it into the pan and frying a little. Thus, the excess liquid evaporates, the cooked dish will be more delicious.
  • Be sure to carefully sort the buckwheat. Sometimes it can even come across small pebbles.
  • What is the best way to wash buckwheat? Take the required amount and put in a colander. Rinse with tap water.
  • Cooked buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker can be offered with mushrooms (pre-fried in a pan), as well as vegetables.
  • After the dish is ready, you can add a little butter to it and leave to simmer for fifteen minutes. Then lay on plates and serve to the table.
  • Porridge can be prepared with fried onions, meat, as well as many other ingredients.
    Buckwheat with meat and vegetables

    To summarize

Buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker is an unusually tasty and healthy dish. Prepare it according to the recipes that are presented in this article, and even children will eat with great pleasure. We hope that a healthy and tasty dish will appear on your table as often as possible. Enjoy your meal!

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