For the manufacture of "green", familiar to most of us since childhood, use the so-called diamond green - aniline dye triphenylmethane series, first synthesized in Germany in 1879. This substance in dry form is a small lumps or powder of golden green with a shiny surface. What is the "green" that greases abrasions made of? The drug is prepared by dissolving this solid dye in water or medical alcohol. It is interesting that almost anywhere in the world, except for the countries of the former CIS, this tool is not used in medical practice, considering it ineffective and unaesthetic.
In medicine, a 1-2% alcohol (less often - water) solution of brilliant green is used. This antiseptic is effective against gram-positive bacteria, but it has practically no effect on gram-negative. Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, diphtheria bacillus are sensitive to it. Zelenka, whose composition is fairly simple, is used to treat the surgical field and scars - both postoperative and post-traumatic. With an alcohol solution of brilliant green, the eyelids are spotted with grease at the onset of barley and meibomite (inner barley). This simple procedure often helps to prevent the development of the disease - inflammation stops at the initial stage. With blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids), "greenback" is also used. The composition of this drug, however, is such that it can cause irritation and even burns to the mucous membrane of the eyes. Therefore, when lubricating the eyelids, special care must be taken.
A good effect is obtained by the use of "greenback" in the complex treatment of furunculosis, carbunculosis, pyoderma. After lubricating the skin with it, a bandage with an antibacterial ointment is usually applied to the affected areas. In severe forms of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed inside. With scratches, abrasions, wounds of a small area, the "greenback" also remains the most popular remedy.
The composition of the medication allows you to use it even for the treatment of infants. A solution of brilliant green treats the umbilical wound of a newborn child, lubricates pimples and places of insect bites. When processing large surfaces, for example, with diaper rash or allergic diathesis, use its 1% aqueous solution. Such a "green" (its composition is completely harmless) will not harm delicate baby skin. Finally, “vesicles” are lubricated with chickenpox with this remedy: after this treatment, they not only dry better, but practically do not itch. The child combs rashes less, they do not become infected, heal faster and leave no residue.
When processing green abrasions, babies often cry. You can try to distract the frustrated child by inviting him to color his skin (and eventually the abrasion site) in green, or “blow” it with his mother on the wound on which “green” was applied.
"What is green made of?" - A long, detailed answer to a baby’s question or a fairy-tale invented on the go on this topic will also help calm him down. However, it should be borne in mind that cases of individual intolerance to brilliant green are known; their symptoms are severe burning and itching. Therefore, with sensitive skin, it is better to lubricate the child's abrasions and cuts with another means - for example, Feniran wound healing gel.
Unlike another popular antiseptic , an iodine alcohol solution, zelenka does not burn the skin and mucous membranes, therefore, it can treat not only the surface around the wound, but also the wound itself. Repeated processing is carried out at each dressing, and in the treatment of rashes or bites - as the color of "green" on the skin begins to fade.
Diamond green should not be used with iodine-containing drugs. They store it in a dark cool place: solutions - no more than two years, the powder has no restrictions on shelf life.