"Vagisil" - gel for intimate hygiene: reviews, instructions for use

Every woman who is serious about her health should be aware of all the intricacies of intimate hygiene. Until recently, many did not know about the existence of special care products for sensitive areas. One of the representatives of this category of products is “Vagisil” - a gel for intimate hygiene. Reviews about the product customers leave a variety of, but more recommend it for use.

Product Description

Many women experienced unpleasant sensations in the sensitive area, which were expressed in the form of increased dryness, itching, irritation. Such symptoms do not always indicate the presence of a disease. Quite often, the reason lies in the change in acid-base balance. In order to eliminate discomfort and prevent the recurrence of similar symptoms, it is necessary to use tools developed taking into account the characteristics of the intimate area of ​​the fair sex.

Vagisil intimate hygiene gel reviews

Many women chose the Vagisil product. Instructions for use position it as an effective means to normalize the pH balance and improve the condition of the skin in a delicate place. The manufacturer of the gel is the American company Phizer, which produces various medications, including drugs for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis (thrush).

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of an intimate gel is the normalization and restoration of the vaginal microflora. The tool is recommended to be used daily for hygiene procedures. Every woman should understand that the intimate zone needs some care, because there are a huge number of useful bacteria that are designed to protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms.

Vagisil was created to maintain the necessary acid-base balance, which, in turn, prevents the development of various infectious diseases. The drug can be used during pregnancy, menopause, menstruation, while taking certain medications (antibiotics). The components contained in the tool also contribute to restoring the elasticity of the skin.

“Vagisil” is a moisturizing gel that will be an excellent substitute for ordinary cosmetic soap, which causes dryness and discomfort in the female intimate area. It is often used in the complex treatment of vaginal candidiasis to eliminate characteristic symptoms.

Experts recommend

Currently, in cosmetic stores and pharmacies there is a wide selection of tools to help properly care for intimate areas. For some women, a bias against such a kind of product is completely in vain. Gynecologists strongly recommend choosing specially designed gels, foams, soaps for hygiene of the external genital organs, which will not cause irritation and dryness of delicate skin. One of the active means is considered "Vagisil" - a gel for intimate hygiene. Reviews of experts agree that this particular cosmetic preparation has a positive effect on the microflora and acid-base balance. At the same time, he does not have a therapeutic effect.

How to use gel?

"Vagisil" instructions for use recommends using for daily hygiene procedures of the external genitalia. Unlike simple soap and shower gel, a specialized cosmetic product does not cause dryness or discomfort. The components of the gel have an antiseptic effect. Therefore, the tool can be used after visiting the pool, sauna.

Vagisil cream

Doctors recommend taking an intimate shower twice a day. This will help to always feel clean, fresh and prevent the development of certain diseases. It should also be remembered that water procedures are indicated after sexual intercourse, because during this period the woman's body is open to pathogenic microorganisms.

What is included in the composition?

Before use, you should pay attention to the components used for the manufacture of the cosmetic product "Vagisil". The composition of the gel for intimate hygiene includes various chemicals: sodium chloride, glycerin, prepared water, lactitol, lactic acid, PEG-150 pentaerythril tetrastearate, benzetonium chloride, tocopherol acetate. Among the natural components there is an extract of leaves of Barbados aloe and chamomile.

Aloe has long been known for its healing properties and has been successfully used in medicine as well as cosmetology. The vitamins that make up this plant contribute to the improvement of the skin, and its antibacterial effect prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. Medicinal chamomile is the strongest natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic plant.

Why do I need lactic acid in the composition?

The pH level in the intimate area in women is 3.3, which is slightly lower than usual values. Increased acidity is necessary to protect the body from the penetration of infectious pathogens that cannot survive in such "harsh" conditions. To maintain this level, lactic acid produced by the beneficial flora of the vagina — Doderlein sticks — is needed. For "good" bacteria, increased acidity is not dangerous.

Vagisil all products

Normalize the acid-base level will help "Vagisil" - gel pH-balance. The tool is actually unique, because it contains LactoPrebiotic, developed by special technology and patented by the manufacturer. Extracts of medicinal plants supplement the action of this component.


Despite the fact that the product is absolutely safe for women, before using it, the manufacturer recommends that you still consult with your doctor-gynecologist. Individual intolerance to one or another component of the drug is possible. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the state of the intimate zone after hygiene procedures. The appearance of itching, redness indicates an allergic reaction. And it can appear not only after the initial test of the hygiene product “Vagisil” (gel for intimate hygiene).

Customer reviews and instructions for use confirm the presence of synthetic components in the gel that can adversely affect the condition of delicate skin. You should also take into account individual sensitivity to natural components, because the reaction to chamomile and aloe can be unpredictable. Allergic symptoms in women develop quite quickly. Unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning and the appearance of secretions indicate that this product is not suitable for use and should be replaced with a milder remedy. To relieve discomfort, take an antihistamine and consult a doctor

Vagisil: all products

The line of products for the care of intimate places under the brand name "Vagisil" is presented in several positions:

  • A gel that maintains the correct pH balance of the delicate zone;
  • "Vagisil" - an intimate moisturizer (used as a lubricant);
  • Powder with a deodorizing effect;
  • Wet wipes for intimate hygiene;
  • Cream for the care of delicate skin in a delicate area.

Vagisil instructions for use

As you can see, the manufacturer took care of a wide selection of means for intimate hygiene. Even the most demanding representative of the fair sex will be able to choose the most suitable option from the Vagisil series.

All products of this line are designed to alleviate the discomfort that often occurs in a delicate place due to wearing uncomfortable (or synthetic) underwear, the use of tampons and pads, the presence of a bacterial infection, candidiasis.

Cream "Vagisil"

Unlike gel, an intimate cream is not intended to cleanse intimate places. The main effect of such a tool is aimed at relieving unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning, irritation of the skin. Those who like to visit the pool should definitely pay attention to Vagisil. The cream does not contain dyes and fragrances, which means that the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is minimized.

The soothing and analgesic effect is exerted by the component Polidaconol (Laureth). The product takes care of the condition of delicate skin, effectively eliminates irritation and forms a special protective film on the surface of the dermis. Relief of unpleasant symptoms can be felt within 15 minutes after applying the product.

The instruction for the cream reports that it contains vitamin A, which is used as an anti-aging component. It is often added to various cosmetics to restore skin integument. Saturates the cells of the dermis with vitamin E, which the manufacturer added to the cream for better blood supply and to prevent aging of the skin. The problem of dryness in an intimate place will also help to cope with “Vagisil” (cream) due to the presence of vitamin D.

Cream Instructions

According to the instructions, "Vagisil" can be used from 12 years old. Apply the cream only after hygiene procedures. A small amount of the product is distributed over the surface of the dermis. The cream is intended for the external genitalia, so it should be avoided in other places. It has a greasy base, but after completely absorbing it leaves no residue on the laundry. The analgesic effect of Vagisil can be felt after 10-15 minutes. The tool effectively blocks nerve signals, which allows you to get rid of itching and burning.

Vagisil Moisturizing Gel

The duration of use depends on the severity of the symptoms. Usually the course is 3-4 days, but if necessary, you can use the cream for a longer time. If a woman does not feel an improvement, it is necessary to seek medical help. "Vagisil" is not a drug, it will not be able to cope with infection and pathological bacteria.

Intimate moisturizer

Dryness in an intimate place can occur in women regardless of age. This problem is faced by young girls and ladies during menopause. The causes of vaginal dryness are hormonal failure, medication, and stressful situations. A delicate problem can significantly affect sexual satisfaction. Many women say that it causes pain, and therefore does not bring proper pleasure. To eliminate dryness, a special humidifier should be used. Such a product is offered by Phizer in the form of a non-greasy, light gel-like substance.

Moisturizer "Vagisil" instructions for use and experts are allowed to use daily, and not just before sexual contact. The gel does not contain flavorings, is well tolerated and does not cause an allergic reaction. Unlike similar moisturizing intimate products, it is not quickly absorbed, which in some situations is very helpful.

Like previous products of the Vagisil brand, an intimate gel moisturizer contains aloe vera extract, pharmacy chamomile and vitamin E. The product does not upset the acid-base balance and has a positive effect on delicate skin areas. It should be remembered that any component can cause an allergic reaction and therefore it should be used carefully, in small quantities and monitor your own feelings.

Vagisil powder

To feel the freshness and comfort in an intimate place for a woman throughout the day, the Vagisil cosmetic products will help. In addition to gel and cream, the manufacturer offers to pay attention to a special tool - powder. The product has a deodorizing effect and helps to maintain a clean feeling. Such a remedy is especially relevant in the hot season, when the sweat glands work intensely and irritation and itching often occur in the intimate area.

Vagisil at the pharmacy

The powder, according to the annotation, does not contain talc, which allows the use of the product for intimate areas. It contains corn starch, tocopherol acetate, liquid paraffin, citonella, flavoring, tricalcium phosphate, Barbados aloe extract and vitamin E. The main effect of the powder is that it absorbs a large amount of moisture, thereby preventing rashes, itching and at the same time provides a deodorizing effect.

It can be used by girls and women even with the most delicate and sensitive skin. After hygiene, the product should be applied to dry skin. A small amount of intimate powder is enough to maintain a pleasant feeling of freshness.

Buyers note that this product in the line is the most expensive (600-700 rubles), and you can buy Vagisil powder in a pharmacy or a trusted online store (in the latter version, the prices will be much more attractive). Despite the rather high cost, the tool really fully copes with the task, which is confirmed by numerous positive recommendations.

Intimate wipes "Vagisil"

This is another useful product from the American manufacturer of the Vagisil line. The gel instruction allows you to use it daily, and even more than once, but what if there is no opportunity to take a full shower? Here in this case, you need to stock up on napkins for intimate hygiene. This is an emergency help to help restore a sense of cleanliness and get rid of itching or irritation in the sensitive area.

Of course, wipes will not replace a normal hygiene procedure (taking a bath or shower), but they will help to avoid many problems with women's health. The composition of the product includes an anesthetic - parmoxin hydrochloride, which blocks pain in a small area of ​​the skin. Napkins have a unique ability and block the smell, preventing its spread.

One package contains 12 individually sealed napkins. For hygienic manipulation, it is enough to unroll one napkin, wipe the area of ​​the external genital organs (be sure to move from front to back) and discard the used product. They will save Vagisil wipes from irritation, burning and itching just a few minutes after application. A day is allowed to use this method of cleansing an intimate place no more than 4 times. The cost of napkins for intimate hygiene of the Vagisil brand ranges from 350 to 600 rubles.

"Vagisil" - gel for intimate hygiene: reviews

The entire line of cosmetic products for the care of intimate areas "Vagisil" is popular with the fair sex. Every girl who is attentive to her health and likes to feel comfortable in everything is obliged to have such “secret” hygiene products.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to use various means for intimate hygiene during pregnancy and lactation. The question is really relevant, because when carrying a child, the body of the future mother experiences serious hormonal changes, which often entails the appearance of dry vagina. A similar situation is observed for some time after childbirth.

Some women, being in an interesting position, just discover such hygiene products for intimate places that help restore normal pH levels and eliminate unnecessary discomfort, especially during this period. One of the safest is considered "Vagisil" (gel). The price of the product is 380-480 rubles. for 355 ml. However, the instruction for the tool recommends that you first get a doctor's consultation, and then use it for hygiene of the external genitalia.

Important rules for feminine hygiene

Every girl from a young age is taught to observe intimate hygiene, because this is the basis of women's health. Until recently, few people paid attention to the need to maintain the acidity of the vagina, but, thanks to scientific developments, now the fair sex have the opportunity to use special products to care for sensitive places. The basic rule is to abandon cosmetic soap, which violates the pH balance and causes dryness, itching.

Vagisil preparations

An intimate shower should be taken at least 2 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to use a gel for intimate hygiene, and for a long lasting feeling of cleanliness, you can use powder with a deodorizing effect. Daily gaskets, despite their convenience, can cause significant harm to health if they are changed less than once every 4 hours. If possible, it is better to abandon their use.

Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene during menstruation, during pregnancy.

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