Kremlin oil: manufacturer, composition, oil structure, packaging, pros and cons of use, customer reviews

Not everyone loves butter, but everyone knows about its beneficial properties. It is included in the list of products that are bought regularly. Shelves of shops are full of a variety of beautiful packaging and familiar and pleasant names. When you look at Kremlin oil, it is immediately obvious that high-level specialists work in the marketing department of the manufacturing plant. But the buyer pays primarily not for packaging, but for the goods. To understand how a beautiful wrapper corresponds to quality, you need to figure out what kind of product it is, what its composition is and how it differs from similar products.

Trademark “Kremlin”

man eating butter

In 2001, one of the oldest enterprises in the food industry - the Nizhny Novgorod Meat and Fat Plant (founded in 1893) - launched a new product on the market. He belonged to butter, but had some differences, as openly stated in the advertising slogan. The video claimed that the familiar product contains unusually low cholesterol.

The manufacturer of the Kremlin oil does not exaggerate or embellish. The food product is a mixture of milk and vegetable fats. The product is a surrogate for butter. If you look more closely at the packaging of the goods, the word "oil" does not appear anywhere. But this was not always the case, and until 2003, the Kremlin was indicated as light oil. This year, for such products, a new interstate standard was introduced called “Spreads and melted mixtures” (GOST R 52100-2003).

The product is fully compliant with the established standard. But the manufacturer the word "spread" indicates in small print on the back of the package. Although such an action is correct legally, some buyers believe that it is unfair to them.

Kremlin Oil: Composition

The vegetable fat spread has a lot of fans. The product deserved such popularity precisely because of its composition.

  • Deodorized oil - oil obtained from plant materials that has undergone vacuum treatment with high temperature dry steam. The component is not indicated in quantitative terms, but it comes first, from which it follows that it is at least the basis.
  • Dry milk whey is a liquid dried to a powder state, remaining after curdling and filtration of milk. It is an additional product in the manufacture of cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Emulsifier E471, the most widely used in the food industry. It is necessary to stabilize the consistency.
  • Preservatives Sodium benzoate E211 is added to increase shelf life. It is able to inhibit the growth and development of yeast and mold. Potassium sorbate (E202) also helps to inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

The 72.5% fat spread has an energy value of 2738 J.

Below is a photo of Kremlin oil.

Kremlin oil

What is a spread?

The word Spread in translation from English means "smearing". So called products based on vegetable and milk fats. It is allowed to add vitamins, flavors, flavorings to the product. The product has long been known to the consumer, but the word "oil" was present in its name, which was misleading.

Spreads are divided into 3 subspecies:

  • Creamy and vegetable are the most similar to butter. They contain more than 50% milk fat.
  • Vegetable and creamy. The milk fat content in this subspecies is from 15 to 49%. It is to this subspecies that the so-called Kremlin butter belongs. The spread contains 13.05% milk fat.
  • Vegetable fat. They actually have no animal fat. They have a lot in common with margarine. But, unlike margarine, the spread limits the use of hydrogenated fats and trans isomers of fatty acids.
product spread

How to distinguish spread from butter

To understand the difference, you need to have a good idea of ​​what each of the compared products is. But not everyone has a technological education. But everyone will be able to perform a series of simple steps that allow with absolute accuracy to determine which product is hiding under the name “oil”.

  • If the fat content indicated in the composition is above 60%, then this is butter.
  • The cholesterol content in the spread is 0%. Typically, the seller focuses on this as a positive property.
  • After the purchase, you need to cut off a little of the product and leave it on the table for an hour. Butter after this time simply melts, and the spread spreads over the dishes.
  • If the product is put in the microwave and closed with a lid, then after 10 seconds the spread will “shoot”, and the oil will simply melt quietly.
  • Oil in a hot pan spreads evenly, forming a yellow spot, and the spread turns into a liquid with greasy spots.
butter in a pan

Pros of using the Kremlin brand oil

If a manufacturer releases a product, then someone needs it. Despite skeptical and hostile remarks, the spread is bought by a large number of people. And their actions are dictated not only by the low cost of goods.

Kremlin oil, or, to put it right, the spread has various rewards. Many brands are fighting for them, they are not bought, but deserved. This product has been awarded the Healthy Product Award. Consumers rated the lack of cholesterol in the spread and balanced fat content. It can be consumed every day, even while dieting.

A low milk fat product may be consumed by people with lactose deficiency and allergic to milk and dairy products.

The butter surrogate is not so fatty, but contains the same amount of vitamins D and A. The student will be more willing to eat spread than butter.

child eats butter

Cons of the Kremlin

Spread, like any other product, has its drawbacks. When choosing a product, they must also be considered.

  • Milk fat, which is part of the Kremlin oil, contains very little linoleic acid. Its concentration is only 1-4%. It protects blood vessels, participates in endocrine processes.
  • Unscrupulous manufacturers use palm or other low-quality oil to reduce the cost of goods. Such products negatively affect the body.
  • The product is low-fat in relation to oil, therefore, it is not suitable for good nutrition, especially for the body or in the rehabilitation period after treatment of not very serious diseases.

Reviews about the Kremlin oil

girl eating butter

Opinions about the product are completely different. The number of positive and negative is about the same.

In most cases, those who still consider the Kremlin to be oil, not a spread, speak negatively. People wait for the taste of a dairy product and, not having received it, are disappointed.

Women who understand the difference well take the spread more often for baking. Almost everyone is happy with the result. Also, people who love oil respond positively, but to whom the doctor sharply limits his consumption for health reasons. They claim that the product is not worse in taste, but that it can be consumed without fear.

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