It is worth noting that in recent years, many people began to purchase the means "Alesan" (cream for the joints). Reviews of doctors regarding the work of this drug are quite positive, in connection with which many have turned their attention to it, but few know that in fact this tool is available not only in the form of a cream. The brand produces a large number of different products, allowing to care for horses as efficiently as possible.
What is this series?
Caring for horses is a fairly responsible task, and it is important to choose only the right remedies, the most common of which is Alezan. Joint cream, the doctors' feedback on the effectiveness of its use is mostly positive - this is not the whole range, there are still a lot of useful shampoos and gels.
The composition of horse preparations has a fairly large number of similarities with similar drugs for humans, and the only difference in this case is the dosage of various active substances. For this reason, some of these drugs are often used in the treatment of various diseases or functional disorders in people. Such a tool is a cream for joints produced under the Alezan brand. Reviews of doctors say that he also positively affects people, and therefore he is even periodically prescribed as a possible treatment for certain diseases.
The series includes special shampoos for washing horses, which have various skin problems or a large amount of dandruff. They are also ideal for washing skin that has been affected by all kinds of fungal infections and dermatitis. The properties of this shampoo are determined by the fact that it contains specialized extracts of medicinal plants, natural herbs, as well as silver ions.
This detergent in its composition contains highly purified water, which is characterized by the absence of a drying and irritating effect. Shampoo perfectly cleanses all kinds of impurities, improves the condition of the hair and skin, and also makes the hair silky, so they will comb well. In addition, the composition of this shampoo perfectly conditiones and deodorizes hair.
The medicinal herbs that make up this product completely eliminate dandruff, and also ensure the complete destruction of fungi and pathogenic bacteria, which helps to normalize the microflora of the skin. Glycerin in its composition significantly increases the overall metabolic rate in the tissues of the skin and hair follicles, which allows to stimulate faster healing and subsequent restoration of any damaged structures.
Cream with miramistin and ASD
The main product of the Alezan series is cream for joints. Reviews of doctors pay special attention to the product with miramistin and ASD, which is characterized by pronounced antiseptic properties, and also helps to strengthen local immunity and accelerate various processes of tissue regeneration and healing. For this reason, this tool is often used in the treatment of such pathologies as:
- injuries
- injuries
- wounds that cannot heal for a long time after surgery;
- trophic ulcers;
- fistulas;
- pressure sores;
- burns and frostbite;
- all kinds of scuffs;
- dermatitis, the cause of which is the activity of fungal and bacterial flora.
The instruction attached to the drug "Alezan" (cream for the joints) suggests that it is a combination agent that is used only in the process of external treatment. The components included in its composition are distinguished by pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, and, among other things, contribute to an improvement in appetite and active restoration of various tissue structures.
Miramistin and its action
The instructions attached to the drug “Alezan” (joint cream) also note separately the fact that miramistin, which is part of this drug, is an antibacterial agent that has a detrimental effect on various fungi and bacteria, including:
- all kinds of streptococci;
- Staphylococcus aureus;
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- corynebacteria;
- chlamydia
- yeast fungi;
- actinomycetes fungi;
- dermatophytes.
Due to the extremely wide spectrum of antibacterial effects of this substance, such an extensive effect is achieved that distinguishes “Alezan” (joint cream). Reviews of experts suggest that in addition to its main effects, this tool prevents infection of various wound surfaces, including burns. Applying this substance externally does not provide for its absorption into the systemic circulation, while the ointment does not lead to the destruction of skin cells, dehydrating various dead tissue, but at the same time it contributes to the creation of a dry crust under which all kinds of granulation processes and active tissue repair will intensively proceed.
ASD stands for Dorogov antiseptic stimulator. The composition of this drug includes ASD 2F and 3F, that is, fractions of this stimulant under numbers 2 and 3. Using this element allows you to enhance the antiseptic effect of the drug, eliminates all kinds of inflammatory reactions, and also has an effective stimulating effect on the cells of local immunity.
Under the influence of this element, any purulent wound content departs much faster, as a result of which the general healing process and further restoration of the normal tissue structure are also significantly accelerated.
Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that in this case the effect of miramistin and ASD, which contains “Alezan” (joint cream), is significantly enhanced, because it also contains sage, calendula and chamomile extract.
Where is it used?
Horse cream for joints "Alezan" is a tool that is used quite effectively in the treatment of various pathological conditions in humans. Thus, the cream, which contains ASD and miramistin, is actively used in the process of treating various traumatic wounds or injuries in the structure of muscles, joints and skin. Using this cream, healing is stimulated and the possibility of infection of the wound surface is excluded.
The use of this drug perfectly helps in the treatment of all kinds of scuffs, pressure sores, burns, trophic ulcers, surgical wounds, frostbite and many other problems.
Joint cream
A specialized joint cream in its physicochemical structure is a cream gel, but in the predominant majority of cases it is called only by some specific name. The components that make up this drug have a chondrostimulating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and chondoprotective effect.
The chondoprotective effect in this case is to ensure the most effective protection of joint tissues from the negative effects from the environment, while the chondrostimulating effect is a constant enhancement of cartilage tissue growth by improving metabolic and nutritional processes. Due to this, the application of this cream helps prevent the possibility of the development of joint degeneration, and also completely stops any progression of the pathology.
Where is this cream used?
"Alezan" (joint cream for people) is actively used in the treatment of pathologies such as:
- osteochondrosis;
- osteoarthritis;
- joint injuries;
- shoulder-shoulder polyarthritis;
- softening of the patella.
What does this cream do?
Using this cream, the metabolic processes in the cartilage of the joints are normalized, which significantly slows down the processes of tissue destruction with possible progressive dysfunction. In the area where “Alezan” is used (joint cream, the photo of which is given in the article), skin elasticity is significantly improved, and all kinds of pain are completely relieved with osteoarthritis, joint injuries, shoulder and shoulder polyarthritis and osteochondrosis. Among other things, the cream also provides effective elimination of edema.
This tool helps to improve the production of hyaluronic acid and glycosaminoglycans, which are components of normal cartilage tissue. This effect is provided by glucosamine, which includes Alezan (joint cream for people). Doctors' reviews suggest that due to the presence of this element, the work of enzymes that destructively affect the tissues of the articular cartilage is blocked. Among other things, the cream optimizes the calcification of articular bones, promotes water retention, as well as maintaining the elastic properties of cartilage in a normal state.
The second active component, which includes the Alezan preparation (joint cream), is chondroitin sulfate, which has a positive effect on the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, and also normalizes the formation of cartilage and bone tissue in the joint. Thus, chondroitin sulfate provides a complete stop to the progression of osteoarthritis, and also helps to increase the total amount of intraarticular fluid, as well as reduce soreness and significantly increase the degree of mobility of diseased joints. It is this effect that distinguishes the cream for joints for horses “Alesan” (which is often used for people).
In the case of use in the recommended dosages, the preparations exclude the possibility of any side effects. People with sensitive skin may experience slight irritation after use, which is fast enough and at the same time passes completely without a trace. Equine products include active ingredients that are actively used in modern medicines, originally intended for humans.