For the preparation of charlotte, apples of different varieties, both summer and winter, are used. For my taste, the aport cake and white filling turn out to be more tender and juicy , although sometimes I use pie and ranetki. Charlotte recipe is quite simple.
Take 5 eggs and beat them in a mixer, add a glass of sugar and a glass of flour, mix everything thoroughly. Pour a portion of the dough into a hot pan or a pan greased with vegetable oil, lay a layer of apples sliced ββon top and pour the remaining dough again. Bake at t = 180 degrees 30-40 blink. The oven door does not need to be opened so that the cake does not settle.
Many housewives in the preparation of charlotte use sour cream or kefir. But no matter what charlotte recipe you choose for yourself, you need to know some small culinary tricks to make the cake lush and tasty:
- You should never open the oven door during cooking.
- Beat eggs at room temperature. Beating eggs is more convenient with a mixer or a blender, rather than with a fork and a spoon.
- Never use kefir from the refrigerator, it must be warmed up a little.
- It will be much tastier if you add raisins and nuts to apples. It is always better to use a lot of apples.
A looser and higher biscuit is obtained if you use the recipe for apple charlotte with sour cream. To do this, take 3 eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks. Beat the whites until foam. 3 yolks, a glass of sugar and a packet of margarine, grind in a separate bowl. In a glass of sour cream add 1 tsp of soda, quenched with vinegar and add the remaining ingredients. Pour flour in the last turn to make dough like pancakes. Mix the finished dough with chopped apples and put in a mold. Bake at t = 190-200 degrees 30 minutes until golden brown. The readiness of the pie to determine the match, if necessary, if the middle is damp, and the top is browned, you need to cover it with foil on top and bake for another 10 minutes, slightly lowering the temperature.
If the apples are a little stewed in a pan with butter with the addition of cinnamon and sugar, and then added to the dough, then the cake will turn out to be lighter and more tender. Charlotte recipe for sour cream can be much easier to cook, but no less tasty. To prepare it, take 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of sour cream, 1 egg, 1 glass of flour and Β½ tsp. soda, mix and pour sliced ββand laid out in the form of 5 apples. Soda can not be extinguished, as sour cream will add dough to the splendor.
Charlotte can be prepared in a miracle oven or in a slow cooker. In this case, the recipe for charlotte is simple, but the cake is cooked in a slow cooker for about an hour. To knead the dough you need to take 4 eggs, 1 cup sugar, Β½ cup flour and a few apples. First, beat eggs with sugar, then add soda, slaked with vinegar, chopped apples to the flour and mix well.
The cake is very delicate in taste, if you use the recipe for charlotte with kefir. The biscuit turns out high and not very dry. To prepare it, take 1 cup of kefir, 1 cup of sugar, 2 eggs ΒΌ packs of margarine, 1 Β½ cup flour. Mix everything well, add Β½ tsp of soda, quenched with vinegar or citric acid, 1 bag of vanillin, cinnamon or nutmeg for taste. Pour the finished dough into the form, lay apple slices on top, drown the apples in the dough and put the bake for an hour in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
To give Charlotte originality, you can make shtreisel, such dry sweet crumbs. In this case, just fry in a pan 2 tbsp. l flour, then add 2 tbsp. l butter grated on a coarse grater and 4 tbsp. l sugar. The resulting crumbs are sprinkled on top of the dough before baking, using this to decorate charlotte.
Despite the simplicity of making the pie, charlotte always turns out to be tasty, tender and delivers real pleasure.