To make dumplings, a minimum of products is required, but what a tasty dish is. For classic dumplings, minced beef, pork, lamb with the obligatory addition of a variety of spices and onions are used.
Dumplings are boiled in boiling water or meat broth until they float to the surface and then a couple more minutes. Ready-made dumplings are served with sour cream, sauce, mustard or butter. In addition to the classical method of preparation, there are many more varied and delicious recipes for dumplings, for example fried dumplings.
Fried dumplings
If guests suddenly come, you can serve dumplings fried in a pan to the table. This dish is prepared in a matter of minutes and has a very original taste. For their preparation we will need: a package of frozen dumplings (better, of course, homemade), a little vegetable oil, seasoning and sauce to taste.
Preparation: take a deep frying pan, put it on a fire and pour vegetable oil. Too much oil is not required. The main thing is that the bottom of the pan is completely covered with oil, otherwise our dumplings may burn.
From the refrigerator we take dumplings that do not need to be defrosted and put them in a heated pan. Fry the dumplings for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly, so that they do not stick to the pan.
The readiness of dumplings can be determined by a uniform brownish crust on the surface of dumplings. During frying, it is advisable to try them for preparedness, since different varieties of ravioli require different cooking times. Fried dumplings in oil should be served with sour cream, sauce or your favorite mayonnaise.
Dumplings in Georgian (khinkali).
Ingredients for the dough: three glasses of premium flour, a glass of water, one egg and a pinch of salt.
For the preparation of minced meat: 300 grams of pulp of fatty mutton, 200 grams of pulp of pork, three heads of onions, meat broth, red and black pepper, fresh herbs and salt.
Preparation: cut lamb and pork into large pieces and twist two times in a row through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onions.
Pour the broth into the meat so that it is juicy, sprinkle with red and black pepper, salt, add finely chopped greens and mix thoroughly with your hands.
Cooking the dough. Pour the sifted flour onto a flat dish, make a slide from it with a depression in the middle. Pour warm water there, break the egg, salt and knead a fairly steep dough. Cover it with a cup and leave for half an hour.
Next, divide the dough into pieces and roll the cakes as thin as possible. We put the minced meat in the center and collect the tortilla into small knots in small folds, while tightly fastening them at the top.
We put dumplings in boiling and salted water and cook until they float to the surface. We take out very carefully so that juice does not leak from them.
According to Georgian tradition, khinkali is eaten with hands holding the bundle.
Lazy Dumplings.
For the test we need: one egg, a glass of water, flour and salt.
For minced meat: half a kilogram of mixed minced meat, two onions, carrots.
For the sauce: half a glass of sour cream.
Preparation: knead the usual dumplings dough. Add one finely chopped onion to the minced meat, pepper, salt and mix thoroughly with your hands. Peel the carrots and rub on a coarse grater, chop the second onion and fry in a pan. Divide the dough in half and thinly roll two cakes. We spread the minced meat and evenly distribute the cakes on the entire surface, turn them into a roll and cut them into pieces three centimeters long. We spread the pieces in a pan, put the carrot-onion frying on top. Add half a glass of water to the sour cream, pepper, salt and pour the dumplings in a pan. Cover with a lid and put in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Cook until tender. Serve hot to the table. Enjoy your meal!