How to prepare differently pear juice for the winter: useful tips and recipes

Apples and pears are perhaps the most popular of all fruits for the preparation of various canned home-made products. They are processed more often, getting sweet thick masses and drinks. This article describes how to harvest pear juice for the winter. The recipe for this drink may vary depending on the method of processing the fruit. Following these methods, it is possible to obtain both concentrated pure juices and drinking nectars, similar in taste to saturated fruit compotes.

pear juice for the winter

Pear juice for the winter : method one

It is very convenient if there is a juicer as a kitchen โ€œassistantโ€. In this case, freshly cut fruits in the form of slices, from which the core is necessarily removed, pass through a modern device. Pour the resulting pear juice in jars and sterilize by placing the containers filled with the drink in a pan with cold water. Bringing it to a boil gradually, leave 1.5-2 l cans to warm up with moderate gurgling for 45-50 minutes. If desired, you can add a little sugar to the juice to taste.

winter pear juice recipe

Pear juice for the winter : method two

Prepared fruit slices can be passed through any (manual or electric) meat grinder. True, in this case, the percentage of raw waste is quite high. Filter the twisted mass through several layers of thin cloth or gauze. Boil the juice for 2-3 minutes before sterilization.

Pear juice for the winter : method three

This method involves the mandatory use of sugar. Pour finely chopped or twisted pears through a meat grinder, taking 300 g of loose sweet sand for every 1 kg of fruit. Stir the fruit puree and leave to insist for 1 day or at night. Strain the juice from the mass and pre-boil it 3-5 minutes before sterilization. It is recommended to store the prepared drink in this way for no more than 3-4 months.

How to prepare pear juice for the winter with the addition of water?

In the event that the fruits are sufficiently dense and not very juicy in their structure and consistency, another processing method can be used. Sliced โ€‹โ€‹pieces (2 kg) or mashed puree pour hot sugar syrup prepared from 200 ml of plain water and 0.5 kg of granulated sugar. Drain the juice and prepare by sterilization. If the mass turned out to be dry, boil it for 5-10 minutes on fire. After cooling, separate the liquid and treat it with the methods described above.

pear juice for the winter

How to harvest pear juice for the winter with chokeberry


  • 2 l of freshly squeezed pear juice;
  • 2 kg of fully ripe aronia ;
  • 0.2 l of freshly squeezed beet juice.


Sort the rowan, wash and pass through a juicer. Mix the resulting juice with beetroot and pear and put in a saucepan. After a short boil (5-7 minutes), pour the drink into hot sterile jars and roll it up. With the lids closed, turn the containers upside down and cover with a thick blanket. After complete cooling, transfer the storage jars to a cool place. The vitamin drink is ready!

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