The drug "Doppelherz" (magnesium and B vitamins): description, composition, reviews

What is the Doppelherz Asset (Magnesium + Group B Vitamins)? We will tell you about what this tool is for, what properties are characteristic of it, and how to use it, in this article.

Doppelherz Magnesium and B Vitamins

Form, composition

In what form is the drug "Doppelherz" (Magnesium and Vitamins of group B) produced? This product can be purchased in the form of oval tablets with a risk, which are packaged in contour cells and placed in paper bundles.

It should also be noted that the composition of this drug includes such an element as magnesium. In addition, it contains some B vitamins (in particular vitamins B 6 , B 1 and B 12 ) and folic acid.

Tool Details

What is the drug "Doppelherz" (Magnesium and Vitamins of group B)? According to experts, this is a comprehensive tool that well stimulates performance and increases the defenses of a weakened body.

The intake of this supplement provides the human body with important components, especially at high intellectual and physical stress. In addition, the drug mentioned improves well-being of the patient, including during the recovery period after illness.

BAA properties

What determines the effectiveness of the Doppelherz drug (Magnesium and Vitamins of group B)? The action of this additive is directly related to its active components. Consider their features right now.

doppelherz asset magnesium group vitamins

Magnesium is a very important substance for the human body. This element plays a special role in providing energy to all cells. It is involved in almost all metabolic processes. In addition, the instructions say that magnesium very quickly relieves spasms of blood vessels and improves heart rate, which favorably affects blood circulation.

In patients with type 2 diabetes, this substance stabilizes blood glucose. It is impossible not to say that any person needs to receive a certain amount of magnesium, especially at high intellectual and physical stress.

B vitamins are responsible for the natural process of generating energy from fats, proteins and carbohydrates that enter the human body with food.

Vitamin B 6 is involved in a number of biological and chemical reactions. This component normalizes blood sugar and also activates glucose metabolism. The intake of this vitamin contributes to improved cardiac muscle function, lowering blood pressure and activating the body's defense system.

Vitamin B 1 tidies up the nervous system, stimulates memory and thinking. Also, this component is able to stop existing pain.

Vitamin B 12 is necessary for the normal absorption of food, preventing the development of stroke and myocardial infarction. In addition, its intake improves the state of the NS, normalizes the quality of sleep and the process of falling asleep. Lack of this vitamin in the body negatively affects the emotional and cognitive functioning of the brain.

Doppelherz Magnesium Plus B Vitamins

What role does folic acid play in Doppelherz (Magnesium and Vitamins of Group B)? This element is involved in the processes of protein synthesis, as well as in the transport of O 2 and the production of red blood cells. Folic acid also improves brain function and stabilizes the psycho-emotional balance. In addition, it is very important for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases.

Indications for use of the supplement

Why is the drug “Doppelherz Active” (Magnesium + Vitamins of group B) necessary? Reviews claim that the use of this tool is indicated for complex therapy and for the prevention of vascular and cardiac pathologies, as well as various neurological diseases. In addition, the use of this supplement is advisable with an unbalanced and poor-quality diet.

In what other cases is the drug “Doppelherz” prescribed (Magnesium plus Vitamins of group B)? This biological supplement is recommended for use with:

  • high loads (physical and emotional);
  • high demand for nutrients and energy;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • the presence of bad habits (alcohol consumption, systematic smoking);
  • recovery from serious illness;
  • as part of the combined treatment and prevention of vascular and heart diseases;
  • neurological diseases.

doppelherz asset magnesium group vitamins reviews

Bans for the supplement

When should you not take the Doppelherz supplement (Magnesium and Vitamins of group B)? Reviews report that this drug is not recommended for use in the presence of high sensitivity to its components. Also, this complex remedy can not be taken by pregnant women and mothers with natural feeding.

Mode of application

Take the supplement in question only inside. It is advisable to do this during the meal, drinking a pill with plenty of clean water. At the same time, you do not need to chew the drug.

The dosage of this drug is selected by the doctor. As a rule, patients are advised to take one tablet once a day.

Use the drug in question without a break can be no longer than two months in a row. Before you start taking dietary supplements, you should definitely get the doctor's recommendations.

Side effects

The German drug "Doppelherz" almost never causes side effects. However, in the process of taking it, the patient may still experience allergic reactions. In this case, the supplement is canceled.

Special information

Before taking the drug "Doppelherz" it should be remembered that it is not a drug.

For patients with diabetes, it is very important to know that one tablet of the drug in question contains 1.1 kcal, as well as 0.04 XE.

doppelherz magnesium and vitamins group in reviews

User reviews

Consumer reports about the drug in question indicate its positive effect on the state of the entire human nervous system. In the personal opinion of many patients, the aforementioned biological supplement can well overcome the effects of stress, as well as improve the emotional state.

It is impossible not to say that after taking dietary supplements, many people notice a noticeable improvement in the state of their heart, blood vessels and a significant surge of strength.

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