What is the best drink mash recipe?

This is a drink whose historical origins date back to ancient times. The classic recipe for drinking mash is simple: yeast, sugar and water. For centuries, people experimented, tried, invented, replaced some components, in general, invented. In Russia, mash was placed on honey or berry juice, and yeast was replaced with peas or hops. Any princely feast ended with a mash of honey.

Drink Mash Recipe

Besides the fact that mash can be used as a ready-to-drink alcoholic drink, it is also the basis for making wine or homemade vodka (moonshine). The main process of any recipe for making a drink is natural fermentation. The quality of the resulting alcohol depends on the degree of completeness of the preparation method.

Let's pay attention to the recipe for mash for drinking, which is used to make porter or English ale. The preparation of these drinks is based on the strong fermentation of the components. Methods of making German beer, on the contrary, include reducing the time of fermentation. But in Russia, the main recipe for mash for drinking was used to make moonshine. The best methods of moonshining were passed down from generation to generation by hereditary moonshiners.

Homemade mash recipe
Homemade mash: a recipe for making a drink from crackers

One of the most common ways to make a drink is quite simple. The recipe for quick mash is: yeast, sugar, water and rye crackers. It is not a secret that there are a large number of various options for making a stupefying drink. One of them is a mash recipe for drinking jam. This method allows not only to obtain a quality product, but also contributes to the processing of surplus last year's jam, including candied or fermented.

Methods for making mash

  1. The first step in preparing the drink is preparing the container. Such dishes as a milk can or a well-washed enameled 30 liter saucepan are suitable as it.
  2. Then, in the prepared container, it is necessary to put jam or sugar at the rate of 40 liters of water / 10 kg of sugar or jam and pour in pre-warmed (to room temperature) water. Also, fruits, berries or raisins are added to the resulting wort.
    Quick Mash Recipe
  3. Cooking the leaven. We breed yeast in warm water and add to the resulting wort. Thoroughly mix the resulting liquid mass.
  4. The next step is not easy. You need to determine whether the mash has "started" or not. If the whole process went right, then you will hear a kind of rustling mash. This will indicate that fermentation has begun (the mug has played).
  5. Final stage. The wort container must be wrapped well in a blanket and put in a warm place for a while (from 3-4 days to 2 weeks), during which the fermentation process takes place. Stir the wort daily until ready. Ready mash - bright and with a touch of bitterness. If sweetness prevails in the flavor, this means that the process is not yet complete.

Then the mash must be filtered through gauze, folded in several layers, or a sieve. The finished drink can be drunk or distilled into moonshine.

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