The frantic pace of life dictates its own rules: in a metropolis it is very difficult to find time for a balanced diet throughout the day. Hence, various intestinal disorders that affect both the health of internal organs and the appearance of a person, in particular the skin. In order to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, a large number of various medicines and biologically active additives are presented on the shelves of pharmacies. One of the drugs that is gaining popularity is Lactofiltrum. Reviews about this medicine are different: there are both positive and negative. What are the reasons for such opinions and what you need to know before taking the drug?
Description: clinical and pharmacological group and composition of the drug
This drug belongs to the group of enterosorbents. This is a combined drug that helps to normalize the intestinal microflora. The active ingredients in Lactofiltrum are lactulose and hydrolytic lignin. Sodium croscarmellose and magnesium stearate are used as an auxiliary component in the production. Also, this drug can be attributed to the group of immunostimulants.
Dosage form
Lactofiltrum tablets are sold in dark brown with white and gray spots. They resemble capsules in shape. The tablets are biconvex, in the middle there is a strip. Each of them contains 355 mg of hydrolytic lignin and 120 mg of lactulose, as well as 20 mg of croscarmellose sodium and 5 mg of magnesium stearate.
The drug is available in blister packs enclosed in cardboard boxes. One box may contain 10, 15, 30, or 60 tablets. In addition, the drug can be sold in glass bottles packed in a cardboard box. It is released from the pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. Country of origin - Russia.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacological action
As for the kinetic processes: the active substance hydrolysis lignin is not absorbed, it has the property of being completely eliminated from the body during the day. Lactulose is hydrolyzed in the colon. In the upper intestines and stomach it is not absorbed.
How do Lactofiltrum tablets work? Lignin is a natural enterosorbent with high sorbing activity and non-specific detoxification effect. It is a product of hydrolysis of wood components. Lignin has the ability to free the body from pathogenic bacteria, toxins, salts of heavy metals, and also eliminates the negative effects of alcohol and allergens, removes excess metabolic products, including cholesterol, bilirubin, serotonin, histamine, urea, and others.
Lactulose is a synthesized substance. Its molecule consists of residues of fructose and galactose. In other words, it is a disaccharide. When hydrolysis of lactulose in the colon occurs, the substance is fermented with normal microflora, which stimulates the growth of "good" microorganisms - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Also at this moment, the formation of acetic, lactic and formic acids occurs, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. This, in turn, helps to reduce the release of nitrogen-containing toxic substances in the body.
Based on the above, it follows that the integrated work of the two substances is aimed at normalizing the microbial component of the intestine and reducing the manifestations of endogenous toxic conditions.
Lactofiltrum: indications
The drug can be prescribed by a doctor for a course of treatment in cases when there is a violation of normal digestion of various etiologies and dysbiosis has been diagnosed (in particular, as a result of antibiotic therapy). “Lactofiltrum” promotes the growth of “healthy” intestinal microflora, and therefore helps well with stool disorders. Also, the drug can be prescribed by a doctor in the complex treatment of such diseases:
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- hepatitis;
- decreased immunity as a result of a season change;
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome);
- chronic colitis;
- various allergic manifestations, such as atopic eczema or urticaria.
The official instructions to Lactofiltrum describe the conditions in which the drug is excluded:
- galactosemia;
- intestinal obstruction;
- bleeding in the digestive tract.
Individual intolerance to the components may be observed. In this case, if necessary, you should choose another drug from the group of enterosorbents.
Given the effect and composition of Lactofiltrum, it should be taken with caution in case of acute stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, as well as in case of loss of intestinal tone. Therapy is performed only under the supervision of the attending physician.
It is not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Also, "Lactofiltrum" is not prescribed for infants (up to 1 year of life).
Methods of administration, dosage and duration of course treatment
Regardless of the indications and age, it is necessary to drink the drug three times a day. The instructions for "Lactofiltrum" describe the following dosage regimen:
- Children from 1 year to 3 years: half a tablet.
- Children from 3 to 7 years: 1 tablet.
- Children from 8 to 12 years: 1-2 tablets.
- Adults and children over 12 years: 2-3 tablets.
The drug is taken orally. It is important to take the pills 1 hour before meals and other medicines. For children who cannot swallow on their own, the drug is crushed into powder.
Course treatment lasts 14-21 days. An increase in dosage and a second course can only be prescribed by a doctor according to available indications. "Lactofiltrum" with prolonged use is addictive.
Overdose manifestations
Abdominal pain and lack of bowel movement may occur. Specific treatment is not required, usually the problem can be solved by discontinuing the drug or adjusting the prescribed dosage.
Possible side effects and precautions
In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is possible, as well as flatulence and diarrhea. Symptomatic treatment is carried out, the doctor is considering replacing the drug with an analogue of Lactofiltrum.
If complex therapy is performed, that is, in addition to this drug, the patient must take other medications, the rules for separate administration must be observed. Otherwise, a decrease in the effectiveness of other drugs is possible.
Considering that no data on the safety of taking the drug during pregnancy and lactation have been received, it is not recommended to carry out Lactofiltrum therapy at this time.
Caution is advised to give the drug to the child. "Lactofiltrum" for children older than a year is not contraindicated, but it is important to comply with the prescribed dosage and exceed it only if it has been adjusted by the pediatrician.
Analogues of the drug
The pharmaceutical industry offers the consumer a huge number of enterosorbents, among which you can choose the most suitable effective drug. If you are interested in Lactofiltrum analogues with the same active substance (lignin), you should pay attention to such drugs:
- "Polyphepan";
- Lignosorb;
- Entegnin;
- "Filtrum-sti."
They have another active substance, but such drugs work on the same principle:
- Polysorb;
- Ultrafiltrum;
- "Smecta";
- Enterosgel;
- Enterumin.
Losing weight and getting rid of acne: myth or reality?
Example: a girl found out from a friend / from the reviews about Lactofiltrum on the Internet that you can lose weight by taking this drug. What she does? That's right, he runs to the pharmacy, gets this medicine and starts drinking it. Yes, more, immediately the maximum dosage - for sure. It is not right!
The second example: a girl from a friend / from the Internet found out that by taking Lactofoltrum you can get rid of acne on your face. And its action is similar to the previous one. Now we will analyze these common errors.
So, "Lactofiltrum" for weight loss can not be used because it does not contain components that would contribute to the breakdown of fats. However, do not immediately give up. Most often, excess weight appears due to an unbalanced diet. It, in turn, leads to impaired stool, hence the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the intestines, the difficulty in removing harmful substances from the body, the stagnation of salts, and so on. Sometimes so much “garbage” accumulates in the body that, it seems, getting rid of it only, you can lose 10 pounds.
Therefore, Lactofiltrum is an excellent assistant for those who decide to lose weight by choosing a balanced diet and thinking through a set of physical exercises. The drug will help improve intestinal motility and normalize stool, all harmful substances will be removed from the body. "Lactofiltrum" for weight loss is also useful in that it prevents the development of dysbiosis. A violation of microflora is the most common side effect of popular diets.
Now about acne. "Lactofiltrum" is usually prescribed in combination with various anti-acne drugs. But this is possible only on the recommendation of the doctor who collected the anamnesis, examined and revealed that the patient really has problems in the digestive tract. The fact is that acne occurs due to many reasons, and not always they can be problems in the intestines. Therefore, before you start taking Lactofiltrum to cleanse the body in order to get rid of acne, you should visit a dermatologist and undergo an examination.
If there are no contraindications and individual intolerance to the components of the drug, this drug will not harm, but rather contribute to the stable functioning of the intestine, on which, without exaggeration, the functionality of the whole organism depends. In this case, one should not relate to solving the problem of fanaticism, namely, swallowing tablets with handfuls. Inadequate medication can adversely affect health.
"Lactofiltrum": reviews treated
On the forums you can find many reports that the drug was inactive. However, this opinion cannot be objective, because all these reviews were written by people trying to lose weight or get rid of acne using only Lactofiltrum. The article fully discloses the purpose of the drug - improving the intestine and improving its microflora. The testimony does not say a word about losing weight or treating acne, so you should not expect an appropriate effect from this drug.
But still there are reviews of Lactofiltrum, in which the drug appears as an ideal assistant for solving such problems. Having studied many opinions, we can come to this conclusion: this medicine copes with the main task perfectly. “Lactofiltrum” qualitatively cleanses the intestines from pathogenic microorganisms, helps to cope with diarrhea and other manifestations of intoxication of the body. After a course of treatment, you can permanently get rid of problems with the stool and many other problems that are a consequence of a violation of the digestive tract.
Mom’s drug is especially praised. "Lactofiltrum" for children is an ideal remedy for allergic rashes and dysbiosis after taking antibiotics. The only thing that bothers you is the price of the drug, because the cost of a course of treatment can reach 1000 rubles.