Pink lichen: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of pink lichen in humans will be presented in this article. What is this pathology?

In medicine, pink lichen has the name "Giber disease" or "pitiriasis" and is a skin disease of an erythematous-squamous nature, which is manifested by the formation of round or oval spots on the body of a pink color with a flaky crust. This pathology can be observed in any category of people, regardless of age, but most often this disease occurs in women and girls. For pink lichen, exacerbations in the autumn-spring periods are characteristic.

pink lichen in a person symptoms

To date, science does not know the exact causes of what is the causative agent of Giber disease. However, many researchers believe that this disease has an infectious origin, or rather a viral one. The infectiousness of pink lichen is relatively low, and only a few cases of the disease of the whole family are known in history.

During morphological studies of the foci of the disease on the skin, its hyperpigmentation, violation of the processes of exfoliation of keratinized particles, as well as the presence of intracellular and intercellular swelling were observed. In the papillary layer of the skin, when such a pathology occurs, the blood vessels dilate, swelling develops, perivascular lymph infiltration forms. Symptoms of pink lichen are presented below.

Causes of the disease and factors provoking its occurrence

Despite the fact that to date no pathogens have been identified that provoke the development of pink lichen, many experts believe that the disease causes a herpes virus of the seventh type.

Gibber's disease often occurs in people with impaired immune defenses of the body, during pregnancy, after hypothermia, as well as acute respiratory diseases.

pink lichen symptoms

The ways of transmission of this infection to science are unknown, however, it can be assumed that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. In addition, viruses that cause pink lichen may remain on household items and personal hygiene products of the patient (towel, comb, etc.).

After recovering from this disease, antibodies are produced in the human body to the causative agents of pink lichen, so the patient will not be ill again.

Symptoms of pink lichen

It should be noted that a disease such as pink lichen is usually not accompanied by special painful sensations. In some cases, the patient may experience itching in the area of ​​the rash characteristic of the disease, and this group includes, as a rule, people who, due to the nature of their activity, are constantly in contact with skin irritants. Overly emotional people also belong to this category of patients.

Consider the symptoms and treatment of pink lichen in humans.

First stages

At the very first stages of the pathological process, the appearance of a single spot on the patient's body begins. It is called “maternal”, because from it there is a widespread spread of the disease over the patient’s skin. On the surface of the spot, the skin begins to peel off, small dry scales appear. This formation gradually increases in size, reaching at the same time 3-5 cm in diameter. The central part of the spot is painted more pale than the edges, and slightly sinks. Along the periphery, such a plaque rises slightly above the surface of the skin and has a bright red color. In short, the spot looks like a round and oval pink formation with bright edges and a roughness in the center.

A few days after the appearance of the “maternal” plaque on the body, the formation of numerous subsequent spots on the whole body, a characteristic appearance and structure, which are most often localized in the back, abdomen, as well as on the arms and legs, begins. What other symptoms of pink lichen are possible?

Secondary stage

Rashes of secondary origin are usually located along the so-called "Langer lines", which are conditional lines on the surface of the skin corresponding to the directions of collagen fibers, as well as indicating the directions of their extensibility. Visually, these lines resemble branches.

It should be noted that in the area of ​​the scalp, feet and hands, secondary foci of rashes never form.

In the early days of the disease, an increase in temperature is observed, and pink lichen itself lasts about five weeks. The spot begins to fade gradually, after which the disappearance begins. Full recovery of the patient occurs in about 10-12 weeks from the onset of the disease. However, there are cases when Giber disease lasted several months or years. Symptoms of pink lichen are rather unpleasant.

Atypical forms of the disease

In cases where the maternal plaque is absent, the development of an atypical form may begin. These types of disease include:

pink lichen in a person symptoms treatment
  • papular
  • urtikarnaya;
  • follicular;
  • miliary;
  • vesicular.

In medical practice, atypical forms of Giber disease are extremely rare.

Giant pink lichen

This disease is a type of atypical forms of pink lichen, which is characterized by the appearance of a small number of round pink-yellow spots, which are huge. Such rashes can reach a diameter of 15-20 cm.

A reliable etiology of such a disease is not known today. However, some medical researchers have concluded that giant lichen causes a certain fungus that lives on the surface of the skin. Other experts are sure that pink lichen of this type can be caused by bacteria.

This type of atypical pink lichen develops very spontaneously, and it can be provoked by strong nervous overstrain, changes in climatic conditions, as well as a decrease in immunity.

Symptoms and treatment of pink lichen in adults are often interrelated.

This disease proceeds in stages, and among such stages it can be noted:

  1. Primary itching. At this period, severe itching occurs in some areas of healthy skin. This symptom is very pronounced at night.
  2. Nesting lichenification, which is expressed in skin seals due to the appearance of small papules with fuzzy edges and a dry, granular surface on its surface.
  3. Diffuse lichenification. At this stage of the atypical giant lichen, disc-shaped areas of thickening of the skin are formed, having a dark pink color, which rise against the general background. They are streaked with specific grooves that are parallel to each other or intersect with each other. Such formations can be covered with dry scales and crusts. The skin in such areas is very dry and inflamed.
pink lichen symptoms and treatment in adults

A similar variety of pink lichen is a disease, the duration of which can last for whole years. Exacerbation of seasonal periods is also characteristic of it. Such formations disappear as spontaneously as they arose, leaving pigment spots on the affected areas of the skin.

Photos of symptoms of pink lichen are presented in the article.

In one patient, as a rule, no more than 2-3 such spots are observed, which are most often formed in the genital area, large joints, occiput and perineum.

Pink lichen in a child

In children, this disease is considered one of the pathologies of infectious or allergic genesis. Very often, pink lichen occurs after vaccination or long-term use of certain medications, for example, vitamins, antibiotics, sulfonamides. The causes of the development of the disease in children can also be ARVI and local skin irritation provoked by synthetic tissues. The causes of pink lichen also include chronic infections, pathologies in the endocrine system and various diseases of the internal organs.

Symptoms and treatment of pink lichen in a child should be known to all parents.

At the initial stage of pink lichen, a “maternal” plaque begins to form on the child’s body. The area of ​​its localization is the abdomen, hips or chest. During this period, the child may complain of severe headaches, malaise, discomfort in the joints. The temperature, as a rule, does not increase much, most often subfebrile.

After a few days, the formation of a profuse rash begins throughout the patient's body in the form of yellow and pinkish spots with fuzzy outlines. Such rashes usually appear in the limbs, in the folds of the body and on the shoulders. Unlike the disease observed in an adult, in children spots can be localized on the scalp.

With untimely diagnosis and treatment of symptoms of pink lichen, complications may occur in the form of pyoderma and the formation of skin manifestations that are characterized by signs of eczema. In some parts of the body, weeping skin lesions may develop.

In cases of the uncomplicated course of this disease, the pathological process takes place after about 7-9 weeks spontaneously, after which the child develops a stable immunity to pink lichen.

When symptoms of pink lichen in a child occur, experts do not recommend starting to actively treat it. Nevertheless, there are certain directions in the organization of proper nutrition for a sick patient. In the diet during this period should not include such products that can cause allergic reactions or irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. In addition, during the period of the disease, it is not recommended to bathe the child often, because excessive water procedures can cause the spread of infection.

During pregnancy

Despite the fact that this disease is self-limiting and resolves on its own after several weeks without causing complications, many experts are concerned about its effect on the fetus during fetal development.

Scientific studies in which 35 pregnant women were observed showed that five of them had a miscarriage. In women with pink lichen in the initial stages of pregnancy, the frequency of miscarriages was 64%. In children whose mothers suffered a similar pathology in the second trimester, hypotension and inhibition of movements were detected. And only in 35% of cases absolutely healthy children were born, however, childbirth could begin earlier than the due date.

pink lichen symptoms

It should be noted that in most cases of severe forms of pink lichen during pregnancy, miscarriages occurred in women. Patients complained of high fever, atypical pain in the head, weakness and insomnia. In the course of detailed studies of such pathological cases, a sixth type herpes virus, which is in the active phase, was detected in the mother and child.

Symptoms of pink lichen in adults are difficult to confuse.

Diagnosis of giber disease

Diagnosis is carried out through an initial examination by a dermatologist if the patient has a “maternal” plaque as the primary focus, as well as when other atypical rashes appear.

In the process of establishing the symptoms of lichen pink lichen, the doctor must necessarily differentiate pink lichen from a number of other diseases, the symptoms of which are similar to those that arise with the development of Gibber's disease. Such pathologies include psoriasis, teardrop-shaped parapsoriasis, dermatitis, syphilitic roseola, smooth skin mycosis, Lyme disease and pityriasis versicolor.

In order to exclude such pathologies in a patient, it is necessary to take biomaterial from the lesion foci that undergo serological diagnosis (the so-called Wasserman reaction). In some cases, it is possible to conduct studies of the lesion foci using a Wood fluorescent lamp. As already noted, the symptoms and treatment of pink lichen in humans are closely related.

pink lichen symptoms and treatment

Treatments for pink lichen

If a similar pathology occurs in the body, Jiber disease occurs within 7-9 weeks and resolves on its own, without affecting the foci of infection with any medication. However, patients diagnosed with pink lichen should follow certain medical requirements, which are recommendations for skin care during this period, and a strict hypoallergenic diet.

Patients with Gibber's disease should not wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics, especially underwear. Clothing should not squeeze some parts of the body, as this can provoke the development of the spread of foci of inflammation and exacerbation of the pathological process as a whole. In the midst of the acute period of the disease, it is not recommended to be in the sun or take a bath.

pink lichen in adults symptoms

In the case when the occurrence of pink lichen is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs, in the dosages indicated in the instructions for a particular drug, in accordance with age-related indicators. If severe itching occurs during the period of the disease, antihistamines are prescribed. In addition, the doctor may recommend the use of corticosteroid ointments, oils and creams to get rid of bouts of intolerable itching.

In treating the symptoms of pink lichen in humans, an ointment can be very effective.

To speed up the healing of the skin, some dermatologists advise lubricating the focal formations with salicylic alcohol. In some cases, when bacterial infections join the underlying disease, antibiotic, antifungal, and desensitizing agents may be prescribed.

We examined the symptoms of pink lichen in humans.

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