"Three Milk" - a cake based on biscuit

Three Milk Cake is a famous Mexican treat. For its preparation, a slightly dry, fluffy biscuit is baked, which is still hot soaked in three types of sweet liquid.

three milk cake
The syrup consists of cream, condensed milk, regular milk - variations are possible. The Three Milk cake, the recipe of which we will discuss in this article, is flavored with various additives: cinnamon, coconut flakes or coconut cream, coffee liqueur, dark rum. The top of the cake is decorated with fruits, caramel, jelly.

The evolution of the Three Milk recipe - a cake that melts in your mouth

This cake is baked not only in Mexico, it is very common in Venezuela, Nicaragua and other countries of Latin America. Initially, three milk was used for pouring - the cake was soaked with a mixture of boiled condensed milk, ordinary condensed and concentrated. One of these components was replaced or diluted with cream. The composition of the impregnation changed over time.

three milk cake recipe
In addition to condensed milk, the addition of which is invariable, coconut milk and baked milk (instead of concentrated) were added to biscuit syrup. You can, even departing from the canons, mix even four types of liquid. The most important thing is to soak the biscuit well. If this condition is met, it does not matter what was used - four or three milk. The cake is usually decorated with whipped cream, icing, meringue figurines, fruits or berries. First cook according to a standard recipe, and then change the composition and amount of impregnation to your liking.

Three milk: a cake to experiment with

First we need a good biscuit. It is possible that you have a proven recipe.

three milk cake
In this case, he should not cheat. But if you have never baked a biscuit, then know that it is much easier than it seems. Rub four yolks with vanilla and a glass of sugar. Then whisk until a creamy mass of whitish color. Proteins with the same amount of sugar need to be whipped much more thoroughly - until they look stable peaks. Then mix both masses, carefully introduce two-thirds of a glass of flour. Bake in a preheated oven for thirty minutes. It is very important to handle the biscuit dough carefully - do not place or shake the container in which it is placed (to avoid rising and escaping air bubbles). When baking such a cake, you can not abruptly slam the oven door. It’s best not to look into it all thirty minutes. Refrigerate the baked biscuit first in the ajar oven, then in the fully open, and then in the form on the table.

Preparing the fill

Dilute condensed milk (plain or boiled) with concentrated milk. Each needs to take half a can. Concentrated is sometimes replaced with coconut or melted. The third ingredient is non-fat liquid cream. Until the biscuit is completely cooled, it must be poured with milk syrup. Cake is best soaked when the cake is warm and the milk mixture is cool or at room temperature, and vice versa. The temperature difference provides good absorbency.

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