Henry Kissinger: diplomacy in theory and practice

Henry Kissinger is one of the most prominent political figures of the 20th century. While working as US Secretary of State, he was involved in events that influenced the course of world history. Kissinger contributed to the development of US-Chinese relations and a reduction in the level of tension between countries that were part of the socialist and capitalist blocs. He is one of the most famous experts in the field of diplomacy in the world. Kissinger became the author of many books in which he shared his vast political experience. He is one of the first hundred intellectuals in the world most often mentioned in the press.

early years

Henry Kissinger was born into a Judaic Jewish family in Germany in 1923. After the Nazis came to power, he emigrated to the United States along with his parents and younger brother. As a college student, he was drafted into the American army and found himself on the fronts of World War II. Thanks to his knowledge of the German language and intellectual abilities, Kissinger received a referral to serve in intelligence.

kissinger diplomacy

Academic career

After returning to the United States, Kissinger entered Harvard College, where he studied political science. A few years later he received a master's degree and defended his doctoral dissertation. Kissinger remained at Harvard as a teacher. He has led various research programs in the field of politics and has served as a consultant to higher government agencies. A Center for International Relations was created at the university, which trained professional staff for missions in the field of diplomacy. Kissinger took over as assistant director of this project.

henry kissinger

Political activity

In 1968, Richard Nixon became president of the United States . By then, Kissinger had gained the confidence of government officials. President Nixon has appointed him Secretary of State and National Security Advisor. Over the next decade, Kissinger stood behind the formation of foreign policy. Diplomacy was based on ideas that seemed most reasonable to him.

Kissinger was the inspirer of the successful U.S.-China talks to create a political bloc. He played an important role in the signing of a number of agreements between the USA and the USSR, which led to a relaxation of tension in relations between the two countries. Henry Kissinger contributed to diplomatic efforts to end the Vietnam War.

kissinger book diplomacy


Prospects for the use of nuclear weapons were the most relevant topic in the 50s of the last century. These questions were the subject of study in the first book Kissinger wrote. He regarded diplomacy as a way to avoid universal annihilation. The book, entitled "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy" became a bestseller and attracted the attention of the public to the identity of its author. In the following decades, many works by this influential expert were published.

History of International Relations

In the list of literary works authored by Kissinger, the book Diplomacy has a special place. It was published in 1994 and is dedicated to all employees of the US Department of Foreign Affairs. The book is an overview of the history of international relations and the art of negotiation. Kissinger, a staunch follower of the school of political realism, focuses readers on issues of balance of power and national interests. He criticizes the concept of collective security.

kissinger diplomacy analysis

Political realism

In some of the events described in the book, Kissinger himself took part. He conducts an analysis of US government diplomacy and policy during the Cold War era as a direct witness to the development of world history. The book covers a period of approximately 200 years starting from the 17th century.

According to Kissinger, countries flourished at a time when their leaders adhered to the principles of political realism. The essence of this state course is that all important decisions are made solely on the basis of practical considerations. They should not be based on any ideology, morality or religion. Throughout his long career, Kissinger remained a staunch supporter of political realism and tried to follow its principles in practice.

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