How to make an anime: features and basic ways

How to make an anime? Many teenagers dream of starting to create personal cartoons, or at least manga. The style is unique by several features at once: beautiful appearance, flexibility in terms of use and unlimited possibilities. Unfortunately, you won’t immediately understand how to make an anime, since it will take many years of study, unless, of course, you want to become a professional artist. As for the simpler features, you can master the process of drawing art and simple pictures. There are plenty of features in this area, so at first it is worth paying attention to the style itself.

Universal art style

How to make an anime? As a rule, you won’t get an immediate answer to such a question, since this direction depends on creative inspiration. If you pay attention to Japanese artists who draw manga, you will notice some of the features of each of them. Someone tries to draw a detailed environment, others create simple sketches, etc. The style of drawing does not have a specific template and the creative person who does this personally determines for himself the form and ways of creating such graphic content. But this does not mean that there is no way to learn the process of using anime stylistics.

There are several drawing styles in anime.

The main ways to master the style

Now let's figure out where to start and whether it is advisable to realize your dream at all. To understand how to make anime art or just to master the first steps in this style, just use the following options:

  1. Art school or section - special places where you will be taught drawing. Do not worry, as a rule, in such institutions they talk about the basis and allow you to creatively realize yourself in the future. And if everything works out, then the anime style will become your dream come true. True, there is one small nuance - doing this is quite expensive and time consuming, so at first it’s worth considering everything.
  2. Self-training is a fairly affordable option to master the anime style. But in order to achieve a good result, you have to constantly practice, study tons of literature and look for an audience that can appreciate your work. Here the result is already difficult to predict, since it all depends solely on your efforts, patience and aspirations.
  3. Filters and programmable processing - if you just want to make an anime face or transform a photo into a similar style, then it is enough to use a variety of developments to achieve the goal. In most cases, it’s enough to master Photoshop and download all the necessary filters and sources. It will take not so much time, but there will be much less opportunities.
    Many want to learn the anime style

There are plenty of options to master such an unusual and beautiful style of drawing, it remains only to evaluate personal opportunities and desires. Remember, to become a good artist in this direction, it may take over five years of study.

Personal recommendations

The first ideas on how to make an anime, you have already received. It remains only to share special recommendations that will allow you to get practical skills and a lot of useful information. Experienced artists recommend paying attention to the following:

  • MIUKI MIKADO is a universal resource about the Japanese, which, in addition to examining the culture and life of Japan, also shares in detail the style of anime drawing. There you will find a ton of interesting lessons and instructions.
  • Anime & Manga is a voluminous guide that reveals not only theory, but also provides an opportunity to learn the basics of creating manga.
  • Lessons Manga is a relevant social group on the VKontakte social network, which actively publishes a variety of lessons. True, in order to actively use all the recommendations of this community, you must have initial drawing skills.
    Becoming a good artist will not be easy

Now it remains only to find free time and begin to practice. The learning process is quite complicated, but the result will surely please you. You just need to collect your thoughts and begin to take the first steps.

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