Lactic acid is a colorless or slightly yellow syrupy liquid with an acidic taste and a specific weak aroma. It refers to alpha hydroxy acids (AHA / AHA) and is not toxic. It is obtained by fermentation by lactic acid bacteria of lactose - containing and sugar-containing raw materials. Mix it with water, glycerin, ether and alcohol in any proportions.
K. Scheele lactic acid was first discovered (in 1780) in sour milk, which is why it got its name. It exists in the tissues of animals, plants, in some microorganisms and is a product of the activity of lactic acid bacteria, they also convert milk carbohydrates. That is why acid is also found in fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir, etc. It is also found in yogurt, passionflower, blueberries, tomato juice, maple syrup, grapes, apples. Ever since the times of Queen Cleopatra, they knew that milk is a source of beauty, health and youth. Ancient women knew that this is a natural treasure of useful substances and vitamins, perfectly whitening the face, struggling with age-related skin changes, nourishing and regenerating the skin. Today, cosmetologists, armed with new technologies, continue to use the life-giving force of milk.
Lactic acid: properties
Outwardly, lactic acid is used as an antiseptic (disinfectant), keratolytic and cauterizing agent. It is included in the composition of ointments, solutions and pastes.
When used internally, the acid has an antiseptic, antifungal and irritating effect. The acid helps to relax the intestinal and gastric sphincters, inhibits the development and growth of putrefactive and conditionally pathogenic microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, which is due to a decrease in the formation of toxic decomposition products in the body of organic substances. It also improves metabolic processes, increases sexual activity and stimulates the digestive glands. This acid is rather weak, it has low toxicity and is almost harmless even when the recommended dose is exceeded by 8 times.
The skin is useful for its exfoliating, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, antioxidant and anti-aging effects, as well as the ability to stimulate collagen synthesis. Compared to other AHAs, lactic acid has a good brightening effect, proven by many studies. This remedy fights successfully with hyperpigmentation of mature skin, helps strengthen the epidermis and its normal functioning, creates a natural barrier to avoid skin loss of moisture.
Lactic acid: application
Lactic acid is used to moisturize the skin, because it is part of the NUF (natural moisturizing factor) - a complex of substances that have moisture-retaining properties.
Often this tool is used to exfoliate. Like all alpha hydroxy acids, it breaks down protein bonds between keratinized cells. As a result, the cells exfoliate well and wash off easily from the surface of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes more even and smooth. The same property helps eliminate scars, inflammation and traces after acne, hyperpigmentation and prevent clogging of pores, since the scales in the ducts do not stick together, but are removed from the skin in a timely manner, while the pores are narrowed. That is why lactic acid is used in products for problematic and oily skin. A good effect is exfoliation with keratosis (increased keratinization of the skin). And in anti-aging cosmetics, it stimulates the processes of cell regeneration and collagen synthesis, which slow down with age.
Lactic acid improves the thickness of the epidermis and its condition, as well as the condition of the fibers in the papillary dermal layer and increases the density of collagen.
This tool also has an antimicrobial effect, since it is part of the acid mantle of our skin. Acidic environment is destructive for many microorganisms, therefore they cannot live and reproduce in it. Therefore, the skin is protected from pathogenic microflora. Mostly, lactic acid acts against bacteria, especially anaerobic ones, however, it is ineffective with yeast and mold. Therefore, it is worth combining it with benzoic or sorbic acid.
Acid regulates the pH level. This is a unique component that can regulate the water balance of any type of skin and restore protective functions. Due to this, the ability of the skin to effectively resist the harmful effects of the environment returns.
Concentrated lactic acid is used to remove corns and cauterize warts.
And along with citric and malic acid, it is included in cuticle removers.
In folk medicine and cosmetics, lactic acid is often used in the form of sour milk as a depigmenting agent to remove freckles, age spots, chloasma, lentigo.
This product is also used for whitening syringes.
To remove tartar, a 1% lactic acid solution is used to rinse the mouth.
Often, lactic acid is contained in homemade cosmetics and peels, which are made independently.
Using lactic acid, you can improve complexion, increase hydration, elasticity and firmness of the skin, reduce the depth of wrinkles, normalize the epithelialization process, reduce the density of comedones, narrow pores, fight pigmentation, acne scars, remove corns and burn warts.