What to choose inhalers for children, reviews and recommendations

Various respiratory tract diseases are very common. And if most adults have already formed good immunity, then children are protected much worse. And, it would seem, "harmless" colds or acute respiratory infections can develop into much more severe forms, up to bronchitis or asthma.

Among other methods of treatment, inhalations are often used, which can be done in various ways, but it would be better to buy a special device for them, which is not only convenient to use, but also gives greater efficiency. Choosing inhalers for children, reviews of certain models should be studied carefully, but there are a few points that are important.

These devices differ not only in function and method of operation, but also in design. For very young and choosy children, you can choose a model made in the form of a toy, for example, a ladybug, a penguin, a bear, etc. This will turn a not very pleasant procedure into an exciting game, so the kid will not be too afraid of such treatment.

We can note several companies that specialize, for the most part, in the fact that they produce inhalers for children, and reviews about their devices, while positive. Omron, Pari, Flaem Nuov make these devices both for very little kids, and for older children and even adults. Moreover, in addition to product quality, they guarantee a sufficient duration in operation.

It is worth noting that inhalers are ultrasonic, steam and compressor. The most common and cheapest option is the latter, however, each of these types has its advantages and disadvantages, moreover, it all depends on individual characteristics and purpose of use. So, inhalers with bronchial asthma are very effective , while ultrasound is recommended in this case.

The peculiarity of these nebulizers is that they can produce particles of a certain size, which is set. For example, in asthma, particles from 1 to 5 microns, which are deposited on a bronchial tree, are suitable. Smaller can reach the alveoli. In addition, ultrasonic devices are relatively silent and compact, and the batteries built into some models allow them to be used without electricity.

Compressor inhalers for children have very positive reviews when used to treat respiratory diseases. They are easy to clean and compactly stored, and due to the simplicity of the design practically do not break. Among the shortcomings are noise during application, as well as network operation. However, for home use, such models are quite convenient.

Steam inhalers are designed to warm the upper respiratory tract using water vapor or essential oils, which improves sputum discharge. However, they are currently used quite rarely, as they are considered obsolete.

It is worth mentioning the "hormonal" inhalers, which are currently often recommended for asthma or other diseases. Since many are afraid of the word "hormones", they are not always in a hurry to use these drugs. It should be noted here that they are much safer than tablets and act directly on the bronchi, which is necessary in the first place. If, when taking tablets, part of the drug is distributed throughout the body, then with inhalation, the drug gets to the right place, which makes the dose of the drug significantly reduced. There are few side effects, which, for the most part, with proper use can be prevented in advance.

In order to choose the right inhalers for children, reviews about certain models and their work should be carefully studied. After all, this device, despite all its convenience and ease of use, the thing becomes individual, and it is worth choosing it with this in mind.

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