Many are familiar with strong and energetic DnB-style music. World famous performers of this direction are the band Pendulum, Kosheen, Aphrodite, Panacea and others. The drum step movements are based on the rhythms of this music. They are also choppy and fast, combine many different elements borrowed from other styles. How to learn to dance drum-step and what are the features of the performance? Regular training and a desire to do everything correctly will lead you to an amazing result.
In what clothes to learn to dance a drum-step?
Stay on loose clothing that does not constrain movement. A lightweight tracksuit is suitable for men. Girls will be comfortable in leggings and a tank top. Since all the attention goes to your feet, try to choose the right shoes.
What to put on?
The sole should be perfectly even and flat, without heels and sharp lifts. Sneakers, sneakers, dancing Czechs are suitable. If you pick up uncomfortable shoes, it will interfere with the correct technique and can be harmful to your health.
What is the secret to success?
To quickly master the movement, exercise at least half an hour a day. Also do not forget about additional activities. How to learn to dance drum-step, if you have never paid attention to sports? Such a dance requires good physical preparation, so in parallel it is worth learning something else - tennis, wrestling, swimming.
What are the main movements?
Heel, toe, swings - this is what makes up the basic elements. The movements consist in crossing the legs, swinging the legs forward and to the sides, the toe alternates with the heel. U-turns and jumps, in which it is customary to make a kick with a foot, look very masterful. To perform various turns, stand on the toe or heel. All this is done at a very fast pace. To understand how to learn to dance a drum-step, it is enough to know one rule: the setting of the legs should be under the correct bias to the floor. Try to make sharp and precise movements.
How to get into the rhythms?
The rhythm of the dance is a break beat. For each such hit you need to hit the heel on the floor, then with your toe. These elements alternate with each other. It is better to learn slowly at first, without music. Once you have mastered the technique, turn on any slow tempo DnB, then faster. Create a playlist for training to add Drum and Bass music to.
Do you need improvisation?
How to learn to dance drum step? Is it hard? It is enough to know the basic movements and connect them into figures. Everything else is real improvisation. Since any dance is an art, soon you can show your imagination and add something of your own to the basic elements, it is enough to know the basis - how to dance a drum-step. Home lessons and ongoing training will create your unique style.
Where to train?
Ideally, a dance or sports hall, an outdoor area in the fresh air is suitable. If you are thinking how to learn how to dance a drum step at home, do everything possible to free up space from unnecessary objects. Move chairs, table, remove fragile objects. This will allow you to feel free, and you can improve the quality of training, because swings and jumps require a lot of space.
What else is needed?
Having become acquainted with the theory, we can proceed to practice. For clarity, you will definitely need video lessons with step-by-step instructions in Russian and other languages ββon how to learn how to dance a drum-step. And for more professional training, you can study individually with a teacher or sign up for dance courses. Try to develop comprehensively - read more about this style on thematic sites, communicate on forums with other newcomers. Together you will learn dance much faster.