Symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Causal factors and treatment

By atopic dermatitis is meant a chronic recurring disease, justified by allergic genesis. Previously, it was known as Prurigo Benier, now its other name is often used: common, disseminated or diffuse neurodermatitis. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis depend on the course of the disease, on the features of its manifestation in various age periods, which are conditionally divided into infant, child and adult.

Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis
More often, the disease manifests itself in childhood, in adults, it occurs in the form of exacerbations. A complex of signs of pseudo-allergy, atopy, autonomic disorders, pruritus, lichenoid exudative (similar to lichen planus), eczematous skin rashes are the most characteristic symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

In children, the disease is expressed by rashes on the face, more often on the skin of the cheeks and forehead, neck, hands, changes may appear on the extensor surface of the forearms, legs, on the skin of the buttocks and trunk. Edematous red spots may be prone to the formation of continuous lesions, which, due to scratching, become crusty.

The disease can persist even in adulthood, it either subsides or recurs. Then it gradually passes, but the skin remains prone to itching, various inflammatory reactions in response to various exogenous irritants. Susceptibility to pollen, household, bacterial and epidermal allergens often becomes the cause of atopic dermatitis in adults.

Atopic dermatitis in adults symptoms
Symptoms of it are manifested by foci of lichenization of the skin, which are localized in the folds of the body, on the neck, forehead, and eyes. In older people, dermatitis is usually expressed as flaky papular exudative plaques. They are characterized by a less characteristic localization, often manifested in the form of eczema of chronic form brushes. But at times rashes can change their character, become generalized. This explains the features of the different expression of signs characterizing atopic dermatitis. Symptoms of the photo show in all its diversity. in atlases of skin diseases. Some of them can be seen in this article. So, in elderly people, prurigo-like papules are a common symptom, the skin becomes dry and somewhat erythematous.

In modern medicine, atopic dermatitis is called a hereditary allergy that occurs on a fairly wide range of substances. The leading causative factors of the disease are considered to be genetic predisposition, impaired immunological mechanisms, stress, hypothermia, contact with allergens, and environmental conditions. The disease is a multi-stage long process. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis, regardless of the age phases, are always accompanied by itching. This is the most constant and pronounced symptom, on the basis of which many rashes on the skin often arise. Prolonged combing of the skin due to itching leads to lichenization and becomes the cause of secondary infection. Itching is sometimes so irresistible that the patient does not feel pain. Opening vesicles lead to the appearance of weeping wounds and abrasions, the formation of crusts.

Atopic dermatitis symptoms photo
Symptoms of atopic dermatitis are often especially acute in the winter. Dry skin at this time greatly increases and becomes ichthyose, the Denis line appears in the lower eyelids, lymph nodes increase, the itching can become so strong that it causes psychoemotional disorders. In general, the manifestations of dermatitis are quite variable and depend on the age category of the patient, the course of the disease and its severity, the state of the environment, and many others.

The treatment regimen for the disease is established by the doctor individually and includes antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and other drugs. At all stages of treatment, the exclusion of factors provoking the disease is provided, the patient is recommended to observe hygiene and diet.

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