Which is better - "Concor" or "Egilok": comparison of drugs, indications for use, reviews of doctors

Many pharmacological preparations have their own analogues, similar in composition or therapeutic effect. If high blood pressure is a concern, the doctor often prescribes Concor or Egilok. What is the difference between these drugs, and which is better, the attending physician can tell and, if necessary, replace one remedy with another.

Pharmacological properties

Both drugs have similar pharmacological effects and belong to the same group of beta-blockers. The active substance "Concor" is bisoprolol. After getting into the blood, it stabilizes the heart rate as quickly as possible by expanding the coronary arteries. Myocardial oxygen demand becomes significantly lower, and the heart rate also decreases. The active substance has a persistent hypotensive effect, due to a decrease in the minute volume of blood and the activity of the renin-angiotensin system. At the same time, sympathetic stimulation of the peripheral vessels occurs, which helps to reduce pressure for a long period.

drug Concor

The active ingredient of the Egiloc preparation is metoprolol tartrate. This medicine also has an antianginal and hypotensive effect. In addition, it helps to get rid of arrhythmias and reduce heart rate. After administration, myocardial contractility and excitability decreases. However, when taken, the accumulative property is of great importance, and the beta-blocker begins to exert a persistent effect on 10-14 days from the start of use. Egilok, as well as Concor, helps with angina pectoris, reduces the risk of recurrence of myocardial infarction.

drug Egilok


Since both drugs have similar pharmacological properties, they are indicated for the same diseases. Usually prescribed "Concor" or "Egilok" if the patient is concerned about the following pathologies:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • supraventricular arrhythmias;
  • migraine;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • extrasystole.
Heart rate

Basically, these diseases share common symptoms - high blood pressure, increased heart rate, headache, dizziness, pain in the atrium. Both drugs are suitable for treating patients who are over 60 years old. Their appointment is accompanied by a medical examination and monitoring of pressure, which should last for 5-7 days. In some cases, a capillary or venous blood test is prescribed. Only according to the results of the examination, the doctor can determine which is better - “Concor” or “Egilok”.


Despite the fact that these drugs have different active components, contraindications for use will also be the same. You can not use these funds if you are diagnosed with:

  • sinoatrial block;
  • severe bradycardia;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • pathologies of peripheral circulation in a severe stage;
  • acute heart failure;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • collapse;
  • COPD and bronchial asthma;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • allergic to active or additional ingredients.

It is also contraindicated to prescribe these medications to children under the age of 18 years and when breastfeeding. During pregnancy, Concor is completely contraindicated. "Egilok" is prescribed in rare cases under the full supervision of the attending physician, in this case, you need to compare the benefits for the mother with the potential harm to the fetus.


The dosage regimen is chosen at the discretion of the doctor and depends on many factors, such as height, weight, age of the patient, the severity of the form of pathology. Only after that the doctor decides what to prescribe for the patient, and what is better - “Concor” or “Egilok”. For the first of the drugs, the daily dose will be 2.5-10 mg, depending on individual parameters, it is enough to take the medicine once a day. It is very important during administration not to exceed the maximum dose of 10 mg, otherwise side effects may occur.

pressure drugs

Egilok is enough to drink 100 mg / day, dividing this dose into 2 doses. If there is such a need, then the attending physician can double the dosage. In rare cases, in the absence of effect, 400 mg is prescribed during the day.

When prescribing a beta anti-blocking agent intramuscularly, a single dose will be 2-5 mg. If the patient has a hypertensive crisis, and the pressure does not decrease for a long time, then after 5 minutes you can repeat the injection. In any case, it is impossible for the patient to be injected intramuscularly with more than 15-20 mg per day.

Side effects

Before you start taking, you need to carefully study the list of side effects. Based on them, it will be easier to decide which is better - “Concor” or “Egilok”. The doctor chooses a medicine that has a minimum of negative actions that may occur in the patient after taking. For a drug like Concor, the main side effects are:

  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fatigue;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • minor mental disorder;
  • stomach ache;
  • skin rashes;
  • hot flashes;
  • headache.

In some cases, if the patient has a predisposition to diseases of the respiratory system, symptoms of bronchial asthma may appear. Especially cautious is the need to prescribe the drug to patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, as glucose tolerance may decrease.

In a drug like Egiloc, in addition to these symptoms, the following side effects may appear:

  • impaired liver function;
  • bradycardia;
  • muscle cramps;
  • feeling of cold in the limbs.
muscle cramps

Usually, when taking Egiloc, symptoms such as weakness, headache and muscle cramps are temporary and disappear a few days after the start of therapy. Regarding both drugs, it was noted that a properly selected dosage helps to avoid side effects. Therefore, if the patient felt such signs, you need to see a doctor so that he adjusts the dose or frequency of administration.


These drugs belong to the category of medicines that are sold in pharmacies. Antihypertensive drugs can be purchased in the form of tablets and injections. However, in order to get them from a pharmacist, you need to present a prescription from a doctor for “Concor” and “Egilok”. The price of drugs is completely different. For the first of them you will have to pay 250-300 rubles. The price of Egilok will be three times less, so it is chosen more often because of its low cost.


After prescribing and taking medication, the patient can compare “Concor” and “Egilok” and evaluate the therapeutic effect. There are different reviews of medicines posted on otzovik sites. Typically, patients with arterial hypertension are prescribed in turn both medicines, depending on the degree of pathology.

Patients with an initial degree of heart disease leave good reviews about Egilok. However, in more severe cases, when an emergency reduction in blood pressure and heart rate is required, patients are transferred to Concor according to the indications for use. Doctors' reviews about this drug are also positive, because with a correctly selected daily dose, no negative effects occur.

Which is better

It is difficult to unequivocally state which drug is more effective and which is better - “Concor” or “Egilok”. The disease of each patient is individual in nature, so only a qualified medical specialist can determine which medicine is needed for a particular pathology. Both medicines are prescribed only after a thorough study of the therapeutic effect and contraindications. If "Concor" did not fit according to the instructions for use, the doctor prescribes the analogue of the drug "Egilok".

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