Prevention of appendicitis. What is appendicitis? How to avoid the disease

The human body is a perfect self-regulating system that, under normal conditions, that is, without the presence of a disease, works like a Swiss watch. However, in some cases, the functioning of the body is impaired, and therefore life-threatening conditions may occur. For example, the appendix, or the vermiform appendix of the cecum, which makes a significant contribution to the immune defense, can become inflamed, and so-called appendicitis occurs. This pathology will be discussed in this article. You will learn what appendicitis is and what preventative measures will help to avoid it.

Appendix functions

To understand what the appendix is inflamed from (appendicitis is a consequence of its inflammation), you need to find out about its structure and functions.

For a long time, the appendix was considered atavism. Doctors believed that the organ would lose its digestive function and was needed only when the ancestors of the person ate mainly plant foods, which the appendix helped digest. The real functions of the appendix were discovered almost by accident. To prevent appendicitis, infants began to massively remove the process of the cecum. It was believed that this simple operation is very easily tolerated at an early age. However, the development of unhappy kids went very slowly, they poorly absorbed food and often suffered from infectious diseases.

appendicitis prevention

Anatomy and physiology

Thus, the appendix plays a huge role in the immune system: the lymphatic tissue of this organ protects against inflammatory processes. In addition, the appendix acts as a reservoir for intestinal microflora. If all the bacteria inhabiting the intestine die, then it will be inhabited by the "inhabitants" of the blind process of the cecum.

The appendix is ​​located on the back wall of the intestine. It has a cylindrical shape. The size of the process ranges from 6-12 centimeters. What is appendicitis? This is an inflammation of this very appendix. Why is this happening? Can appendicitis be prevented? This will be discussed further.

can appendicitis be prevented

Causes of the disease

So what is the appendix inflamed from? Appendicitis can be caused by various reasons:

  • Bacteria that are introduced into the process by blood flow from the focus of inflammation.
  • Obstruction of the mouth of the appendix with feces.
  • The presence of helminths in the body (roundworm or pinworms).
  • Violation of the diet. It is noted that the more people eat fatty meat, the higher the likelihood of developing the disease.
  • Anatomical features. In some people, the appendix has a number of bends, the presence of which leads to stagnation.
  • Clogged arteries that feed the process.

At risk are people with bad habits who abuse tobacco and alcohol. The hereditary nature of the disease is also proven. Of course, appendicitis itself is not inherited, but a predisposition to it.

what is appendicitis


Appendicitis is a pathology from which you can’t completely protect yourself. However, there are simple recommendations that can minimize the likelihood of developing this disease:

  • Do not start inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Do not use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. Antibiotics are detrimental to normal microflora.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Physical activity is important for normal blood supply to the abdominal organs.
  • Get regular medical checkups.

how to prevent appendicitis inflammation

Proper nutrition is the best disease prevention

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from appendicitis. However, if you carefully monitor your diet, you can reduce the likelihood of developing this disease to a minimum:

  • Avoid constipation. Constipation causes the death of microorganisms that colonize the intestines. And as a result, pathogenic bacteria that can cause inflammation of the appendix begin to multiply. To prevent constipation, drink a glass of warm water half an hour before meals: this will prepare the gastrointestinal tract for eating.
  • Eat as many fiber-rich foods as possible. Fiber improves digestion and reliably protects the digestive system from inflammatory processes. A lot of fiber is found in whole grain bread, as well as in fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • You should always consume protein together with fiber-rich foods: this will facilitate the digestion of food and prevent putrefactive processes in the intestines.
  • Drink as many freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices as possible.
  • Do not eat too many seeds and berries with seeds. Sometimes pieces of undigested food fall into the appendix. They injure the walls of the appendix, as a result of which inflammation develops.
  • Do not reuse frying oil. This is very unhealthy: you can “earn” not only appendicitis, but also colitis.

what makes appendicitis inflamed


The main measures for the prevention of appendicitis also include daily morning exercises for the abdomen. Doing it is very simple: before getting out of bed, take a deep breath. As you exhale, retract your stomach, trying to maximize the abdominal muscles. Count to five, relax your stomach and inhale. Repeat this exercise 10 times. Thus, you will improve intestinal motility and prepare the digestive system for the first meal of the day.

Intestinal motility is also improved by cycling and swimming, as well as walking and running. Women should pay attention to belly dance: regular classes in oriental dances help to get rid of digestive problems.

Self-massage to improve peristalsis

How to prevent inflammation? Appendicitis can be avoided if after a meal do a light massage of the abdomen. This will improve the blood supply to the appendix. Massage is done as follows: lie on your back, relax your abs, bend your legs slightly. Place your right palm in the center of the abdomen and begin to make circular movements with the fingertips in a clockwise direction. Start with a small amplitude, gradually increasing it. You need to stroke the stomach for 3-4 minutes.

If you haven’t eaten at home and don’t have the opportunity to lie down, just stroke your stomach after eating, moving your hand clockwise.

appendicitis prevention measures

Prevention of appendicitis: folk remedies

If you want to avoid appendicitis, use the following recipes:

  • Take 15 grams of the white infidelity root , fill in the raw material with 150 ml of alcohol and insist for a week in a dark place. As soon as you feel the first symptoms of disturbances in the digestive system, take a couple of drops of infusion every two hours. The product can be diluted with a small amount of warm water.
  • Take 100 grams of grass cuff ordinary and 40 grams of leaves of strawberries and blackberries. 4 tablespoons of chopped leaves pour 750 ml of boiling water. The broth should boil for 5 minutes over low heat. You need to drink the drug one teaspoon every one and a half hours.

prevention of appendicitis folk remedies

Avoid stress

Prevention of appendicitis will be effective if stress is avoided. Of course, inflammation of the appendix is ​​not considered a psychosomatic disease. However, frequent stresses can lead to poor digestion, and this, in turn, increases the risk of appendix inflammation. In addition, many people "seize" negative emotions, while choosing far from the most useful foods, such as chocolate or fast food. It is advisable to learn how to cope with stress without the help of junk food, but with more constructive methods.

Psychologists who study the relationship between consciousness and health, for the prevention of appendicitis, recommends giving yourself time to relax, and not worry about nothing. It is very important to regularly devote time to yourself and your favorite activities.

These are the main measures provided by prevention. Appendicitis is an insidious disease that can begin at any moment. Only people who have already removed the vermiform appendix are insured from it. With the appearance of abdominal pain, one should not panic: thanks to the development of modern medicine, the operation to remove appendicitis is considered one of the most sparing for the patient's body.

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