The medicine "Ceraxon" belongs to the group of nootropic drugs. As a result of taking this remedy, the volume of brain tissue lesions in patients decreases, and cholinergic peradach improves.
The drug "Ceraxon" is very effective for the treatment of motor sensitive neurological problems of vascular and degenerative etiology.
With traumatic brain injuries, the time of post-traumatic coma is significantly reduced, as well as the severity of various neurological symptoms. Moreover, the drug "Ceraxon" promotes rapid recovery.
Form and composition of the issue.
Means "Ceraxon" is available in the form of a solution intended for oral administration or for intravenous, as well as intramuscular administration.
In both cases, the active substance is sodium citicoline.
Auxiliary components are slightly different.
Additional substances in the oral solution:
• propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
• methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
• sodium saccharinate;
• sodium dihydrate citrate;
• sorbitol;
• glycerol;
• purified water;
• strawberry flavoring;
• potassium sorbate;
• crimson dye;
• glycerol formal;
• 50% citric acid solution.
Additional substances in the solution for intravenous as well as intramuscular administration:
• hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide;
• water d / and.
The medicine "Ceraxon". Instructions: indications.
This drug is prescribed in the following cases:
• traumatic brain injury;
• acute ischemic stroke;
• behavioral disorders;
• recovery period after ischemic stroke ;
• recovery period after hemorrhagic stroke ;
• degenerative or vascular diseases in the brain;
• cognitive impairment.
Before taking this medicine, consult your doctor, since the drug "Ceraxon" has contraindications, which can not be neglected.
The drug "Ceraxon". Instructions: contraindications.
Cases where the use of this medication is undesirable include:
• age less than 18 years;
• severe vagotonia;
• hypersensitivity to the drug.
There are not so many contraindications, but you should not forget about them.
The drug is Ceraxon. Instructions: overdose.
Due to the fact that the drug has rather low toxicity, the described cases of overdose have not been found. But still, there is no need to abuse. If the drug "Ceraxon" does not help, this does not mean that you need to increase the dose, it means that you need to think about the course of treatment with another drug.
Medication "Ceraxon". Instructions: side effects.
If you take the drug in cases of contraindications, or in parallel with any other medicines, then side effects may occur.
Side effects include:
Allergic reactions:
• anaphylactic shock;
• skin itch;
• rash.
Nervous system:
• excitement;
• dizziness;
• insomnia;
• stimulating effect on the parasympathetic system;
• hallucinations;
• headache;
• numbness in paralyzed parts of the body;
• tremor.
Digestive system:
• vomiting;
• diarrhea;
• change in activity in liver enzymes;
• nausea;
• decreased appetite.
• shortness of breath;
• short-term change in blood pressure;
• various edema;
• feeling of heat.
In case of side effects, be sure to contact your doctor so that he decides what to do next. Perhaps he will offer to cancel the drug and begin to be treated by others.
Terms and conditions of storage.
The medicine "Ceraxon" must be stored in a place where there is no access for children, and at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius.
The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. After this period, the use of the medicine is strictly prohibited.
Terms of sale in pharmacies.
The drug can be purchased only upon presentation of the necessary prescription from the attending physician.