Stuffed zucchini: a recipe for a delicious dish

Have you ever wondered what you can do with zucchini? If not, you can try to cook these vegetables in a stuffed form, stuffing them with meat, tomatoes and mozzarella. You can make this dish pretty quickly, and you don’t need any special skills at all.

zucchini stuffed recipe

So, the zucchini stuffed: recipe for cooking

You will need:

- 2 large zucchini, about 30 centimeters in length;

- 4 tablespoons of olive tea oil;

- half a glass of onion, peeled and finely chopped;

- 1 green pepper, finely chopped and peeled from seeds;

- 2 tablespoons of garlic, peeled and finely chopped;

- 0.5 kilograms of ground beef or minced pork;

- 2 tablespoons of tea basil;

- 450 grams of tomato sauce;

- 2 cups of chopped mozzarella cheese.

Stuffed zucchini: a recipe for preparing meat fillings

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Sprinkle baking pan with vegetable oil or cover with aluminum foil / parchment paper.

Sauté the onion and green pepper in 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a non-stick pan. Cook for 4 minutes or until the ingredients begin to soften. Add chopped garlic and fry all together for another minute. Transfer the resulting mass to a bowl. As you can see, the recipe for stuffed zucchini in the oven requires a bit of preparation.

stuffed zucchini recipe

Pour the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a pan and place it on a small fire. Add the ground beef or pork. Stir the meat over medium heat until it is well browned. Drain excess fat from the pan by transferring the cooked minced meat to a colander located above the sink. Place newspapers or paper towels under it so that oil is absorbed (so as not to fill it with a sink sink, as this affects the operation of sewer systems).

Once the fat has been drained, return the meat to the pan. Add the fried onions, peppers, garlic and tomato sauce. Mix all the ingredients together until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Sauté for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the burner. Let the meat mixture cool to room temperature.

Stuffed Zucchini: Recipe and Finish

Cut each vegetable lengthwise into 2 halves, and then into pieces 5 centimeters wide. Using a teaspoon, remove the seeds from them so that they resemble a plate in shape. Fold the prepared zucchini onto a greased (foil-covered) baking sheet.

stuffed zucchini recipe in the oven

Add 1 1/2 cups grated mozzarella cheese to a chilled mixture of meat and vegetables. Using a spoon, place the filling inside each “vessel” laid out on a baking sheet.

Stuffed zucchini: recipe and baking

This dish is cooked in the oven for 20 minutes. After that, take out a baking sheet and sprinkle the prepared vegetables with grated cheese. Place in the oven again and bake for another 15 minutes. Check for readiness of this dish as follows: pierce the zucchini with a fork or the tip of a sharp knife. If the flesh is easily pierced, everything is ready.

This recipe for stuffed zucchini involves serving hot, immediately after cooking. In addition, all of the above tips are suitable for similar pumpkin cooking. You can also replace tomato sauce with paste if desired.

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