Mycosis of the foot: photo, symptoms, treatment

Mycosis of the feet and nail fungus are diseases that are provoked by damage to the tissues of the lower extremities by pathogenic spores of microorganisms. The disease is extremely unpleasant, often recurring to other pathologies. Therefore, it requires timely implementation of quality therapy. Let's see what effective methods exist to combat foot mycosis. Photos, symptoms and treatment of the disease will be discussed later in our publication.


mycosis of the feet

The process of damage to the skin of the lower extremities by pathogenic fungal spores can take years without pronounced signs of the presence of the disease. During the period of adaptation of the infection, only certain symptoms of foot mycosis can manifest themselves in the form of slight peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis, increased sweating of the extremities, and the formation of barely noticeable interdigital folds. A haphazard, prolonged course of the disease creates the illusion of the absence of a problem. If the reproduction of pathogenic spores does not cause discomfort for the carrier of infection, this does not mean that a person will not infect others.

Over time, foot mycosis necessarily makes itself felt. As a rule, exacerbations of the disease are observed with weakened immunity, the action of other provoking factors. In such situations, the skin of the legs becomes irritated, inflamed and acquires a painful red tint. Without a timely response to the problem, the accompanying symptoms of fungal infections of the epidermis appear in the form of the formation of microscopic cracks, itching, severe peeling of superficial tissues, pain during walking. The natural result of a prolonged lack of treatment for foot mycosis is a fungal infection of the nails.

Causes of the development of the disease

Mycosis of the foot, a photo of which can be seen in the article, manifests itself as a result of infection of the skin of the lower extremities with a wide range of pathogenic fungi. The specific causative agent of the disease can be established during diagnostic measures when performing scraping of the affected skin and examining the sample under a microscope.

What are the ways infection occurs? A person infects the skin with the causative agent of the disease during direct contact with pathogenic spores. In order for pathogens to penetrate into the tissues, the presence of microscopic lesions on the surface of the skin in combination with increased humidity of the environment is sufficient. This happens when you are in public showers, baths and saunas, pools, gyms. The cause of the defeat of the epidermis by mycosis is often the joint use by individuals of shoes, hygiene items, and devices for performing cosmetic procedures.


how to treat foot mycosis

The treatment of foot mycosis is facilitated by the use of Griseofulvin. The pharmacological agent is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. In order to kill the infection as soon as possible, the second option seems to be most preferable.

The medication contains an abundance of active substances that damage the cellular structures of pathogenic spores and prevent the self-replication of microorganisms. An antibiotic is highly effective only if the patient has not previously resorted to its use. After all, pathogenic fungi are capable of developing resistance to the action of the drug.

How is foot mycosis treated with the drug? The daily dosage of the drug depends on the body weight of the infected person and age. For adults, doctors prescribe medication in an amount of 500 mg per day with a body weight of up to 60 kg. If the weight of a person exceeds the specified indicator, the dose is doubled. They use an antibiotic 4-6 times a day with the absorption of fatty foods. As for the children's dosage, in this case, they resort to taking 10 mg of the drug per each kilogram of weight.

The duration of therapy using the drug is at least a month. If there is foot mycosis in a neglected form, when nail tissues are also infected, treatment is continued for up to six months.


The drug contains the active substance ketoconazole, which, when ingested by an infected person, has a devastating effect on the cellular structures of pathogenic fungi. The component of the drug inhibits pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to their speedy death and loss of ability to reproduce itself. Indication for the use of "Nizoral" is superficial mycosis of the feet and nails, which cannot be eliminated due to therapy with local agents.

What is the dosage of the drug? In order to eliminate foot mycosis in adults, Nizoral tablets are taken in an amount of 200 mg throughout the day. Children are offered about 100 mg of medication per day. The medicine is best absorbed into the tissue in the presence of a pronounced acidic environment of the stomach. For this reason, it is not recommended to resort to the use of the drug along with pharmacological compounds that lead to a change in the microflora of the digestive organs.


mycosis stop nail fungus

The tool is an effective ointment intended for the treatment of mycosis of the feet and fungal infections of the nails. The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug is a biologically active substance synthesized from rye enzymes. The presented substance inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic fungi, which leads to the gradual death of pathogens.

Ointment is periodically applied to the affected tissue throughout the day. Therapy is continued for several weeks until the characteristic symptoms of the disease completely disappear. As a rule, positive changes when using the drug are observed after 7-10 days from the start of therapy.


An excellent solution for the fight against foot mycosis, the photos and symptoms of which are discussed in our publication, is the use of Exoderil cream. The tool makes it possible in a short time to destroy a fungal infection that develops on the skin and nails of the lower extremities. The main active component in the composition of the drug is a substance called naphthyne hydrochloride. The specified ingredient has a devastating effect on almost all strains of pathogenic fungi.

In order to eliminate mycosis of the feet, infected areas of the epidermis are treated with cream, as well as infected nail plates. The procedure is performed 2-3 times throughout the day. As a rule, the duration of such treatment takes no more than a month.


mycosis of nails and feet

"Tinedol" - an ointment against foot mycosis, which is made on the basis of natural components. Natural substances in the composition of the drug have a complex effect on the epidermis damaged by infection. The components of the product not only destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but also take care of the skin.

Healing ointment is applied to the feet several times a day. Before using the product, the skin must be thoroughly washed with soap, treated with a disinfectant and wiped dry. The epidermis infected with mycosis is treated with the composition for 5-7 days. After the passage of the specified time, the skin begins to be freed from the coarsened tissues, ceases to itch painfully, acquires a soft and healthy structure.

The tool is suitable for eliminating foot mycosis in people of different ages, because it contains absolutely safe ingredients. The only contraindication to the treatment of the fungus with ointment "Tinedol" are individual allergic reactions to certain components.

Salt and garlic solution

It perfectly copes with foot mycosis based on garlic and salt. To prepare the healing composition, take about a tablespoon of the mineral and stir in a glass of hot water. The solution was allowed to cool to a comfortable room temperature. Then add the gruel from the grated clove of garlic. This mass is filtered through gauze. The resulting liquid is applied to cotton swabs, which are applied to areas of the skin affected by mycosis. The procedure is performed at least 2 times a day.

Apple vinegar

mycosis of the foot photo symptoms treatment

Treatment of foot mycosis with folk remedies can be carried out by treating infected tissues with apple cider vinegar. What is the therapy? The limbs infected with the fungus are pre-steamed in warm water, washed with soap and disinfected skin. If there is mycosis in a neglected form, a concentrated solution is prepared by combining vinegar with water in equal proportions. The resulting composition is poured into the basin and lower legs there. The procedure is performed for an hour, shortly before going to bed. If the skin has ulcers, erosion, other injuries, in this case a less saturated composition is used (to avoid painful sensations).

Infusion of healing herbs

To prepare an anti-mycosis remedy, take a dried collection of peppermint, sage, arnica and thyme leaves. An order of a tablespoon of each ingredient is used. Such raw materials are poured with boiling water in the amount of one liter. The composition is wrapped in a thick towel and left to infuse for half an hour.

The liquid is filtered through a fine sieve and poured into a basin. Fungi-infected feet are placed here . The legs are kept in a healing infusion for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the skin is allowed to dry slightly, after which it is treated with vegetable oil. Treatment is performed daily before bedtime.


mycosis of the foot photo symptoms

To eliminate mycosis allows the use of healing baths prepared on the basis of celandine grass. To create a tool take about 3-4 tablespoons of dry collection of plants. The raw materials are crushed, after which they are poured with a liter of water. The composition is placed on a slow fire, wait for the liquid to boil and leave on the stove for another 5 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered through cheesecloth. After the liquid has cooled to room temperature, the feet infected with the fungus are lowered into it. Legs kept in the infusion of celandine for half an hour. The treatment is repeated several times a day.

Laundry soap and soda

If the foot fungus is in a neglected state, and the skin has acquired a keratinized structure, in this case, it is worthwhile to resort to baths based on laundry soap and soda for treatment. For these purposes, prepare a bucket of boiling water. Then, on a fine grater, bar of laundry soap is ground. The raw materials are thoroughly dissolved in a hot liquid. 3 tablespoons of baking soda are also poured here. Limbs are lowered into the container with the composition and held for 15-20 minutes. Then, the skin infected with the fungus and nails are carefully cleaned with pumice or tools for performing cosmetic procedures.

Walnut leaves

mycosis of the foot symptoms

Perfectly destroys a fungal infection, a product prepared using walnut leaves. Such raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water. The composition is kept on fire for 10-15 minutes. Then the tool is allowed to infuse and filter. The resulting fluid is used to perform lotions and apply compresses to infected areas of the skin.


In order to treat mycosis, pumpkin pulp is placed on the affected areas of the fungus. The limbs are wrapped on top with plastic wrap and a bandage. The compress is left overnight and removed after waking up. The skin of the feet is washed thoroughly with laundry soap. In the evening, repeat the procedure. Such treatment is performed daily for a month.


To cope with the problem allows a decoction of milkweed. A bunch of fresh herbs is crushed, and then fall asleep in 3 liters of boiling water. After a few minutes, the composition is removed from the fire. The container is wrapped in a towel and left to infuse for several hours. Legs are placed in a warm broth. The limbs are kept in the broth for 30-40 minutes. Baths are performed 2-3 times a day. Therapy is stopped after the symptoms disappear completely.


As you can see, many effective solutions are available for the treatment of mycosis of the feet and nails. It must be understood that for the complete destruction of the infection, systematic therapy should be performed, combining pharmacological agents and alternative recipes. Naturally, before proceeding with specific actions, it is worthwhile to once again consult a doctor regarding the possibility of combining individual methods.

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