Cream "Naftaderm": reviews, instructions, indications for use

How is Naftaderm used? Instructions for use, price, reviews, contraindications and indications of this medication will be presented below. You will also learn about whether this remedy is prescribed to children, what properties it has, what is included in its composition and what patients say about it.

naftaderm reviews

Description, form, packaging, composition

In what form is the preparation "Naftaderm" made? Reviews of experts report that this medication is called differently: ointment, cream, gel , etc. However, it goes on sale in the form of a brown liniment, which has a weak characteristic aroma.

The active ingredient in this product is refined Naftla oil. As additional ingredients, 95% ethanol, emulsion wax and purified water are used.

You can buy Naftaderm cream, reviews of which are mostly positive, in tubes (15, 10, 35 and 20 g each) placed in packs of cardboard.

Pharmacological features

How does Naftaderm ointment work? Reviews of doctors report that the therapeutic effectiveness of this medication is closely related to its active substance.

As mentioned above, this drug is based on Naftalan oil. It is mined in the city of Naftalan, which is located in Azerbaijan. Thanks to the naphthenic hydrocarbons that make up its composition, it has special properties that significantly distinguish it from ordinary oil.

naftaderm instructions for use price reviews

Naftalan is not a combustible substance. It is not used as an energy source, as, for example, other varieties. According to historians, since ancient times, this product has been used as an effective medicine for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases.

Drug properties

What properties does a drug like Naftaderm (liniment) have? Reviews of experienced specialists report that this medication has an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

After applying the medication to the affected areas, it contributes to the rapid regeneration of the skin.

Improving the metabolism in the tissues, the drug simultaneously improves the rheological parameters of the blood, and also slows blood clots.

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According to the attached instructions, the Naftaderm liniment is able to dilate superficially located vessels, increase hemoglobin and the level of red blood cells in the blood, providing a resolving effect.

We cannot but cancel the fact that the medicinal ointment has a stimulating effect on the production of corticosteroids, that is, hormones of the adrenal cortex, which have anti-inflammatory activity.

What other properties does the Naftaderm drug have? Reviews of doctors say that this medication has an antipruritic effect. This helps to reduce discomfort in various skin diseases.

Indications for use

Can I use the Naftaderm drug for psoriasis? Reviews of doctors report that with such a disease, the cream is highly effective. It is also actively used in the following diseases of the skin:

  • seborrhea, eczema of various origins, sycosis;
  • atopic dermatitis, erysipelas, pyoderma;
  • pink lichen, carbuncles and boils, ulceration of the skin;
  • all types of burns (chemical, thermal, radiation).

It should also be noted that according to the instructions, the medication in question can be recommended for use in various skin diseases that are burdened by a violation of tissue trophism. It:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • frostbite;
  • pressure sores.

Does the drug "Naftaderm" (ointment) help with diseases of the peripheral nervous system? Reviews of doctors claims that this tool is effective in:

  • neuritis;
  • plexitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • neurodermatitis.
    naftaderm ointment reviews

There are also positive reviews about the cream as an effective tool for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by pain syndromes (for example, arthrosis, myositis, arthritis of any origin, traumatic lesions of muscles, ligaments, joints and bones).


Can the Naftaderm liniment be prescribed to children? Reviews of experts indicate that this drug is contraindicated for use in early childhood (up to 5-7 years).

It should also be noted that this medication has other prohibitions on the use of:

  • individual intolerance to ingredients;
  • liver failure;
  • adrenal disease;
  • malignant neoplasms, including skin cancer;
  • renal failure;
  • blood diseases that are accompanied by hemorrhagic syndrome.

The drug "Naftaderm": instructions for use

Price, patient reviews about this tool will be presented at the end of the article.

How should I use the medication in question? According to the attached instructions, this drug must be applied to the skin area with a thin layer. In this case, the affected area must first be cleaned and dried (if possible).

The medication is distributed over the skin with light and gentle massage movements. Do not rub the ointment intensively. The frequency of its use is twice a day.

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The duration of use of this drug should be determined only by the attending physician. On average, the course of therapy can last about 3-4 weeks. However, this period can vary significantly, depending on the condition of the patient, his illness, as well as the individual reaction to the drug.

Side effects

What adverse reactions can the external drug Naftaderm cause? The reviews of doctors indicate that this medication has a fairly good tolerance. It extremely rarely causes negative effects on the part of the human body.

However, patients claim that occasionally they have dry skin in the place where the drug was applied. In this case, experts recommend combining the ointment with skin softening and moisturizing substances.

If dryness is very pronounced, then treatment with Naftaderm must be interrupted for 1-2 days.

naftaderm liniment reviews

It should also be noted that even more rare cases of folliculitis have been reported. As a rule, such a pathological condition occurs with prolonged use of the medication. In addition, with prolonged use of the drug in patients, the sensitivity of the skin to external influences increases and its permeability to various elements increases. This fact must be taken into account when sharing other external means.

Drug interaction

According to the instructions, the Naftaderm liniment can be combined with other medicinal substances. Due to the fact that no negative effects were observed during the interaction of this drug, it is permissible to prescribe it as part of complex therapy.

Cost and analogues

The price of the Naftaderm liniment is quite high. You can buy such an ointment in an amount of 35 g for 490-510 rubles.

If necessary, the medication in question can be replaced by similar means. The analogues of this drug (according to the mechanism of action) include: “Vinylinum”, hydrogen peroxide, “Kaleflon”, “Katacel A”, “Bactoderm”, medical antiseptic solution, “Octenisept”, “Katacel”, potassium permanganate, “Camphocin”, “Hypozol N”, “Dioxizol”, collagen sponge with sanguine, “Vitaon”, “Dettol Benzalkonium Chloride”, “Pantocide”, dermatol-tar liniment, “Tambuil”, diamond green, “Galmanin”, “Hypozol A”, “ Sanguirythrin ”, Shostakovsky's balm,“ Alorom ”,“ Aseptolin ”,“ Anmarin ”.

Reviews about the drug

According to patients who have repeatedly used the drug Naftaderm, it is a very effective anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, disinfectant and stimulating healing agent. It can be used for various skin diseases.

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Another advantage of this medication is that it almost never causes adverse reactions.

As for the negative messages, then, as a rule, they are associated with the high cost of this tool.

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