Physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis: a set of effective exercises

Any curvature of the spinal column gives a person many inconveniences. In addition to external changes in the figure, gait, they significantly harm health. Scoliosis is a common and common problem that occurs in the thoracic or lumbar spine. Physical therapy for scoliosis is one of the most effective ways to eliminate the ailment.

What is a disease?

Spinal curvature is most affected by children and adolescents. At an early age, the formation of the bone skeleton occurs, any systematic disturbances in posture quickly lead to a change in the shape of the spinal column. Under the influence of the load on the thoracic or lumbar region, a change in posture occurs, which is restored during the rest.

Constant curvature leads to deformation of the bone base, the shape of the chest changes, the location of the internal organs shifts. The development of scoliosis occurs with frequent incorrect load on the spinal column. The course of the disease provokes the formation of a hernia, pinching of the spinal nerves, severe pain, loss of full working capacity.


Reasons for the appearance

Among the frequent and common factors that affect spinal curvature and vertebral deformity, the following are especially notable:

  • consequences of injuries of the chest and lumbar;
  • the presence of rickets, causing softening of the bones;
  • improper body position when sitting at the table (desk);
  • displacement of the center of gravity during physical exertion;
  • intensive sports at an early age, without specialist supervision;
  • frequent unilateral load as a result of professional activity;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • congenital pathology.

At the initial stage of scoliosis, physiotherapy exercises help to cope with the disease without any special difficulties.

Disease classification

In medicine, scoliosis is divided into several main degrees and types. In this case, the presence of vertebral deformity, the direction of displacement to the right or left side, the type of curvature and the angle of bending are taken into account. The first degree includes changes in the spinal column with a shift of up to 10 degrees. Outwardly, the disease is invisible under the clothes.

At 2 degrees, the curvature reaches an angle of 25 degrees, a bend of a pronounced nature, there is a slight asymmetry of the shoulder line and the lumbar region. Scoliosis of the third degree is diagnosed in patients with a bending angle of up to 50 degrees. Extreme, 4 degree has a vertical deviation of the spinal column more than 50 degrees. The S-shaped form of the disease is a right-sided curvature of the thoracic spine, with a shift of the lumbar region to the left.

Types of treatment

Exercise therapy for scoliosis of the 1st degree is the main type of therapy, does not require additional medical measures. In addition to regular gymnastics, the patient should limit physical activity, properly equip the workplace, excluding prolonged curvature of the spine.

A disease of the second degree requires consultation with an orthopedist, neurologist, pulmonologist. The patient is selected special shoes, corrective gait and posture. A complex of physiotherapy exercises is prescribed for scoliosis of 3 and 4 degrees in addition to physiotherapeutic, manual procedures, and pharmacological therapy.

massage for scoliosis

General rules of exercise therapy

Gymnastics, recommended for curvature of the spine, is not a temporary measure. To maintain a constant form, it must be carried out regularly, as an integral part of the lifestyle. Performing exercises for scoliosis, you should remember several important and basic rules that will help ensure excellent results.

  1. During physical therapy exercises, the load is excluded when the body is upright. Avoid sharp turns of the body, active dancing, fast running and jumping.
  2. Gymnastics is carried out at a slow pace, the number of repetitions of each exercise is gradually increasing. You need to start with simple muscle-warming movements.
  3. In the formation of proper posture, an important role is played by arms and legs. The set of necessary exercises includes several mandatory approaches to these groups.
  4. When practicing physical therapy, you need to pay special attention to the technique of conducting classes. Exercises to combat the disease are asymmetric, require precise implementation.
  5. The final part of the gymnastics is aimed at relaxing muscle tissue. Held breathing recovery, massage.

The result of the exercises for scoliosis largely depends on the time of the training, its regularity and compliance with the requirements of a specialist.

Physical education for children

Toddlers and teens are often at risk for developing scoliosis. This is due to improper body position during school hours, homework. Constant curvature of the spinal column leads to deformation of the vertebrae, thereby exacerbating the degree of the disease.

scoliosis exercise

Physical therapy for children with scoliosis requires the obligatory presence of adults. You need to perform the exercises in a room with good air circulation. Training for children of primary school age does not exceed 10-15 minutes, adolescents can engage in up to half an hour. The appearance of the slightest signs of discomfort or pain signals an immediate cessation of classes. Therapy with therapeutic exercises is carried out in the supine position, back, standing on all fours.

  1. In the initial position on the abdomen, hands should be placed along the body, legs are even. Within a few minutes, you need to stretch the spine, stretching your arms forward, the body does not come off the floor.
  2. During the next exercise, the hands are pressed to the floor at shoulder level. The chest should be pressed to the floor, head up. Hands perform sliding movements forward, after which they are bent, bringing the scapulas together. The number of repetitions is 4-6 times. In the supine position, the hands are locked into the lock behind the cervical vertebrae, the right leg and left arm are bent, the elbow stretches to the knee joint. For each group of limbs, 5 repetitions are necessary.
  3. Hands are placed along the body, legs are slightly bent at the knees, tilted to the right side, hold the pose for several seconds. Next, repeat the exercise to the left. The number of repetitions is not more than 5 times on each side.
  4. Standing on all fours, the back is gradually rounded, the head is raised high. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds, after which they bend the back, pressing the chin to the chest.
  5. Standing on the knees, the right leg is bent, pulling the knee to the head, the movement is repeated with the left foot. For each leg, 4-5 repetitions are necessary.

After completing the last exercise, the child needs to relax and lie down for several minutes in a calm state.

Gymnastics for adults

Physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis in adults are also performed while standing on all fours, lying on the stomach, back. Before training, you need to perform a light warm-up that helps to warm up muscle tissue. In the initial position, standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands gently raise upward on inhalation, make a broach, slowly lower down on exhalation. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times, carefully monitoring the breath.

gymnastics with scoliosis

In the initial position, the hands are placed on the shoulders, when the body is tilted parallel to the floor, the arms are pulled forward, exhaling, fixing the position for 5 seconds, returning to the starting position, taking a deep breath. It is effective for warm-up to perform several shallow squats, stretching your arms forward. All exercises must be performed slowly, while maintaining uniform breathing.

Main complex

After the preliminary warm-up, you can proceed directly to the workout. You need to start from the starting position while standing, the hands are placed on the shoulders. Slowly perform circular motions with the elbows 4 times forward and backward. It is important to maintain a slow pace, to avoid sudden movements.

The next exercise is performed in a standing position, alternately lowering the shoulder with his back. Returning to the starting position. At the same time, they do not allow the body to rotate, trying to maximize the use of the shoulder joint. The number of repetitions on each side is 5-6 times.

In the supine position, it is effective to perform “scissors” and “bicycle” with your feet, it is advisable to observe the minimum angle between the legs and the floor. In this way, the abdominal muscles are worked out. The duration of each exercise is 30-40 seconds, after which it is necessary to give the legs a rest of 1-2 minutes.

To strengthen the muscle corset of the lumbar region, exercises should be performed lying on the stomach.

  1. In the initial position, the arms are bent, the palms rest on the floor at shoulder level. Slowly raise the chest, straightening his arms as you inhale, throw your head back. The position is fixed for 5 seconds and gradually returns to the original, making a deep exhale. The number of repetitions 5 times.
  2. Lying on his stomach, it is necessary to raise straight legs and upper body, arching the lower back, arms stretch forward. Holding the pose, the legs slowly spread apart, after 2 seconds they bring them together and smoothly return to their original position. Exercise is performed in 2-3 sets of 4 times.
  3. In the initial position, the legs are straight, hands behind the head. At the same time, the upper part of the body rises with the arms and legs retracted to a height of 15-20 cm from the floor. The pose is held for 7-10 seconds, after which they take the initial position. The number of repetitions 6 times.
physical education for chest scoliosis

The first training is best done under the supervision of a specialist in order to understand the technique of execution and to feel the number of repetitions.

initial stage

Physical therapy for scoliosis is effective when the primary signs of the disease appear. It is completely impossible to get rid of the launched form. Gymnastics only helps to correct the current state, avoiding complications. If symptoms of the disease are detected, it is recommended to perform a basic course of exercises that corrects minor curvatures, strengthens the muscular corset, and improves health.

The technique of execution does not differ from exercises with scoliosis of a more complex degree. It is important to observe measured movements, avoid increased stress on the vertebral discs, and control breathing. The correct and regular performance of gymnastics will help not only to get rid of the deformation, but also to prevent its occurrence in the future.

Thoracic scoliosis exercises

When curving the spine in the upper section, special attention during training should be given to breathing. The exercises are carried out, strictly following the instructions of a specialist. Physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis of the thoracic spine is aimed at eliminating the deformation that causes compression of the sternum.

exercises at the initial stage of scoliosis

In the process of development of the pathology, respiratory organs, including the lungs, are often affected. To alleviate the painful condition, do the exercise while lying on your back. The arm on the side of the curvature is located along the body, the second is raised up. On exhalation, it is necessary to raise the upper body, maximally stretching the head. The pose is held for 5-7 seconds, after which they inhale and return to their original position. The number of repetitions in the initial stage of the disease is 5-6 times. In the presence of a complex form, 2-3 approaches are performed, 4 repetitions, with a break of 2 minutes.

Special cases

Exercise therapy for S-scoliosis differs little from conventional exercises, but it is necessary to exclude all types of inclinations. In the lumbar region, they are able to increase the curvature arc. Corrective gymnastics in this case includes exercises in the supine position, stomach. It is permissible to use special inclined simulators.

Physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis of the 2nd degree are carried out in several main stages:

  • initially perform exercises aimed at stretching the spine;
  • the next stage is corrective training;
  • exercises to strengthen muscles;
  • manual therapy connection;
  • arrangement of life with orthopedic clothes, shoes, bedding.

Getting rid of the disease is a long and complex process in which it is important to follow all the basic rules.


Exercise therapy for scoliosis in children and adults helps to effectively combat the disease. However, the regular implementation of simple gymnastic exercises will not only help to prevent curvature, but also strengthen the body.

Scoliosis Prevention

Parents should carefully monitor how the child sits at the table, correct his posture, explain the possible consequences of scoliosis. For preventive purposes, experts recommend regularly visiting the fresh air. Doing sports, visiting the pool will not be superfluous.

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