What to do if perspiration in the throat, cough tortured?

What to do if perspiration in the throat, cough tortured? All these are signs of such a fairly common disease as pharyngitis. The reasons why this disease occurs are as follows:

1) inhalation of cold air, especially with a stuffy nose;

2) exposure to harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol;

3) the influence of infectious agents, such as viruses (adenoviruses, influenza), various microorganisms (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) and fungi (Candida genus).

It often happens that the development of pharyngitis begins after the infection spreads from the inflamed lesion to the surrounding tissues if the lesion is located close to the pharynx (carious teeth, rhinitis, sinusitis).

Pharyngitis is divided into acute and chronic. Acute begins immediately after exposure to the mucous membranes of the aggression factor (gas causing irritation, infectious agents). Immediately perspiration in the throat, dry cough appears instantly, sore throat intensifies when swallowing, after three to four days the cough becomes wet, mucous and purulent discharge appears. When viewed through a pharyngoscope, hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the pharynx is clearly visible. Found on the mucous membrane and minor ulceration. The course of this disease with timely treatment is favorable.

The provoking factors in the development of acute pharyngitis are most often hypothermia, it also contributes to the intake of too cold or too hot food. There is also an increase in body temperature to subfebrile condition (temperature from thirty-seven and a half to thirty-eight degrees Celsius).

In the chronic course of pharyngitis, the symptom complex is much less pronounced: the patient has perspiration in the throat, cough is also dry, but there is practically no fever, intoxication gradually and imperceptibly develops and intensifies. A person gets used to it, gradually losing working capacity. The prognosis is often favorable, but the treatment is quite lengthy and expensive. In addition, there is a high risk of relapse, which means that clinical examination and regular examinations are required.

It often happens that acute pharyngitis occurs against the background of another disease (for example, acute respiratory viral infections, scarlet fever, measles, flu and many others). Then, in addition to tickling the throat, the cough pesters, and specific symptoms of the underlying disease are also added. The temperature is always quite high, breathing is difficult, signs of intoxication appear, which gradually increase, and so on. All this creates certain difficulties for diagnosis, because you need to determine whether acute pharyngitis is a symptom of another disease or it is an independent disease. Sometimes it becomes necessary to differentiate acute pharyngitis, for example, from acute tonsillitis. An tonsillitis or acute tonsillitis is an inflammatory process localized on the tonsils, and with acute pharyngitis, the area on which the inflammatory process develops is much wider, more blurred. Symptoms of acute sore throat (sore throat, which intensifies when swallowing, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, increased body temperature) are complemented by the fact that the throat perspires, the cough is dry, persistent, painful.

Treatment should be directed to the elimination of the factor that caused pharyngitis. If its cause is a bacterial agent, then it can be destroyed with antibiotics, both for internal use and for topical use. If it is very tickly in the throat after inhaling irritating substances or smoke, it is recommended to change jobs, use PPE, and if it is a reaction to smoking, then quit smoking. Any medical treatment should be prescribed by a doctor and monitored.

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