Blood clots in a woman’s urine - causes and treatment features

Around the world, education in the field of medicine and sanitation is at a high level. However, many still do not know that even the most minor changes in the body can indicate the presence of a disease. As a result - self-medication or late treatment to medical facilities. The danger of a delayed trip to the doctor is that the disease can be started to an extremely severe degree and, as a result, a long painful treatment. Although initially it was possible to do the usual medication. All this can be avoided if you closely monitor any changes that occur in the body.

Blood in urine. How to find out?

Urinalysis results are the most reliable source of information about all changes in the urinary system. Any malfunction in the organs of this system is easily detected by the primary diagnosis. It is necessary for the timely and correct diagnosis, since as a result of changes in the cellular composition of urine, symptoms may not occur for a long period. The absence of pain or other complaints can lead to the fact that a woman for a long time will not even realize that there is any disease in her body. Below we will consider the causes of urine with blood in women and the treatment of diseases associated with this.

assay tubes

What is hematuria?

The presence of blood clots in the urine of women in medical terminology is called hematuria. The very fact of the presence of blood in urine should cause great concern for every woman, since this can be a symptom of various, sometimes very serious, diseases.

It all depends on the number of blood cells in the urine. Obviously, if urine changes color (it becomes pinkish or darker), then there is a lot of blood in it, and this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. However, there are norms for the permissible number of blood cells in urine. If, during a general analysis of the urinary sediment, single red blood cells are detected, then this is not a reason for panic. The structure of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys allows a few blood cells to pass through, which subsequently enter the urine.

blood cells

Symptoms of the presence of blood clots in urine in women

It so happens that in addition to blood in the urine, a woman has no more symptoms. This indicates that there are very few blood cells in the urine and they can be detected only during the examination under a microscope. In this case, the color of urine changes to a darker one. This is a medical concept such as microhematuria.

Severe hematuria is the presence of red blood cells in the urine, which is visible without a microscope. During severe hematuria, urine turns red and streaks and clots are visible in it.

In addition to the fact that with hematuria the urinary sediment changes color, there are other symptoms that can be combined in various ways. These are such as:

  1. Increased uncontrolled urination.
  2. In the process of emptying, severe pain (from aching to cutting) is felt, which may be accompanied by bloating of the lower abdomen, discomfort in the perineum.
  3. Pain may occur in the lumbar region, lasting a long time.
  4. Hematuria can be combined with severe spastic pain (colic).
  5. Perhaps the appearance of pathological secretions - mucous or purulent. They cause discomfort, there is a burning sensation and itching.
  6. An increase in temperature occurs and other symptoms appear that indicate intoxication of the body: working capacity decreases, a severe headache periodically occurs, a woman feels unwell and apathy.
  7. Complaints of heavy night sweats appear, body weight decreases.
  8. During intercourse, discomfort occurs, pain is felt.

What does blood in a woman’s urine mean?

Basically, the presence of blood in the urine is a consequence of pathological processes in the urinary system. However, there are other answers to the question of why there is blood and clots in the urine. In some cases, this is the result of infection, in others it is a consequence of a woman’s neglect of her health. The most common causes are described below.

Inflammatory process

When it gets into the organs of the urinary system of the infection, inflammatory processes occur. Depending on which organ is affected by the infectious agent, the patient’s diagnosis is determined. So, in the case of inflammation, pyelonephritis occurs in the kidney tissues, cystitis in the bladder, and urethritis in the urethra.

woman with cystitis

Typical complaints with pyelonephritis are pain in the area of ​​an inflamed kidney, fever, and the color of urine changes. In addition, symptoms appear that indicate intoxication.

Rapid urination, pain and pain during urination, as well as the release of a small volume of urine when the bladder is empty indicate a woman has a disease such as cystitis.

Urethritis causes mucous or purulent discharge and dysuric disorders, which are expressed in varying degrees.

Urolithiasis disease

Detection of red blood cells in the analysis of urinary sediment may be evidence of the movement of sand in the urethra. As a result, damage to the walls of the ureter, bladder and urethra.

For urolithiasis, typical attacks of renal colic or not so strong pains of a nagging-pulling character in the lumbar region from the affected organ are typical.

Injured urinary system

Another possible cause of blood clots in the urine can be various manipulations in the organs of the urinary system. These include cystoscopy, urethroscopy, catheterization. They can cause injury to the tissues that cover the walls in the urethra and the bladder. The appearance of such hematuria is temporary, and the woman does not experience severe discomfort.

Much more dangerous are situations in which the urinary organs are ruptured, crushed, etc. Such patients, as a rule, are in serious condition, and they need urgent help from surgeons. In this case, blood clots in the urine of women can be seen with the naked eye. This is evidence that severe bleeding begins in the urinary system.


The most dangerous causes of blood clots in urine in women include the oncological process in the organs of the urinary system. If blood is detected in the patient’s urinary sediment, the doctor should first of all check it for oncology.

It so happens that, having discovered microhematuria, the doctor undertakes its local treatment. However, often it becomes the only sign that neoplasms are present in the organs of the MVS, the origin of which can be either benign or malignant.

It is quite difficult to diagnose the oncological process in the urinary tract, since the symptoms in this disease are often non-specific and are ignored. A woman may be bothered by excessive sweating, sudden weight loss, apathy and weakness.

Analysis of urine


This disease is one of the most common gynecologists in medical practice. At risk are women of reproductive age with a genetic predisposition. Endometriosis occurs with a decrease in immunity.

The cause of the disease is the cells of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium), which can spread outside the uterus. The tissue composed of these cells can move in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and rectum. Moving to other organs, the endometrium is able to germinate through their tissues, which is why blood can appear in urine and feces.

With endometriosis, women complain of menstrual irregularities, pain that practically does not stop, etc.

Blood clots during pregnancy

During pregnancy, colossal hormonal and physiological changes occur in the female body. Each organ or organ system has a double burden. This also applies to the kidneys.

pregnant woman

Causes of blood clots in the urine of a woman during pregnancy:

  • If a woman had a disease of the urinary system before pregnancy, then a high probability of relapse. Or the occurrence of such a disease against the background of an interesting situation.
  • The occurrence of hormonal disruptions (for example, an imbalance of the first trimester).
  • In the process of an increase in the abdomen (due to the growth of the uterus), an increase in intra-abdominal pressure occurs, which affects the kidneys, ureters, or bladder.


Long-term use of drugs that have the property of thinning the blood requires constant monitoring by a doctor, as there is a risk of significantly increasing bleeding. The result can be not only blood clots in the urine of women and men, but also much more serious diseases.

capsules and tablets

Basically, such problems arise due to the immense intake of these drugs or failure to comply with the prescribed dosages.

In patients taking anticoagulants, blood in the urine is visible to the naked eye, and this is the first sign of the onset of serious bleeding in the urinary organs. In addition, it is often accompanied by bleeding that is not associated with the urinary system (nose, uterus, gastrointestinal tract, etc.). Often there is the appearance of hematomas on the skin and mucous membranes.

Hematuria treatment

First of all, it should be clearly understood - to treat hematuria is necessary exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Since the main cause of the disease can lie in minor symptoms, which are most often not paid attention to, self-medication will only aggravate the situation. Since the woman has many causes of blood clots in her urine, treatment of different patients cannot be carried out according to one algorithm, because the disease itself is not treated as symptoms.

The condition of a pregnant woman must be constantly monitored and in the event of any discharge with blood immediately put her in the gynecological department of a medical institution for further diagnosis and treatment.

Infectious processes in the urinary system are treated with drugs related to antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial agents.

doctor's appointment

Hematuria resulting from various manipulations in the urinary system, as a rule, passes by itself. To speed up the recovery process, it is possible to take anti-inflammatory drugs.

Injuries and ruptures of organs, endometriosis, tumors, sand and other serious problems are solved exclusively by surgery.

Blood in the urine is a symptom requiring immediate medical attention from a specialist in urology. Even in the case of a satisfactory condition of the patient and the absence of other complaints, it is impossible to postpone the trip to the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication, since this can seriously aggravate a health problem: worsen well-being, provoke further development of the disease, which will greatly complicate the treatment process.

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