Is it possible to drip Miramistin in the nose of a child?

Each baby has a runny nose repeatedly during the year. In some children, this symptom rarely appears, while in others - often. The rhinorrhea of ​​children of kindergarten age is more worried, but even in school years it does not doze off. Often, parents ask themselves: what means to use to quickly cure a child? Doctors often prescribe dripping Miramistin in the nose at the first symptoms of the disease. Is such treatment acceptable? You will learn the answer to this question from today's article.

is it possible to drip miramistin in the nose

Preliminary characterization

Before you find out whether it is possible to drip Miramistin in the nose of children, it is worth learning about the purpose of this drug. The instructions for use position the solution as a powerful antiseptic that can effectively eliminate bacterial, fungal and viral lesions. A medication is applied, according to the annotation, on the mucous membranes and skin integuments, as well as received wounds and abrasions. Miramistin is available in several forms: spray, a solution with an irrigation nozzle, a tube with a medication. The consumer can choose what is convenient for him.

The drug has practically no contraindications. Do not use the solution only with high sensitivity to its components. If during treatment you have an allergy, manifested by itching, rash and burning, then you should also abandon this universal drug.

Is it possible to drip Miramistin in the nose?

It is rather difficult to answer this question. Modern doctors are divided into two camps: some talk about the effectiveness of such an application, while others refute such. You should immediately make a reservation that if you doubt whether it is possible to drip Miramistin in the nose, then you should discuss this issue with a pediatrician or therapist whom you trust.

The doctor can offer you two options: to use the medication intranasally for the treatment of the common cold (for prevention) or to prohibit such use due to the lack of proven effectiveness. Consider a few medical opinions on this subject. What do experts think about whether it is possible to drip Miramistin in the nose of a child?

Is it possible to drip miramistin in the nose of a child

Use of the drug for sinusitis

Is it possible to drip Miramistin in the nose in order to rinse the maxillary sinuses during suppuration? Yes, this use of antiseptics is often done. If a child has sinusitis with difficult passage of a thick secret, then doctors recommend a puncture and a puncture. The procedure involves piercing the skin in the maxillary sinus and aspirating purulent discharge. After that, it is advisable to rinse the cleaned mucosa with Miramistin solution.

The drug is effective against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It can also eliminate anaerobic microorganisms and fungi. The medicine helps prevent further complications due to the antiseptic and disinfecting effect. It’s worth mentioning right away that “Miramistin” for sinusitis is used only by otorhinolaryngologists. The puncture of the maxillary sinus is forbidden to carry out independently outside the walls of the hospital. Therefore, such washing is carried out only in a medical institution.

drip miramistin in the nose

Effective drug use

What to say about other cases? Is it possible to drip Miramistin in the nose of a child, for example, with a common cold? Is the use of the drug for prophylactic purposes acceptable?

The Miramistin medication has a cleansing, antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. It is able to eliminate even those microorganisms that have antibiotic resistance. Therefore, its use is considered quite effective. Doctors recommend using the drug for the first symptoms of the disease. It is permissible to bury a medication in the nose of a child up to 6 times a day. For convenience, an irrigation or spray nozzle can be used. Miramistin solution effectively rinses the nasal mucosa, freeing it from pathogenic flora. It is advisable to apply the composition and for the purpose of prevention. Apply the medication immediately upon returning home or after contact with a sick person. The drug will wash away germs that have settled on the nasal cavity and prevent the development of infection.

Viral diseases

Instructions for use of the drug reports on its antiviral effect. It is known that Miramistin defeats herpes, and it is also effective against complex viruses. So, is it possible to drip Miramistin in the nose with a runny nose caused by SARS or the flu?

Specialists often prescribe this medicine for children with a cold. But its effectiveness in such a pathology is quite doubtful. Viruses are infected and get on the mucous membrane. After that, they begin to multiply, penetrating into healthy tissues. The medicine "Miramistin", as you know, is not absorbed into the bloodstream. From this we can conclude that it can eliminate only those viruses that are on the nasal mucosa. Inside, the pathology will continue to progress even after the use of Miramistin. It turns out that the drug is effective at the very beginning of the disease and with prophylactic use. The appropriateness of antiseptic treatment is called into question.

is it possible to drip miramistin in the nose of a baby

What do otorhinolaryngologists think?

Many otorhinolaryngologists oppose the intranasal use of the drug. Especially doctors do not welcome spraying and irrigation of spouts in children. This appointment is often given by pediatricians, without thinking about the consequences. When the disease is caused by a virus, it goes away on its own within a few days. The child needs only the right care, plenty of water, calm and comfortable conditions. But doctors can not help prescribing medication, because that's what parents come to see. If the doctor tells the mother that the baby does not need to have a runny nose, the parent will take this information with hostility. Therefore, pediatricians right and left appoint Miramistin. There will be no harm from it, but the solution will not bring any benefit either.

Otorhinolaryngologists say that washing the nose or administering the drug with the help of a nozzle helps to throw pathogenic flora into the Eustachian tubes. This, in turn, inevitably leads to otitis media. Therefore, think several times before using Miramistin for a child.

Is it possible to drip miramitstin in the nose of adults

Is it possible to drip Miramistin into the nose of a newborn?

Many parents, having heard the sniffling of a small nose, immediately grab hold of Miramistin. Is it correct? Is it possible to drip Miramistin into the baby’s nose? Despite the fact that many pediatricians recommend this use, some doctors still are against it. Why?

In infants, a physiological rhinitis often occurs in the first three months of life. It is caused by exposure to dry air on an imperfect mucous membrane. Kids with physiological reactions begin to sniffle, grunt, many sleep with their mouths open. If you use Miramistin, then only aggravate the condition of the child. After all, an antiseptic overdries the inner surface of the nose. The use of Miramistin in newborns is also impractical because it is considered ineffective. It is still not possible to spray medicine and irrigate the nasal passages at this age. Dropwise administration of the drug processes only a small part of the mucous membrane. At this time, the rest of the surface remains with germs. In addition, infants may experience an allergic reaction to the above solution.

Is it possible to drip miramistin in the nose with a cold?


Is it possible to drip Miramistin in the nose of an adult? Doctors say that such an application is permissible. It is important to treat the entire surface. For convenience, use a spray bottle or rinse your nose with a syringe.

Many patients do not quite agree with the opinion of doctors about the inefficiency of Miramistin. Consumers say the medicine helped their children. Indeed, the drug is effective for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis. If we are talking about a viral rhinitis, then doctors explain everything with the placebo effect. Indeed, even without Miramistin, the disease would have ended in recovery in a few days.

Is it possible to drip miramistin in the nose of a newborn


From today's article, you were able to find out if Miramistin can be dripped into a child’s nose. In most cases, this medication is not dangerous for the baby. But if a newborn’s nasal mucous membranes are too dry, his condition may worsen. Be sure to consult a doctor about the use of Miramistin for children. Good luck!

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