Recipe for roasted honey mushrooms: for the winter we make tasty and healthy preparation

Honey mushrooms are one of the most delicious and healthy mushrooms that are harvested in the first half of autumn. They contain various vitamins (C, D, PP) and trace elements (phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, etc.), and are also rich in amino acids and fiber.

fried mushrooms recipe for the winter
Honey mushrooms are convenient and pleasant to β€œmine”, because they grow in large groups on the roots of trees protruding from the ground, or old stumps. You can distinguish them from poisonous mushrooms by a convex pale brown hat, with a diameter of 4 to 12 cm, covered with brown scales. The legs of honey mushrooms reach 10 cm in length and 1.5 cm in thickness, have a brown color, the same as the hat. The pulp of these mushrooms is whitish, has a pleasant smell and a slightly astringent taste. Another interesting feature is the white ring on the leg. A large basket of honey mushrooms is easy enough to assemble, but deciding what to do with them is already more difficult, because there are a lot of options - one is β€œtastier” than the other. These mushrooms are pickled, boiled, baked and, of course, canned. In this article we will present an interesting recipe for roasted honey mushrooms for the winter. Such mushrooms will become a real delicacy both as an independent dish, and as part of other dishes.

mushrooms recipes fried for the winter

The recipe for roasted honey mushrooms for the winter

To begin with, the collected mushrooms must be properly processed - iterate over and cut off the bad, wormy places. After that, they must be washed: pour cold water into a large container, add a little salt, citric acid to it and put the mushrooms in the soak. So you can easily clean mushrooms from adhering debris, sand and worms. That's basically it. Honey mushrooms are pure mushrooms, so they do not require careful scraping of the pulp with a knife. Hats are preferably separated from the legs. After processing, the mushrooms are boiled for 40 minutes, the foam is periodically removed. You can play it safe and drain the first water 10 minutes after boiling. After boiling, put the mushrooms in a colander and let the excess liquid drain. Now let's figure out how to cook mushrooms fried. To prepare this delicious piece you need the following ingredients:

  • boiled mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • onions - 5 pcs.;
  • margarine packaging;
  • salt and ground pepper.

The recipe for roasted mushrooms for the winter is as follows: take a deep frying pan and melt a piece of margarine. Cut the onions into small cubes and put it in the pan. Add pre-cooked mushrooms there, salt them and pepper to taste. Make a small fire and cover the pan. Fry the mushrooms, not forgetting to stir them periodically. When honey agarics begin to "shoot", make the fire bigger and fry them, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and carefully lay the workpiece in pre-sterilized jars of 0.5 l. Roll them up with lids. Everything, a wonderful snack for the winter is ready. Such mushrooms can simply be heated in a pan and add sour cream to them, and can be used to prepare first and second courses.

how to cook mushrooms fried

Honey mushrooms: recipes. Appetizing mushrooms fried for the winter

There is another recipe for canning fried honey mushrooms. To prepare this fragrant billet, ghee and, of course, pre-peeled and boiled honey mushrooms are required. Ghee can be made independently from the calculation - for 1 kg of butter put half a teaspoon of salt. So, the recipe for roasted mushrooms for the winter is as follows: take a deep pan or thick-walled stewpan and melt the oil in it. We put honey mushrooms there, cover the container with a lid and fry, periodically stirring the mushrooms with a spatula. After the white steam stops going, fry on medium heat for another 10 minutes. Salt the dish to taste. Now we lay out the appetizer on pre-sterilized jars, tamping well - so that there are no air bubbles. It is advisable to do this with a spoon with holes so that excess oil flows into the pan. We fill the banks with honey mushrooms to the very top and allow them to cool. The oil should settle and harden. After that, add the remaining ghee to each jar and leave to cool. We cover the containers with parchment paper and put them in the refrigerator. After complete hardening, the parchment should be removed and the jars should be closed with boiled plastic covers. Keep such a workpiece in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal!

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