Cherry plum jam: a culinary discovery for desserts

Cherry plum jam has an incomparable, moderately sweet taste. Many housewives love to make rolls, rolls and pies from this product. But if little hands get to the jars stored for baking, your family runs the risk of being left without branded desserts. Therefore, hide jam from cherry plum, prepared for the winter, in a secluded place, preferably away from children's eyes. Well, how to cook this dish, we will tell in our article.

Cherry plum jam

Technologically challenging process

Do not deny that making jam is a rather time-consuming process. You will have to stock up on time, patience and make some efforts. True, the result will exceed all expectations. If you do everything right, you will end up with a beautiful, noble amber-colored cherry plum jam. We will provide the recipe with the photo below. The consistency of the output should resemble marmalade.

What ingredients will be needed for cooking

So, for the preparation of an unsurpassed dessert, we need the following components:

  • yellow cherry plum - 1 kilogram,
  • granulated sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • water - 200 ml.

If you have a lot of cherry plum, then you can safely increase the proportion by half or two. Looking around the list of products, the housewives will be perplexed to ask: what, in fact, is the difficulty? However, the most "interesting" is waiting for you from the very beginning, even at the stage of processing the fruits. Cherry plum jam will turn out to be delicious only if you take out a bone from each fruit and remove the skin. Despite the fact that cherry plum belongs to the genus of plum, the seed does not go so easily, and in order to get rid of the "insides", you have to cook the fruits a little. Try to choose only ripe fruits, the taste of the output depends on this. But substandard fruits can be used.

Cherry plum jam recipe

Fruit preparation

For starters, cherry plum needs to be sorted out, washed and folded into an enameled basin. Add a glass of water to the container and put on a small fire, bring to a boil and do not forget to stir. Fruits are boiled quickly, so evaluate readiness visually. Now it is time to free the mass from the bones. To do this, you need to take a sieve with small holes, put it on a deep saucepan and throw there cherry plum with juice. Rub the resulting mass with your hands so that the flesh goes beyond the sieve and forms a fruit puree, fluffy and very fragrant. It remains to throw out the bones and the cake, and put the resulting mass on fire again.

Seedless cherry plum jam: the cooking process

Add sugar to the fruit mass immediately and gently stir with a wooden spoon. Put the brew only on a slow fire, otherwise you risk spoiling the product. While the jam is boiling, do not leave it for a minute and stir all the time, it should never be burnt. The foam that appears on the surface must be removed immediately. As soon as you see that cherry plum jam has boiled and thickened a lot, it means it's time to remove it from the fire. It is necessary to transfer the finished dish in sterilized jars in a hot form. Now, fragrant amber jam can be rolled up, allowed to cool and cleaned in a cold place.

Seedless cherry plum jam

Cherry plum jam: cinnamon recipe

Traditionally, we are used to using yellow cherry plum for harvesting for the winter. However, in nature there are some varieties of this tree. In addition, red cherry plum jam will be a real discovery for many culinary specialists. Since the fruits are small enough, it is better to clear them from the stone in the way, as we indicated in the first recipe, through a sieve. But if you have a fine and sharp knife perfectly, you can try to cut the bone together with the adjacent pulp. If you take 1 kilogram of fruit, after removing everything unnecessary you should get about 600 grams of the product. Well, now we will announce the entire list of the necessary ingredients:

  • red cherry plum (seedless) - 600 g;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick.

Cooking process

Take a pan with a thick bottom and place the processed fruits and sugar there, and put a cinnamon stick on top. Put the container on medium heat and, stirring regularly, bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and cook, without ceasing to stir and not forgetting to remove the foam. This is necessary so that the finished product is not susceptible to acidification during storage in the winter. In addition, in addition to curdled proteins, various debris may be contained in the foam. That is why it is customary to delete it.

Cherry plum jam recipe with photo

Cherry plum jam, the recipe of which you see, should cook for a long time, approximately 45 minutes. However, a visual assessment of the process does not hinder. So, the consistency of the jam should be dense and thick, and the foam will no longer form on the edges of the pan, gathering exclusively in the center. If you have a culinary thermometer in your kitchen, you can also use this device for complete confidence. If the cherry plum jam, the recipe of which we now provide you with, is ready, the thermometer will give out 104 degrees.

Final stage

Now you can remove the cinnamon stick from the finished dish and immediately, in hot form, pour the jam into pre-prepared sterilized jars. Roll up containers with lids and turn them upside down on a kitchen towel. Also, before cooling completely, you can cover the jars with another two or three kitchen towels or a thin blanket. The container is turned to its normal position after complete cooling. Such seedless cherry plum jam can be stored for up to six months in the pantry or any other place having room temperature. And after the expiration of the specified period, banks can be removed in a cold place. Unless, of course, up to this point you eat a dessert.

Cherry plum jam for the winter

Interesting Facts

Cherry plum is a dietary product due to its low sugar content in fruits. That is why many people do not like to eat these fruits raw, believing that they are overly acidic. In yellow cherry plum there is more ascorbic acid, and in red and blue more pectin, tannins are also contained there. This means that red cherry plum jam thickens much faster and requires less granulated sugar.

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