Passasix: instructions for use. Passasix: indications for use, reviews, analogues

Vomiting is called a reflex eruption through the mouth (sometimes through the nose) of the contents of the stomach or duodenum. This phenomenon is due to a reduction in the muscles of the press.

instruction for use

During vomiting, the outlet of the stomach is closed, and his body is completely relaxed. At the same time, the entrance to it opens, and the esophagus and oral cavity expand.

The entire described reflex act is controlled by the vomiting center, which is located in the medulla oblongata. This condition of a person can be observed with infectious diseases, poisoning, the accumulation of toxins in the blood, with irritation of the peritoneum, peptic ulcer, gastritis, in pregnant women, etc.

Occasional vomiting is not accompanied by bleeding, and also does not threaten the patient's life. But if such a process is repeated very often, then this can lead to serious consequences. These include dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, which can lead to death. That is why with the appearance of periodic vomiting, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is also required to take special medications that help suppress the reflex.

The most popular antiemetic drugs include such a medication as Passasix. Indications for use and instructions for this medication will be presented below.

Release form, packaging and composition

In what form is Passasix medicine given? Customer reviews report that such a product is sold in the form of chewable tablets. They are packed in blisters and a cardboard box, respectively.

The active ingredient of the drug in question is domperidone. As excipients, aspartame, xylitol, lactitol, magnesium stearate and menthol are used.

Passiks instructions for use

Pharmacological characteristics

Instructions for use (Passasix should be used only if indicated) reports that the drug in question is an antiemetic drug. He is the central antagonist of dopamine receptors.

This medication is able to increase the duration of peristaltic contractions in the antrum of the stomach and duodenum. It also accelerates the emptying of the contents of the digestive tract (while slowing down this process), eliminates nausea and vomiting, and increases the tone of the esophageal sphincter (in the lower section).

It should also be noted that domperidone penetrates rather weakly through the blood-brain barrier. That is why the use of this medication is rarely accompanied by extrapyramidal reactions.

It should also be noted that domperidone is able to stimulate the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland.

The action (antiemetic) of the drug in question is due to a combination of gastrokinetic influence and dopamine antagonism in the trigger zone of chemoreceptors. It should also be said that this substance does not adversely affect gastric secretion.

Kinetic properties

What kinetic indicators are inherent in Passasix medicine? Instructions for use indicate that after taking a chewable tablet, its active ingredient is rapidly absorbed into the blood.

passics instructions for use reviews

Domperidone has low bioavailability (approximately 15%). Its maximum concentration is observed after 65 minutes.

Decreased acidity of gastric juice may decrease the absorption of the drug.

According to experts, domperidone is well distributed in various tissues. As for the brain, the concentration of the drug in it is low. Communication with plasma proteins is about 92-93%.

It should also be noted that Passasix (tablets) is metabolized in the walls of the liver and intestines. It is excreted through the intestines (about 66%) and the kidneys (about 33%).

The half-life of the drug is 7-8 hours. With severe renal failure, this interval is lengthened.


The medication in question is prescribed for vomiting and nausea of ​​various origins, including organic and functional diseases, radiation therapy and infections. Also, this remedy can be prescribed for toxemia, morphine, diet disorders, the use of Levodopa, Apomorphine and Bromocriptine.

In what other cases can the Passasix medication be used? Instructions for use indicate that this medicine is often prescribed during gastric atony (including postoperative), hiccups, radiopaque and endoscopic examinations of the digestive tract. Also, the drug in question is necessary to accelerate peristalsis during diagnostic procedures, dyspeptic disorders resulting from delayed emptying of the stomach, esophagitis and gastroesophageal reflux.

passenger indications for use

Passasix tablets, the indications for use of which are discussed above, show themselves well with a feeling of fullness in the stomach, flatulence, a feeling of bloating, gastralgia, heartburn and belching.


When should you not take Passasix tablets? Instructions for use, reviews report the following contraindications of the drug in question:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • children under the age of 5 years, as well as babies with a body weight of up to 20 kg;
  • prolactinoma;
  • phenylketonuria.

It should also be noted that this tool is not prescribed if stimulation of the motor work of the stomach can be dangerous (with gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation or obstruction).

With caution, this drug can be used for kidney or liver failure, during pregnancy and during lactation.

Passasix tablets: instructions for use

Passacyx chewable tablets are recommended to be taken ¼ hours before eating.

In chronic dyspepsia, adults are prescribed 10 mg of the drug (1 tablet) three times a day. If necessary, the medication can be taken before bedtime.

For children over 5 years of age, this drug is given 2.5 mg for every 10 kg of weight three times a day and, if necessary, before bedtime.

passenger instruction

In subacute and acute conditions (with nausea and vomiting), adult patients are prescribed 20 mg of the drug four times a day and at bedtime. Children over 5 years old are recommended to take 5 mg of medication for every 10 kg of weight four times a day and at bedtime.

In renal failure, a dose adjustment is required with a frequency of administration of no more than 1-2 times throughout the day.

The maximum dosage of medication per day for adults is 80 mg (i.e. 8 tablets). As for children, it should not be higher than 10 mg for every 10 kg of a child’s weight.

Side effects

Do adverse reactions cause Passasix chewable tablets? Reviews of experts say that this tool can cause unwanted effects in the form of:

  • transient bowel spasms;
  • extrapyramidal phenomena;
  • increased plasma prolactin concentration;
  • galactorrhea, dysmenorrhea and gynecomastia;
  • rashes and hives.

Overdose Signs

What symptoms of an overdose can the Passasix medication cause? The instruction states that such phenomena include drowsiness, disorientation and extrapyramidal reactions.

passenger testimony

To treat such conditions, it is recommended to take activated charcoal and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous administration of Passasix medication with anticholinergics can neutralize the effect of the former.

The combination with antacids reduces its bioavailability.

With a combination of domperidone and drugs that inhibit the CYP3A4 isoenzyme (for example, macrolide antibiotics, azole antifungals, Nefazodon antidepressant, HIV protease inhibitors), the patient may experience an increase in the concentration of the active substance in the blood.

The medication in question does not affect the plasma concentration of digoxin and paracetamol. It is not excluded that it can affect the absorption of drugs (simultaneously applied internally) with a slow release of the active ingredient or enteric coated.

Breastfeeding and pregnancy

The drug "Passengers" is forbidden to take during pregnancy.

In women, the concentration of domperidone in milk is four times lower than in plasma. It is not known whether this has a negative effect on babies. Therefore, if you need to use the medicine during breastfeeding, lactation should be discontinued.

passix tablets

Passasix tablets: analogues and cost

The cost of the funds in question is about 220-360 rubles. If necessary, the antiemetic drug can be replaced with one of such medicines as Motilium, Domstal, Kinedril, Avioplant, Doprokin-S, Diskineton, Emeset, Motinol, etc. d.

It should be recalled that all of the above funds may have their own characteristics. Therefore, they should be used instead of Passazhix only after consulting a doctor.

Reviews about the drug

Most patients who have used the medication in question speak of its high effectiveness. According to consumers, this remedy quickly eliminates the feeling of nausea and prevents the appearance of vomiting.

It should also be noted that this medicine can be taken with other symptoms. For example, it is often used for heaviness in the stomach or bloating. In this case, chewing tablets are recommended to be taken one at a time three times a day for five days.

The main disadvantages of the Passasix drug are side effects that occur while taking it, as well as the presence of various contraindications.

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