Dishes from milk: recipes with photos

Today we will tell you how to cook dishes from milk, we will consider different recipes. In our article we will describe soups, omelets, pancakes and other equally tasty dishes.

Millet Milk Soup

If you are interested in recipes for cereals and milk, then you will like millet soup. Great food for lunch. It can be prepared on the day off. Such a soup, of course, should be sweet. The recipe suggests using sugar, but you can replace it with honey.

To prepare, you need:

  • two liters of milk;
  • one and a half glasses of millet groats;
  • vanillin, sugar (to taste).

milk dishes recipes

The process of preparing millet soup with millet porridge

1. First, rinse millet under running water. Soak in cold water for about fifteen minutes. During this period, the cereal will swell.

2. Then place a pot of cold water on the stove. Then add the wheat. Bring to a boil. Place the pot on a small fire. Cook for about eight minutes.

3. Then drain the water, holding the porridge with a lid.

4. Pour milk into it.

5. Cook until cooked on low heat.

6. At the end, put the butter (piece) and sweeten to taste. Add vanillin.

milk dishes recipes with photos

7. Cover the finished soup with a lid, let stand for seven minutes so that the millet swells. After pour it on plates and invite relatives to eat.

Cottage cheese casserole with fruit filling

What are the known recipes for milk and dairy products? There are a lot of them. We suggest staying on a cottage cheese casserole. After all, everyone loves her: both adults and children! This pastry has a very pleasant aroma.

For cooking you will need:

  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • three eggs;
  • 600 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 50 grams of starch;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Cooking casseroles at home: step by step instructions

1. First, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the first with sugar (75 grams) until foam.

sour milk dishes recipes

2. Similarly, beat the yolks with the same amount of sugar.

3. Then mix cottage cheese, vanilla and starch with milk.

4. Then add any filling to the resulting mass. For example, it can be berries or dried fruits.

5. Then add the yolks and squirrels. Stir the mass.

6. Cover the baking dish with parchment. Put the curd mass there. Cook in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of about 180 degrees. Serve with jam or jam.

We have already examined some dishes from milk, the recipes are simple, as you may have noticed. But if none of the dishes you liked, then read the article further. There are no less tasty dishes from milk, we will consider recipes in detail.

Blanmange with cottage cheese

This delicious cottage cheese dish has a very delicate structure, while it has a memorable bright taste. Various berries are also added to the dish, for example apricots or peaches.

For cooking you will need:

  • half a glass of milk, sugar and sour cream;
  • one tablespoon of gelatin;
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar;
  • apricots (of your choice);
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese.

Cooking a delicious meal at home

1. First prepare the right ingredients.

2. Then dilute the gelatin in the milk and let it swell for about twenty minutes.

3. After washing the apricots, divide them into halves.

4. Then remove the seeds from the fruit.

5. Mix cottage cheese with sugar. Add sour cream and vanilla sugar. Stir again.

6. After the swollen gelatin, heat on low heat, but do not bring to a boil.

7. Then pour gelatin into a curd mass in a thin stream. After add the apricots. Then mix the mass.

8. Then shift it to the form. Put in the refrigerator for five hours to freeze the dish. Enjoy your meal!

Sour milk pancakes with cottage cheese

What kind of dishes can be made from sour milk? There are different recipes . We offer you the option of making pancakes. Products fried according to this recipe are very magnificent. The technology for creating them is very simple.

simple milk recipes

For cooking you will need:

  • one and a half glasses of sour milk and water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • one large chicken egg;
  • 400 grams of sweet cottage cheese;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • two tablespoons.

Cooking pancakes with cottage cheese at home

1. Initially, prepare the dough for the pancakes. To do this, whisk the eggs with salt and sugar in a bowl with a whisk. Then alternately (gradually) pour water, milk (sour), pour soda. Then mix the mass until smooth.

2. Then pour in the vegetable oil.

3. After, proceed to baking.

4. Each pancake should be fried for about two minutes.

5. When all products are ready, start making the filling.

6. Put cottage cheese in the middle of the pancake, wrap it. Repeat the same with other products.

Denver Omelet

What is worth preparing dishes from eggs and milk? Omelette recipes you should like. First, we’ll look at how to cook Denver omelettes. Such food is very popular in the western regions of the United States. Especially often it is cooked by men for breakfast. Such an omelet turns out to be satisfying, and it cooks quickly.

egg and milk recipes
For cooking you will need:

  • 100 grams of ham, cheddar cheese and champignons;
  • four eggs;
  • one tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • one sweet green pepper;
  • half of the bulb;
  • two pinches of salt;
  • one pinch of ground black pepper;
  • thirty grams of butter.

The process of preparing an omelet in a pan: step by step instructions

1. First finely chop the mushrooms, onions and peppers.

2. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil for three to four minutes.

3. Then salt and pepper the dish.

4. After chop the ham into small cubes. Then add to the pan with pepper and onions. Fry for about two minutes.

5. After the entire contents of the pan, put in a bowl.

recipes for milk and dairy products

6. Then grate the cheese in the same container. After thoroughly mix all the components.

7. Next, beat with a fork two eggs with salt (one pinch).

8. Then, in a heated frying pan with butter (creamy), pour the resulting talker from the eggs.

9. Then, after a few seconds, use a spatula to evenly distribute the eggs in the pan.

10. Then, when the mixture remains liquid, put half of the mixture of mushrooms, pepper, ham and cheese (grated on a coarse grater) on half an omelet.

cereals and milk recipes

11. Then fold the omelet in half. Cook until the cheese melts. You can turn the product over once during cooking. That's all, one serving of omelet is ready. Now cook the second one in exactly the same way.

Lush omelet - great breakfast for kids and adults

What else can you cook with milk? Recipes of such dishes are simple to execute. We suggest you cook a magnificent omelet. Such a product is very similar to what is served in kindergarten. Preparing a magnificent omelet in the oven. It is baked in large form. It turns out such an omelet is tall, lush and beautiful.

After removing it from the oven, it will of course sink. At the same time, he will not lose taste. Such a meal is simply prepared, it turns out delicious and very useful.

For the dish you will need:

  • 300 ml of milk;
  • ½ teaspoon of salt;
  • six medium-sized eggs;
  • butter (at its discretion).

recipes for delicious egg and dairy products

Cooking omelet in the oven: step by step instructions

1. Initially, in a deep bowl, beat all the eggs, salt to taste.

2. Then pour the milk there.

3. After thoroughly mix the mass with a whisk. You should get a homogeneous mixture.

4. Then pour the resulting mass into a baking dish (pre-lubricated with butter).

recipes for milk and egg dishes home-cooked

5. In the oven preheated to two hundred degrees, the dish is baked for about thirty minutes (maybe a little more). Good appetite!

Little conclusion

Now you know how to make milk dishes. Recipes with photos presented in the article will help you in creating dishes. We wish you good luck in preparing healthy dishes. We hope that you will be able to make such dishes at home and your family will like milk dishes, the recipes of which are presented above and are simple even for beginners.

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