Diffuse changes in the prostate gland - what does it mean? Types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dystrophic pathological defects of the parenchyma of the organ of the urinary system are diffuse changes in the prostate gland.

What does it mean? The cause of this phenomenon usually becomes an abscess, neoplasm or inflammation. Diffuse changes can only be determined by ultrasound. Thanks to this method, you can distinguish them from adenoma, cancer, cysts and other diseases. To minimize negative consequences, you need to regularly go to the urologist for examinations.

diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the prostate gland

So, diffuse changes in the prostate gland - what does it mean? Consider the types, causes and signs of pathology. Diffuse changes can occur in various ways. There is a specific classification of their species, each of which has specific features. Currently, there are several specific varieties.

Wall hypoplasia

This is a phenomenon that most often appears in boys before adulthood. The reason for it is considered the underdeveloped state of the prostate gland, which has thin walls, weak muscle tissue and insufficient size. The prostate gland due to hypoplasia begins to develop in a eunuchoid type. This condition is diagnosed through an extended hormonal blood test and ultrasound.

What other types of diffuse changes in the prostate are?

Wall hyperplasia

Hyperplasia with diffuse changes in the prostate is considered a common occurrence . What does it mean? Such changes mainly appear against the background of an inflammatory chronic process. Due to its incorrect functioning, small nodules appear in the organ. They grow over time, uniting into one, which negatively affects all adjacent internal organs. This is a benign neoplasm, it can not give metastases. However, signs of diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the prostate gland may go unnoticed.

Prostate atrophy

It occurs against a background of hormonal defects. It is such biologically active substances that are responsible for the formation and growth of the male reproductive system. Due to the appearance of violations of the development of the penis, the prostate gland begins to die due to its uselessness. This may affect testicular orchitis. In this case, their complete resection is prescribed - the only treatment option.

chronic diffuse changes in the prostate gland

Dysplasia of the walls of the prostate or tissue

The most common type of diffuse organ changes. It differs in the concentration of tissues on its walls that are not present in this cavity. Depending on the level, there are mild, moderate diffuse changes in the prostate gland and pronounced. At the first two stages, atypical cells appear on a small area of ​​the organ wall. There are more and more of them over time. If you ignore this disease, cells can develop into oncology.


Experts believe that the main cause of diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the prostate gland is the long process of inflammation. Bacterial and infectious infections, for example, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, a fungus and many other pathogens, can provoke this phenomenon. In addition, the following reasons can cause the growth of muscle and fibrous diffuse organ changes:

  • the formation of sclerosis of the prostate;
  • defect in intracellular material metabolism;
  • impaired blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • urogenital system pathologies: adenoma, prostatitis;
  • frequent injuries and hypothermia of the penis;
  • malignant formations of the prostate;
  • unbalanced and malnutrition;
  • involution with the spread of tumors to other organs;
  • distribution of metastases throughout the patient’s body.

The cause of diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the prostate gland can also be a person’s bad habits: smoking and addiction to alcohol. Such changes can be caused by an inactive lifestyle, an unbalanced improper diet, an irregular intimate life, a hereditary predisposition, etc. To prevent the appearance of pathogenic neoplasms, you need to try to undergo a comprehensive examination at the urologist every year.

moderate diffuse changes in the prostate gland


If there is a suspicion of any diffuse changes in the tissue of the prostate gland, the doctor will send the patient for an extended diagnostic examination. Thanks to him, it turns out to establish the degree of damage and the perceived risks. It should be borne in mind that the study in this case will be deeper, since there is still no definite disease. It usually includes the following procedures:

  • Biochemical and general blood test.
  • A blood test for PSA is one of the most important procedures for diffuse changes in the prostate gland, which allows to identify markers of malignant neoplasms.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary system is the only way to determine not the origin of the changes, but the very fact of their presence. It also makes it possible to assess the condition of internal organs.
  • Transurethral diagnosis - the state of the prostate gland is assessed. With its help, a specialist determines the size and volume of the neoplasm and the organ itself, and especially the circulatory system.
  • Histological examination - a biopsy is performed, the result of which is a fence of a certain amount of tissue from all parts of the prostate gland. Then they are carefully examined under a microscope, the doctor evaluates the possible development.
  • One of the most important diagnostic methods is a spermogram, due to which it is possible to identify the properties of this biological fluid. It is necessary to determine the motility, speed and number of sperm. During diffuse changes, these parameters are violated most often, and by such deviations they can be easily diagnosed.
    diffuse changes in prostate tissue
  • Evaluation of urination - you need to determine the duration, volume and speed of urination. These parameters with diffuse changes in the structure of the prostate gland become worse.


It must be said once again that it is not diffuse organ changes that are treated, but diseases diagnosed by ultrasound and ultrasound images. Thus, treatment is prescribed for adenomas (benign prostatic hyperplasia), prostatitis, adenocarcinoma, prostate sclerosis, etc. The drugs used in the treatment of the inflammatory process of the prostate, namely benign prostatic hyperplasia, contain α-adrenergic blocking agents: doxasosin ( "Urokard", "Camiren", "Artesin"); tamsulosin (Omsulosin, Hyperprost, Tamsulide); silodosin (drug "Urorek"). It also includes antiandrogenic drugs that reduce the activity of 5-alpha reductase: dutasteride (Avodart drug), finasteride (Finpros, Urofin, Prosterid), etc.


"Tamsulosin" is prescribed for chronic diffuse changes in the prostate gland, one capsule once a day (after eating in the morning), if there are no liver disorders. Side effects include intestinal upsets, nausea, tinnitus, rapid heart rate, headache, and weakness.

The drug Finasteride (tablets of five milligrams) should be taken one at a time once a day. Side effects such as depression, allergic skin reactions, and temporary erectile dysfunction may follow.

signs of diffuse changes in prostate parenchyma


Specialists prescribe the Vitaprost drug for diffuse focal changes in the prostate gland (rectal suppositories and tablets) and the Palprostes drug (Prostamol, Prostagut, Serpens), which contains palm extract Sabal serrulata.

This plant is also used in homeopathy: it is included in the multi-component preparation "Gentos" (in the form of tablets and drops), taken three times a day for two to three months - under the tongue, one tablet or inside, 15 drops. The main side effect is observed in the form of increased salivation.

If prostate cysts do not provoke inflammation, a man’s condition is monitored and vitamins are recommended. However, with such a size of the cyst that interferes with urination, a sclerotherapy procedure is prescribed.

If there is prostate adenoma or an inflammatory process, physiotherapeutic treatment can improve the patient's condition: massage, magnetotherapy, rectal electrophoresis, UHF.

Surgical therapy

With pathologies of the prostate gland, including prostate adenoma, surgery may be necessary if treatment with drugs is ineffective. Used surgical methods include transurethral laparoscopic resection of the prostate (through the channel of urination) and laparotomy adenomectomy through the human bladder.

Endoscopic minimally invasive methods include acicular radio wave ablation (i.e. transurethral), laser or electro-vaporization, laser enucleation of the prostate, and microwave thermocoagulation.

types of diffuse changes in the prostate gland

Treatment with folk remedies

Perhaps the most famous treatment for folk remedies for prostate disorders is the use of pumpkin seeds, which contain a vitamin complex with antioxidant properties, lignans that stimulate hormonal synthesis, omega-6 fatty acids.

Among natural effective preparations, green tea, turmeric, as well as watermelon and tomatoes saturated with lycopene are noted.

Herbal treatment carried out by decoctions and infusions from the roots of dioecious nettle, flowers of medicinal calendula and pharmacy chamomile, scepter-like fireweed and yarrow helps reduce the intensity of a number of symptoms. They help to quench the site of spread and reduce the manifestations of diffuse changes in the prostate gland.

Complications of pathology

In any case, such changes are benign. But with prolonged ignoring of this condition, a man can develop serious complications, which significantly worsen the patient’s condition, and can reduce his life expectancy. The complications of diffuse organ changes include the following disorders:

  • Renal damage - due to the fact that the body is not able to remove urine in sufficient quantities, it begins to absorb the waste toxins and wastes. This changes the structural features of the kidneys, as a result of which, over time, they may stop working. Often, against the background of stagnation in the body, calculi appear, the formation of kidney failure is possible. In addition, hydronephrosis, in which the expansion and death of the organ occurs, acts as a renal lesion.
  • Urine stagnation is one of the most serious complications, which can cause dangerous disorders of the human body. In addition to affecting the kidneys, diffuse changes can cause urine to be thrown into the retroperitoneal space or into the blood.
  • Rupture of the bladder - due to the fact that urine cannot exit the body normally, there is a delay in the bladder. Its volume fills with time, the liquid continues to flow. Because of this, the walls of the organ are torn. This condition needs immediate medical attention, it can quickly lead to abscess and death.
  • Diffuse organ hyperplasia is a disease in which urine cannot also leave the patient's body. Because of this, a person is faced with significant pain, the stomach swells, edema appears.

To prevent the development of complications, you need to follow all the recommendations of a specialist who will conduct the necessary studies for diagnosis and help determine the origin of changes in the organ.

diffuse focal changes in the prostate gland


At the heart of preventive measures for any pathology is a healthy lifestyle. In order to prevent the development of diffuse changes in the prostate gland, you need to play sports, so that the phenomena of stagnation in the small pelvis will be minimized. In addition, we must not forget about the importance of proper nutrition. In order for the prostate gland to be healthy, you need to regularly lead an intimate life. Also, one should not forget about annual examinations by specialists of a narrow profile.

The doctor will be able to stop any pathogenic processes, explain the root cause of their occurrence and explain in general where the pathology came from, how to treat it and what it means. Diffuse changes in the prostate gland are easily stopped at the initial stage.

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