How to draw a teddy bear: process

In this article we will discuss how to draw a Teddy bear with a pencil. Teddy Bear is a teddy bear that has been popular since the 20th century to this day. Teddy's bears, in fact, are still very young, compared with their brown counterparts - they are a little over ten years old. Almost every home has these teddy bears, why don't we try to draw them on paper?

Tools and materials

In order to draw a Teddy bear, as shown below, you will need: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. Also, if your plans include painting a drawing, you will need paints of various colors, a brush and a jar of water. If you have already prepared all this, you can start drawing!

How to draw a teddy bear in stages?

Teddy Bear with a Heart
  • First of all, we depict the head. Draw a circle. Next, draw the ears on the head.
  • After we draw a heart at the level of the chin.
  • Using the eraser, we remove the line of the chin intersecting with the heart.
  • We paint on the hand holding the heart, starting from the bottom of the head and ending in the middle of the heart.
  • The second hand is depicted slightly higher and more straight.
  • We depict two identical legs below.
  • We pass to the face of the teddy bear. From the middle to the bottom, draw a circle on which we depict the nose and smile of the bear. We put two bold points a little higher - these will be the eyes.
  • At the very end, when the bear is already finished, we proceed to decorate the heart: we depict seams along its edges, and in the middle of them we write "I love you", which translates as "I love you." If desired, you can write something else - of your choice.

Here's how to draw a teddy bear with a heart - easy and simple.

Bear with a flower

You drew a Teddy bear with a heart, now try to depict a bear with a camomile.

  • We draw a circle - a head and an oval - a trunk.
    First step
  • Inside the head we draw a line dividing it into two parts - from top to bottom. And also one more line from left to right (not from beginning to end), we make digressions. We draw these lines so that later it will be easier to draw a face. Under the horizontal line, draw another one as shown in the photo.
    Second phase
  • We paint the ears on both sides on the head. We also draw Teddy bear's arm and legs.
    Third stage
  • Now let's see how to draw a Teddy bear's face. Just below the horizontal line drawn earlier on the face, we depict an oval, inside which another one is smaller (it will be a nose). On the most horizontal line, draw eyes: two semicircles directed downward. On the left side we add a patch.

    Fourth stage
  • Using the eraser, we remove all lines drawn at the initial stage. We make out a beautiful nose. We decorate the patch with dashes on each side. We draw a few more seams, as if thereby showing that the bear is already old, but still dearly beloved, since they take care of it. We draw semicircles inside the ears to give the ears a more realistic shape.
    Fifth stage
  • We remove the extra lines in the picture: for example, the line of the hand that went out on the belly. On the tummy of the bear, we also draw a long seam. On the side we draw a patch. And we turn to drawing a flower: we depict the stem and the middle, to which in the future it will be necessary to attach the petals.
    Sixth stage
  • The drawing is almost over. Let's see how to draw a teddy bear flower. We already have a middle and a stalk, we pass to the image of the petals. We draw them one after another in a circle, and then add one more each to the space between the two petals, so that the chamomile seems more voluminous. Also on both legs of the bear we draw seams, both on the face and tummy.
    Seventh stage

That's all, our teddy bear is ready! Let's make it colorful.

Coloring Drawings

In order to color the teddy bears you painted, you will need colors of brown, yellow, green, red, white, as well as black. All these colors are basic, so you most likely have them. Let's get started!

How to draw a Teddy bear, we found out, now we will analyze how to colorize.

The bodies of both cubs are painted in brown. Stitches, patches, eyes, eyebrows, nose and outlines black paint on the contour. In the first figure, you still need to colorize the heart. Fill it with red, and the inscription on it can be made, for example, white.

In the second picture we have a camomile. The middle of the flower is painted in yellow, the stem in green. Flower petals can be painted with white paint: although it will not be particularly visible, it is better not to leave the details completely unattended. With white paint, the effect will still be better than without it.

That's all, teddy bears are painted and painted. Now set your drawings aside so that they dry out. If you do not like the result, take a piece of paper and try again. Train and everything will work out. Good luck

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