Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids is one of the most important components of therapy. This tool is reliable, tested over the years, allows you to deal with the most unpleasant manifestations of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are a fairly serious, long-term disease that requires proper and timely therapy. In advanced forms and during an exacerbation, it can provoke complications, and therapy involves surgical intervention, which for a long time pushes the process of complete recovery.

hemorrhoids heparin ointment reviews

When applying heparin ointment for hemorrhoids, the duration of the exacerbation period is significantly reduced, the patient's condition is quickly relieved. The drug is quite popular due to its availability, effectiveness and low cost.


"Heparin ointment" is a combined medication, an anticoagulant with a direct type of exposure, which is used externally. The ointment looks uniform, the consistency is jelly-like, has a white color, with a slight shade of yellow. The smell is absent. The main active component in its composition is heparin, with the gradual release of which an antithrombotic effect occurs, inflammation decreases. This is confirmed by the instructions for use.

With hemorrhoids "Heparin ointment" allows you to eliminate stagnation, start the process of resorption of previously formed blood clots, prevent the formation of new ones. The active components of the ointment are benzyl nicotinate, benzocaine, heparin. Their combination has a vasodilating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Against the background of the use of heparin ointment for hemorrhoids, there is a quick relief of such unpleasant symptoms as burning and itching in the anus, swelling, inflammation, pain. The drug has a pronounced thrombolytic effect, the ability to reduce blood coagulation, thereby normalizing blood flow and preventing stagnation.

Reviews of heparin ointment for hemorrhoids will be presented below.

Forms of release, composition

Each gram of ointment contains 100 IU of sodium heparin, 40 mg of benzocaine, 0.8 mg of benzyl nicotinate.

The drug is produced in tubes of aluminum, each of which contains 25 or 10 grams of the product.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to use heparin ointment with hemorrhoids, is it safe.

heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

Pharmacological effects

The effect of the drug is due to the properties of the active components that make up it.

  1. When applying the ointment to the affected area, the release of heparin begins, as a result of which the inflammation stops, the resorption of blood clots begins. Heparin has the ability to reduce the amount of fibrin contained in the blood - a protein that is the basis of a blood clot. Against this background, the ability of cells to adhere to each other is significantly reduced. Heparin is not capable of dissolving a thrombus, but it effectively stops the process of its subsequent increase. Thus, a gradual resorption of the thrombus occurs.
  2. The benzyl nicotinate contained in the ointment dilates the superficial blood vessels and helps the heparin to be quickly absorbed into the blood.
  3. Benzocaine is a powerful anesthetic with a local type of exposure, which can eliminate pain symptoms in a short time.
is it possible with hemorrhoids heparin ointment

With the combined and simultaneous exposure to these substances, the rapid elimination of unpleasant symptoms is provided. Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids can be used to treat both the chronic form of hemorrhoids, and during its exacerbation.

How fast is it?

The therapeutic effect when using the ointment occurs quite quickly, patients using it report that the pain in the anus is much weaker, hemorrhoids are significantly reduced. A similar effect occurs due to resorption of blood clots and outflow of blood.

The most effective is the use of ointment in the presence of external nodes. It is important to consider that the ointment acts for a short time, its positive effect lasts no more than 8 hours.

Therapy of internal hemorrhoids

If therapy for internal hemorrhoids is required, then the ointment should be used with caution. Severe pains are not typical for this type of disease, however, the bumps can reach significant sizes, thereby preventing the exit of feces.

If the patient has persistent constipation, then under the influence of solid feces, injury to the inflamed surface of the hemorrhoid can occur. As a result, the opening of bleeding is not excluded. In such cases, the use of ointment is not allowed. Due to its characteristics, it is able to prevent blood coagulation and provoke massive bleeding.

heparin ointment instructions for hemorrhoids

Indications for use

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids can be used to treat not only hemorrhoids, but also a number of pathologies:

  1. Subcutaneous hematomas, bruises, injuries.
  2. Lymphangitis.
  3. Elephantiasis.
  4. Superficial mastitis.
  5. Thrombophlebitis.
  6. An inflammatory process localized in hemorrhoids and developing after childbirth.
  7. Exacerbations of hemorrhoids.
  8. Chronic form of external and internal hemorrhoids.

When used in each of these cases, the medication proved its own effectiveness, therefore, it has long been used by specialists for the treatment of the described pathologies.

What else does the instruction for use with heparin ointment for hemorrhoids tell us?


Do not use the medication if the patient has an individual susceptibility to any of the components that make up its composition. It should not be used if the integrity of the skin at the intended site of application is impaired, or ulcerative-necrotic processes are present on them.

heparin ointment use for hemorrhoids

If the patient has problems associated with bleeding disorders, an increased tendency to bleeding is noted, the use of a medical ointment is strictly prohibited.

Also a contraindication is the period of a woman's menstruation, the presence of hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, and ulcerative lesions of the stomach.

In other cases, the medication does not cause a pronounced toxic effect. However, the appointment of the drug in any case should be done by the doctor.

Negative impact

According to the instructions for heparin ointment for hemorrhoids, in some cases, various manifestations of an allergic nature may develop, such as urticaria, itching, and redness.

In this regard, before starting to use the ointment for its intended purpose, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary sensitivity test. To do this, a small amount of the drug is applied to the bend of the elbow and wait several hours. In the absence of allergic reactions on the skin, the ointment can be safely used. If signs of allergy are detected, it is recommended to inform a specialist so that he adjusts the course of therapy.

How is hemorrhoids treated with heparin ointment?


The pattern of use of the medication depends on the treatment of which disease it is directed. The ointment can be used rectally or externally.

heparin ointment is possible with hemorrhoids
  1. If external hemorrhoids are expected to be treated, ointment in an amount of up to 2.5 grams should be applied to the affected area. Such an amount of ointment is used if the affected area takes no more than 5 cm. Then, the ointment must be gently rubbed with light movements. It is recommended to repeat the procedure up to three times a day until the symptoms of the inflammatory process disappear. It is important to wash the anorectal region with warm water and soap before application. The best effect will be achieved if you apply a gauze towel pre-soaked with ointment to the affected area at night. The average duration of use of the ointment is 7 days.
  2. If therapy for internal hemorrhoids is necessary, it is necessary to soak a gauze swab with ointment and carefully enter it into the anus. This procedure should be carried out once a day. If thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes is noted, a dressing soaked with medicine must be applied directly to the node, and then fix it. Treatment of internal hemorrhoidal nodes involves daily use of the ointment until the moment that the painful symptoms disappear. Most often this happens in a couple of weeks.

How to use heparin ointment for hemorrhoids, it is better to know in advance.

The first minutes after applying the ointment may be accompanied by a burning sensation, which soon disappears. It is important to remember that the prohibited application of ointment to the skin, the integrity of which is impaired, as well as in the presence of erosion in the anus. “Heparin ointment” should not be applied to open wounds of a purulent nature, as the causative agent of infection can penetrate into the body together with blood.

The use of “Heparin ointment” in the treatment of hemorrhoidal manifestations in pregnant women is allowed. Ointment does not negatively affect the fetus, practically has no side effects, it copes with hemorrhoids quickly and effectively. However, treatment during pregnancy should still be carried out under the supervision of a physician. In this case, with the appearance of undesirable effects, it will be possible to get timely help and adjust the course of treatment.

hemorrhoids heparin ointment treatment

Reviews on "Heparin ointment" from hemorrhoids

This medication is a highly effective and inexpensive remedy. It is used for many diseases characterized by lesions of the veins. Patients who used the drug for the treatment of various forms of hemorrhoids leave positive feedback very often. The medication eliminates unpleasant symptoms rather quickly, and negative manifestations occur extremely rarely. An additional advantage is that heparin ointment for hemorrhoids can be used during pregnancy.

However, it is important to remember that the medicine has a number of contraindications that impede its use. Therefore, you should not resort to self-medication, the doctor should prescribe the therapy.

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