Bear bile is widely used in oriental medicine. It is used in the form of tincture, powder, drops, ointments, pills. The most common tincture on vodka. It should be taken three times a day for a tablespoon or teaspoon (depending on the weight of the patient).
In Tibetan-Chinese medicine, bear bile has been used for three and a half thousand years. Healers especially appreciate its ability to activate the activity of internal organs and glands of the body. It was found that the period of the beginning of the use of this natural remedy was the seventh century BC.
In the recipes of modern Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean medicine, bear bile is used in the following cases:
- to eliminate the pain accompanying gallbladder disease;
- to activate the production of bile;
- in order to normalize the acidity level of gastric juice;
- for better absorption of fats;
- when neutralizing poisons in the body.
This natural remedy helps to get rid of cardiovascular and acute ENT diseases, intractable abscesses and ulcers, hypertension, hemorrhoids, tongs, as well as muscle pain resulting from hypothermia. Bear bile will help cleanse the body of echinococcus, giardia, roundworm, pinworms and other parasites. It also restores optimal metabolism, is able to dissolve cholesterol plaques and improve lipid metabolism.
As a result of scientific research, it was found that the main composition of this product is amino acids, fat, phospholipids, pigments and bile acids.
The latter are present in the human body (in its bile). Their volume can range from 0.5 to 4 percent, but over time it decreases due to illness and aging.
The data obtained during the experiments led to the conclusion that bear bile is effective in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Also established the positive effect of this product during the restoration of the body after transplantation of tissues and organs - bone marrow, heart, liver.
Bear bile is not contraindicated even to the smallest patients. It is this tool that helps them forget about biliary dyskinesia.
Bear bile. How to use?
For simple diseases and for preventive purposes, the product is used orally as a tincture. To prepare it, you will need to insist twenty-four grams of dry matter in half a liter of forty percent alcohol.
If external use is recommended, then the product is prepared as follows: 28 grams of the product is insisted on five hundred milliliters of sixty percent alcohol.
After four weeks, the infusion will be ready (the main thing is to remember to shake the container periodically).
Inside it is recommended to take it three times a day one hour before a meal. The optimal dosage will be determined based on data on the age, weight and height of the person, as well as information on the form of the disease.
It should be remembered that it is forbidden to seize or drink a medicinal product immediately after taking it. Also, during the therapeutic course, it is extremely undesirable to use any alcohol-containing drinks.
The standard duration of treatment is from one to two months (without interruptions). It all depends on the severity of the disease. After this time, you need to take a break of thirty days, and then conduct a second course of retention (also from one to two months).
The above method of using the product is most effective in case of severe cancer, with a large dose of radiation, hepatitis A and B.
Remember that the scheme of application and dosage is assigned individually!