Cheese is a favorite product of many people. Thanks to a wide variety of varieties and tastes, color and consistency, it is suitable for any gastronomic event, as a snack or dessert.
Like many other dairy products, cheese provides the body with protein, vitamins, healthy minerals, and saturated fats. Cheese is one of the best sources of calcium.
Cheeses are classified geographically or by place of origin, in accordance with variations of production technologies, milk type, general characteristics (taste, structure, size), physical properties (shape and appearance), moisture content. Cheese is categorized into four main types - soft, semi-soft, semi-hard and hard. It depends on the amount of moisture that directly affects the structure of the cheese.
In recent years, it has become relevant to determine a product by such characteristics as low-fat cheese, soft cheese and spicy cheese. This is actually the aspect of cheeses, although the same kind of cheese can be both low-fat and soft, and soft and sharp.
Most cheeses are made from whole milk. Certain varieties are from skim milk or whey. Distinctive taste, structural features depend on the type of milk, the methods of curdling, the type of bacteria that are used for the ripening process of cheese. Also the amount of salt or other seasonings added to the cheese. Equally important are conditions such as temperature, duration of ripening, moisture level. Sometimes, it would seem, insignificant changes in the processes can have significant consequences and the end result is a completely different cheese taste that differs from a particular variety.
In general, of course, as such the definition of "low-fat cheese" is somewhat incorrect, since any cheese contains fat.
Among the cheeses, which it has become customary to call as low-fat cheese because of the low fat content, the following can be listed: ricotta; feta; chechil; gaudette; granulated cottage cheese; Suluguni; Polar Valio; Adyghe; Arla, Oltermany; Viola Polar, Grunlander, Fitness. However, it should be borne in mind that the concept of "low-fat cheese" does not mean "light" products.
The homeland of cheese was cooked by Armenia and Turkey (Anatolia). In structure, it resembles suluguni and mozzarella. Produce it in the form of dense, thick, folded into eight "cords". Chechil ripens in sea water and is often smoked before consumption.
Another cheese, which is also classified as a low-fat cheese, although it is produced on the basis of soy milk, tofu.
Tofu, available in both Eastern and European markets, is surprising in its wide variety. However, it is divided into two main categories: fresh tofu made from soy milk, and processed tofu made from fresh tofu.
Tofu is a low-calorie product that contains a relatively large amount of protein and low fat content. It has a lot of iron, depending on the coagulant used in the production, calcium and magnesium.
Soft cheeses include cottage cheese, ricotta, brie, dor blue, roquefort, mozzarella, munster and the like. These cheeses are in good harmony with fruits and meat, often used as a breakfast product.
Spicy cheese has a strong flavor. The longer the cheese matures, the sharper it becomes. It is believed that after nine months of ripening, cheese can be classified as spicy. After fifteen months of ripening - extra spicy. Spicy cheeses are served with various dishes and with wine. Among the sharp cheeses can be distinguished cheddar, dorblu, limburger, asiago.
Milk cheeses are defined as soft and sharp varieties. They are served in salads or with fruits - pear, figs, dates. Sometimes with sparkling wine, varieties Sauvignon Cabernet, Porto, Zinfandel.